>god doesn't exist *bbbuurrrp* Willoughby
God doesn't exist *bbbuurrrp* Willoughby
this movie was one long boomer jerkoff.
What's up guys it's me Frances McDormand, here as my fully fleshed out character. I have depth because me and my daughter got in a fight before she died and I can be either angry or sad.
fucking hated this shitty movie, I can't fathom the praise it's getting. it is beyond me.
>mfw the daughter says "I hope I get raped" before she goes and gets raped
I would have left if I had anything better to do with my life.
god fucking damn it
>the constant tone shifts
>muh funny now, muh shocking now, muh sad now all in a span on 30 seconds
>being a gang member in LA is totally equal to being a priest in a small town community
>le evil white policeman and le evil white husband
>le good black chief, le good "lmao only weed" clerk, le nice gonna put your billboards up coloured fella
>muh strong women
>to be a detective you need....LOVE
> let's just kill a random dude, he might be a rapist
>guy's sole characterization and chief ad line in trailers is that he beat up black folk, clearly meant to enrage the audience
>film entirely forgets this and forms a redemption arc for him after he beats up a white guy
>the few black characters are dehumanized into stock roles of lovely support staff to the white ones or thrown in jail offscreen as a cruel joke for weeks on end
For real what did McDonagh mean by this, other than throwing in buzzwords about racial strife with police?
A very schwifty flick indeed good sir, only true soyteurs can appreciate it
this movie was kino af
i dont get Sup Forums sometimes
but i think its important to leave our own identities at the door when watching movies
That's the thing though the main character is actually wrong. For example her logic in the culpability speech actually works against her later in the film.
Agree about the tone shifts though
Keep your pepe memes in Sup Forums and your incel misogyny in reddit.
Liberals throw oscars and praise at anything that touts their anti-white agenda/confirms their world view
It's not even that, at least that's a worldview with conviction. This just pays lip service to topical politics about police brutality with no connection to the actual text of the film
Did anyone ITT actually understand the film?
Unless I got the whole thing wrong she is not supposed to be a sympathetic character bythe end of the movie.
No you got it. I don't think most people itt have even seen the movie desu
I think the problem is she wasn't sympathetic at any point in the film.
It's kind of an anti #metoo where it shows what happens when you let family members of victims too much power. that will probably hurt it in the oscars. but then again it makes poor people look like rubes so that will probably help it.
In the beginning its at least understandable she's hurt. Harder and harder to relate as it proceeds yes
Then why do people praise requiem for a dream? Not one redeemable character in that shit movie
it makes a lot of sense when you hear that this movie was inspired by a foreign direcor's trip to North Carolina where he saw one of those ubiquitous victims of crime billboards that family members and friends of murder victims put up hoping that the killer is brought to justice or the body found.
it stems from a fundamental misunderstanding of American culture.
It'd be a bold move from the academy that's for sure.
Because it's about people that are interesting, a setting that feels real and detailed, with a clear meaning to the story and an exciting style. Three Billboards has none of that, just some old bitches blind rage in a cartoon version of the bigoted south/midwest
That's just the thing though, so many people come out of it entirely on her side. It's very disconcerting.
I first saw it a couple of weeks ago and I gave it a 7/10, I'll rewatch tonight and see if it improves.
he's a dumb fucking mick who has managed to dupe white guilt ridden audiences into thinking he has something interesting to say when really he just wants to film midgets and violence. I see a lot of directors get accused of dishonest film making. three dildos outside faggot, minnesota is the fucking masterclass on dishonest filmmaking.
I had mixed feelings about it for a good two weeks before I came around. For a movie that lacks grace it handled it core message with subtlety.
unless they are all CIA honeypot threads there are retards on here who idolize Patrick Bateman, Brad Pitt from fight club, or Travis Bickle.
>There are people who actually think they went through with killing the guy at the end
less than 1% have actually seen the film
I have a theory called the Bryan Cranston theorem that says that Bryan Cranston is actually a mediocre to shitty actor who just happened to be in a few beloved things.
Frances McDormund might fall into this category. We get it, Fargo was neat. Is she really that good? This movie certainly didn't disprove that she sucks.
>curb theme and credits start rolling when she leaves the room
Bryan Cranston was good in that x files episode where his head will explode if he stops driving.
liberals arent anti white you dumb nigger
not that guy but liberal="progressive" in the overton window.
who is that old man?
