How much more can capeshit regress at this rate...

How much more can capeshit regress at this rate? I really feel like Marvel is geniunely trying to be as shit as possible to see just how much they can get away with.

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They really don't give a shit anymore

No way was Spiderman's CGI this bad
I watched it in a cinema

It was. I downloaded a HD rip. It was extremely bad. Like early 90's CGI bad.

When even The Room has better green screen effects than your hundred million dollar movie

Is this a meme or real shit from modern movies. Shit battlestar galactica looked better.

>taking a shit quality screencap on a scene that aired months ago that could easily be unfinished
>shopping their dicks to be huge
Sup Forums confirmed OBSESSED and gay for nigger dicks

Literal shill response debunked by Homecoming looking as bad in trailers as finished film.

Man I don't believe this. I shit you not my friend asked me near the start if I thought Spiderman was deliberately animated to be bouncy or if it was just shitty CGI (I think after the house party where he jumps across gardens and tries to catch the van) so I was paying specific attanetion to the CGI after that. Is this at a higher framerate or something?
>mfw now I have to torrent it and check because I still don't believe these aren't tweaked. He doesn't even have a shadow in the first one. Second one is somewhat believable, though still abysmal.

unfinished CGI from a tv spot

that was last week, genius

>MCU phase 3 is the most consistently profitable and well reviewed phase yet
>Worst performing movie in phase 3 still made 680m and is the 107th highest grossing movie of all time.

>it's good because it makes money!
What a retard shill. Transformers makes more money per film and are also better films than Marvel's libtard propaganda

literally a screencap from the first trailer that was cropped and blown up, that's why it looks so shitty and grainy
1:45 you soyboy

Now suck me off Sup Forumsddit


>literally not in this trailer

boy you sure are stupid

Ignoring this part:

>and well reviewed phase yet

0 rotten movies in all MCU and average score is only rising. Stay mad little baby.

>>and well reviewed phase yet
Damn I love The Last Jedi and Force Awakens now!

>gets blown out
>"i-i-i d-don't see it!"
Daily reminder the soy meme is real and this user's pineal gland is completely calcified.

Different being no MCU film has fell below expectations yet. They have either met them or exceeded them. Also

>Pretending that TLJ, a movie from the supposed 'biggest juggernaut of a movie franchise ever' falling 700m below expectations is similar to a movie about a c-list Marvel character who isn't even white tracking for 150m opening weekend.



What the fuck shilling is this? There are ton of truly awful Marvel movies. The Force Awakens was bad and it made ton of money and critics loved it due to its leftist undertones. Film criticism is literally just how much political pandering you can shove in your film.

Just like Black Panther where journalists are witch hunting the only guy who didn't gave a positive RT score.


Still this fucking TV show action choreography. Fucking hell

What the fuck is he even doing?

>What the fuck shilling is this?
Movies consistently make on average 800m, and you cannot comprehend that there are even a handful of people who like them? Really speaks to your brain capacity, retard.
>There are ton of truly awful Marvel movies.
Which ones? I don't see any. Mediocre at worst, amazing at best.
>The Force Awakens was bad and it made ton of money and critics loved it due to its leftist undertones.
1. You cannot go from using the phrase 'truly awful' to 'bad'
2. leftist undertones lmao Sup Forums is thataway buddy ---> maybe it was well reviewed because it hit all the right beats and was inoffensive (like every star wars).
> Film criticism is literally just how much political pandering you can shove in your film.
Nope lmao sorry that the tiny window in which your view the world with is wrong.
>Just like Black Panther where journalists are witch hunting the only guy who didn't gave a positive RT score.
Journalism=/=Film Criticism. The state of journalism has no bearing on what we are discussing.

Get rekt lmao fucking idiot.

>The state of journalism has no bearing on what we are discussing.
You are literally using journalism as an appeal to authority argument. I will have none of that Marvel shill. Go and take your BLM propaganda with you.


>Confusing film critics with the other 99.9% of journalism that would go after the one bad reviewer

Congratulations on checking off all the boxes for being a complete brainlet.

Critics are journalists you fucking retard

>accusing others of being brainlet while defending the McDonald's of film
What did Marvel shill mean by this?

> with the other 99.9% of journalism

Jesus kid, get some sleep and pay attention in class. Reading comprehension class is bright and early, and you won't make it to grade 8 if you don't pass.



someone show throw $200 million at tommy to direct capeshit and see what comes out

This legitimately could be a 360 game.
Pic related. 360 graphics.

I watched the movie. It looks exactly like this.

I watched the movie, it does not.


There you go again blaming the leftist boogeyman. Why did Hancock get reviewed so poorly? Why was Cyborg's character received so poorly? Why do critics dislike Amy Schumer's movies?

