Well, I guess it's time to rank Kubrick

Well, I guess it's time to rank Kubrick

Clockwork Orange > Eye Wide Shut > The Shining > Dr Strangelove > Barry Lyndon > 2001 > The Killing > Paths of Glory > Spartacus > Full Metal Jacket >Lolita > Killer's Kiss

Haven't seen them all but I would go

2001>Eyes Wide Shut>Dr. Strangelove>>Full Metal Jacket>Paths of Glory>>>>The Shining

I don't like the shining

Barry Lyndon > Full Metal Jacket > The Shining > 2001 > Eyes Wide Shut > A Clockwork Orange > Dr. Strangelove
It's a very narrow scale

Why don't you like the shining, user?

Barry Lyndon > Eyes Wide Shut > Clockwork Orange > Dr Strangelove > 2001 > The Shining > Full Metal Jacket > Spartacus

These are the ones I've seen so far
wasn't a big fan of Spartacus

Ill rank the ones ive seen

2001>FMJ>Clockwork> The Shining

2001 > The Shining > Barry Lyndon > A Clockwork Orange > Dr. Strangelove > Full Metal Jacket > Eyes Wide Shut > Lolita

That's what I've seen so far.

Barry Lyndon > 2001 > EWS > A Clockwork Orange > The Shining > Paths Of Glory > FMJ

Eyes Wide Shut > A Clockwork Orange > Barry Lyndon > 2001 >>>>>>>>FMJ

rating kubrick is as reddit as it gets, they're all great kino

Barry Lyndon> Lolita>Eyes Wide Shut>Dr STrangelove>>>>>>Pathos of Glory/Spartacus

2001: A Space Odyssey > The Shining > Dr. Strangelove > Eyes Wide Shut > A Clockwork Orange > Barry Lyndon > Full Metal Jacket

Killers kiss
Day of the fight
Flying padre
Fear and desire
Everything up to the Killing is 8/10 or better
You cant possibly disagree with this ranking

Why do you rank Barry Lyndon so highly?

Its the most beautifully shot piece of art ive ever seen, and everything from knowing the story beforehand to the absolute quality of production helps you fully experience that without distractions
I dont like it THAT much but God damn is it the most beautiful film I can think of

Eyes Wide Shut > 2001 > Barry Lyndon > The Shining >Lolita > Dr Strangelove > Clockwork Orange > The Killing > Full Metal Jacket > Spartacus

>I guess it's time to rank Kubrick

What let you to that conclusion?

>PoG that high

Reminder 2018 marks 50 years from Space Odyssey

this. Barry Lyndon is the best Kubrick kino. All you uneducated plebs can jump off a cliff.
Movies should first and foremost tell a story using moving images. The production quality in Barry Lyndon is unrivaled to this day.
>distinctive oil painting mis-en-scene
>suite No 4 in D Minor, HWV 437, Sarabande starts playing

Where to begin? For one It's just so lavish, and complete. You don't see period pieces handled with such care so often, I live for the quaint pageantry of that era. It's got themes other films of his touch upon but the narrative doesn't hinge on big questions like the shining or 2001 might. It's about as nuanced and thorough a character study can get. All on top of being so beautifully shot and hypnotically paced.
Above all, it's one of the only Kubrick movies to feature a world I might not mind living in myself. Many of his other films showcase some sort of dystopic or dreadful conditions, Barry Lyndon is not so stylized.

You're a man of poor taste for ranking FMJ that poorly.

Personal ranking

Whoops, forgot to include the photo like a spastic.

2001>Clockwork Orange>Paths of Glory>Barry Lyndon>Dr Strangelove>Eyes wide Shut>Lolita>The Killing>Day of the Fight>Fear and Desire>Killer's Kiss>Flying Padre>the Seafarers

and Spartacus before The Killing

I am such a retard.
And Full Metal Jacket=Dr Strangelove