It's telling that this movie is so shallow that all discussions of it die out after less than 50 comments despite their being a DVDSCR out for a month.
You should have been here during its theatrical run, there were large discussion threads taking place.
>their anti-white agenda/confirms their world view
But it didn't do either. Blacks are so tangential to the plot I am shocked no one complained about that
I'm going to give you some insight on the way you view the world and how your brain works. These are your words;
>film entirely forgets this and forms a redemption arc for him after he beats up a white guy
What actually happened
>a police officer who frequently breaks the law forms a redemption arc where he beats up a suspected murderer/rapist under uncertain and unproved pretenses.
Use this time to reflect the kind of person you are and sort your self out. Or don't and live out an unsuccessful and unhappy life. Your choice.
Oh yeah?
What did people talk about?
>and forms a redemption arc for him after he beats up a white guy
>people can't change for the better
Do you even know what redemption means?
The characters were too caricature-ish for me to be able to enjoy the film. Ebin badass morally righteous white woman and her allies of homosexual whites and alpha blacks, against evil hetero white men.
What made me laugh in particular was the hatred the "good guys" of the film had for the sweet ditsy girl who the ex-husband of the main character is now dating. She literally never did anything wrong. She was always polite and personable. Her only crime was being beautiful, feminine, and below average in intelligence. And those traits made her, in the film-maker's eyes, reprehensible.
But I imagine if you are on the SJW Left you could enjoy it.
I have a problem with stories which are set in reality yet portray so many of the ordinary people in the film as either morally righteous or wicked; instead of neutral or an even mix of both, as is the reality.
I read both Carrie and Vanity Fair and the sheer moral shitness of the average person in those novels was distasteful.
>And those traits made her, in the film-maker's eyes, reprehensible.
If that is the meaning you get from the climax of the restaurant scene that you might be retarded. That girl is literally the only reason why the mother didn't beat the shit out her ex-husband and wished them well.
Hell the closet thing the movie comes to giving a moral of the story comes from her.
It's a movie about grief. You are as a viewer constantly kept wanting the investigation to move forward, but nothing happens, it's simply over. The tonal shifts are also there to make you feel like a person in great grief, because as you try to process the loss of a loved one you'll smile and laugh at the good times while crying over what you have missed. In the end there is a moral that the only cure for grief is to bundle your energy into getting something done and that yoir suffering can be shared, even though never understood.
The same stuff they are ITT except more of the participants had actually seen the film.
So for example which characters were in the right, to what extent were Mildred's actions justified, did it seem likely her AND Dixon would actually find and kill that unrelated criminal, did the cum dumpster ex husband gf really speak the soul of the film, did McDonagh really understand the characters he created, et al.
Honestly, fuck you kid contribute for once.
Ignore the all caps "AND" dunno why my phone did that
No, the reason she doesn't beat the shit out of them is to show that she is morally superior.
>s-she doesn't beat the shit out of them because t-the filmmaker wants you to know that they are actually good
The mental gymnastics you go through to defend this trash
but user the best character in the movie that literally did nothing wrong was the white hetero police chief.
in fact, the movie is mocking the protagonist since it puts you in her perspective for a while just to reveal that she is mistaken by the time the chief dies.
>shows that she is morally superior
>filmmaker doesn't want you to know that they are actually good
Oh yea and I am the one doing mental gymnastics huh?
If anything he flatters all the young people a bit too much desu
>but user the best character in the movie that literally did nothing wrong was the white hetero police chief.
No. He is seen as sympathising and being an apologist for his bigoted police force. He is the most morally good white hetero cis man in the film, and he is still "in with" the bigoted police force.
>in fact, the movie is mocking the protagonist since it puts you in her perspective for a while just to reveal that she is mistaken by the time the chief dies.
This entire plot was just a way of stroking the MC's ego. The moral is not: she's in the wrong. The moral is: she is morally perfect and badass yet even she cannot beat all the circumstances of the world.
>X has mercy on Y
>therefore the filmmaker is saying that Y is actually right
I suppose if you were to watch Batman, and you saw Batman refuse to kill his captured enemy, you would reason that it's because the story-teller wants you to know that Batman's enemy is actually the good guy.
>using a capes hit metaphor
But she didn't do it out of mercy but out of forgiveness you stupid retard. Remember she wanted to beat the ex husband not both of them.