Just because the little overly racist world that you have built up in your head gets shot down because Black Panther is reviewing well (do you literally think it's impossible to have a good movie that stars black people? Lmao jesus christ), does not mean every or even any reviews are politically motivated.

>MFW brainlets have not figured out the CGI trick they pull with every recent movie yet.

Next time hold up a sign saying you're a third-worlder shilling for Marvel. It would be less obvious than that post.


Spiderman is fucking terrible

>le no argument meme, better accuse someone of being a shill

Imagine being so butthurt that you are actually trying to pull this shit over some movies. Why don't you just let the millions and millions of people who love Marvel movies be, and you thousands and thousands of of people who like DCEU movies can just accept defeat, and the hundreds and hundreds of people who don't like comic movies can just go fuck their own dad?

It really doesn't matter.
The target audience will eat crappy CGI up as long as it has flashy colours. Chinks too, they love it.
Everyone else will just convince themselves it was great because 'muh POC's'

>Why did Hancock get reviewed so poorly?

Because there was a time when critics weren't shitty pop culture whores that think they're elevating "art" by given a film with a black guy in it a 10/10 rating

>Why was Cyborg's character received so poorly?
Because they know they're supposed to hate DCEU Films and they'll find any chance to shit on one. They are shit but still.

>Why do critics dislike Amy Schumer's movies?

Train wreck and Inside Amy Schumer got great reviews, then I assume some critics jumped on the bandwagon to shit on her, but from my experience the people that hate her aren't critics, they're people with actual jobs

>There is no possible scenario where someone just likes the movie for what it is

the lead nigger for black panther is literally on the cover of time magazine and there are dozens if not hundreds of people online literally unironically telling white people not to go to the showings of black panther - this garbage movie and everything about it is entirely racially and politically motivated

Maybe some are. But those critics aren't. They are judging a political message, not a film.

That's not what I said. The target audience is going to love it

Does anyone have that image of all those journalists trying to shame that one negative BP review?

Dude....a whole hundred of people online say something....that is relevant and significant.

Get a grip, you can find 200 people online that believe in the cube earth.


dozens if not hundreds of people saying it with thousands of people agreeing with it and even more unaccounted for also seeing it and absorbing it

nice job completely avoiding the time magazine point by the way, you deluded nigger

What the fuck is up with the huge bulges in their pants. BBC amirite guys.

>6 months before release CGI in trailer looks bad

woah my dude how could this be

It's a TV spot they openly advertised. This is what it looks like. Homecoming looked just as shit in trailers as in the final film.

>Shopping their dicks to be bigger for no justifiable reason

Aut-righties are literally obsessed with black cocks


this legit looks like that one tron legacy game from the ps3 era

>all the blatant Pajeet shills ITT defending Marvel

DUDE A WHOLE THOUSAND? Congrats, you upgraded to "people who legitimately think slenderman is actually real".

That's fucking nothing. I could give a rats ass about whatever SJW thing you think is important, but the fact that you ACTUALLY typed out "dozens" regarding a group online is so mind bogglingly retarded it defys my mental capabilities to grasp how one can be that fucking stupid.

Mainstream action films trying to do The Raid's fight style and failing miserably is one of my least favorite modern film trends.

>shoop black dicks to be bigger

What did Sup Forums mean by this?

appeal to that thing where "how many people think something makes it true" you dummy

you kno why u watchin white boi

Of course, ad populum is a way to go, but a DOZEN people online? That's failing even that.

That was helluva kino.


>it's this thread again
Sup Forums is so boring now.

I hate the people who criticize John Wick's fight scenes while lapping this kind of garbage up

>those shopped dicks

Sup Forums is literally gay holy shit.

>The lead nigger

You sure you aren't just racist?

the cgi is bad

And it's beautiful

>niggers and mexicans will pay to see this


so 90% of the USA population is covered, not a bad demographic to aim for

>implying that jews are only 10% of USA population



the cgi looks alright in this scene, but yeah for the most part it was shit.

another toy thats going to rot on shelves in retail stores, just like those boyega action figures

I still can't figure out why a bunch of adults give a shit about a movie made for niglets.

>and mexicans
Mexicans h8 noggers


nice ps4 graphics

You're retard af


Marvel ain't giving a single fuck anymore.

shits looking pretty good no lie dog

Have you never seen a seagull?

holy shit is this real?

this looks so shit is it real

I refuse to believe this is real

White americans are jews. Cheap fucks.


the issues with Homecoming's CGI is that he looks so weightless and has no presence on screen. Like they did no sort of mo-cap work with wires to give the CG people references

what the fuck

this is the best their choreographers and editors could do?


In all fairness, they probably only had 10 minutes to shoot RDJ. He’s a very busy man, doing things like Pilates, yoga, Starbucks, brunches in Tokyo, lunches in Paris, back in LA for dinner. He’s a busy man.