>Justice League is going to make 1.1B MINIMUM
>With 3 of the most popular heroes ever, Justice League is going to smash The Avengers' box office
>Marvel is finally going to feel some real pressure and competition
>People are sick of Marvel movies, they are all the same. The DCEU is something FRESH
>Thor? Haha. Will be lucky to open to 85m. Justice League will open to 160-210m.
Justice League is going to make 1.1B MINIMUM
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has the marvelet gone full retard?
imagine getting this triggered because a thread about Snyder has over 200 replies
Laughing Evans is the funniest capeshit meme, and I'll fight anyone who thinks otherwise
It would have made 1billion it if weren’t for Whedon
A Snyder cut would be pure kino
Imagine thinking Marvelchads could possibly give a fuck that a bunch of losers are discussing a failure of a director and his failures as a director. Marvelchads are in a zen where only 800m+ movies, 100% certified fresh movies (0 rotten so far baby), and cohesive universes that are respectful of source material exist.
You hate us cuz you ain't us, and that's okay. Just know that you are the virgin DKEK going to bat against the CHAD MARVELCHAD.
>A Snyder cut
ah yes
In this version, Aquaman takes a piss on Superman and then farts in Cyborg's face
>types out a tl;dr reply
Literally the best thing to have come out of this decade of capeshit.
>Laughing Evans is the funniest capeshit meme
For you.
I'm really not sure just what was so bad about justice league. Everything about it just felt so bad.
Even the worse marvel movies like iron man 2 or age of ultron were better. Everything about justice league, from the costumes to the action to the.. everything just felt fucking wierd.
And I love MOS so idk what the fuck happened. Really it felt like they took the worst part of BVS (end monster fight) and made it into a full movie
The Snyder cut would be relentlessly grim, self-hating shite.
>Really it felt like they took the worst part of BVS (end monster fight) and made it into a full movie
Because that's what they did, and then they gave it to Whedon to reshoot some quip scenes
it's literally soy the meme
really it's amazing how DC managed to fuck up literally everything humanly possible
>bad casting for many of the actors
>some of the costumes are shitty and wierd
>wierd tonal shift from previous movies
>everything feels like a video game
>blew their load on BVS even though it was only their second movie and they hadn't even established batman as a character
is there anything they didn't fuck up?
t. soy the meme
>I'm really not sure just what was so bad about justice league.
It was a Snyder movie that was reworked into a Whedon movie, and their styles do not mesh at all which means that people got neither a full Snyder movie or a full Whedon movie, pleasing pretty much nobody. Audiences got a mostly Snyder movie with obvious Whedon jokes and lighter tone action scenes forced into it. Also reshoots with a different crew, different lighting, different color temperature, all that shit, and months after initial shooting was thought to be done and actors (Affleck in particular) had loosened up. Cavill had grown a mustache and could not shave it off.
But Whedon can't be blamed for this movie, because the biggest problem lies with the plot, which is idiotic and basically a dumb rehash of Man of Steel's terraform earth plot except with a much less interesting villain. They kill off Superman in BvS so they can immediately revive him in the next movie and have him save the day since everyone else in the League is completely useless.
Etc. Etc. Etc.
with it ending with hope after saving earth would've been kino
>Marvel director joins the DCEU
>Movie flops massively
guys. guys. guys.
baneposting is serious, not funny
it's a bit sad over there. snyder defense will actually pretend that good movies are bad just to try to raise snyder up. if you have to bring everyone else down just so you look less shit, you must be very low on the quality, level.
i like... alfred?
It's seriously fun.
for you
>you must be very low on the quality, level.
dont call me level.
the Syder cut of B v S was shit tho