I've come to bargain
I've come to bargain
Other urls found in this thread:
>they turned my super serious occult master into a quip machine
I will never not be mad
Fuck disney
marvel is truly shit
I really loved this movie. It had great, dream-like visuals. I loved how his cape was treated like a character. The villain was more sympathetic than most, and even someone you could agree with at times. The death scene of the mentor was done perfectly with the lightning visual in the background. All of the fights were original and memorable, like the one done backwards or the one done in the astral realm while he's being operated on.
It honestly would be on a list of my favorite movies.
this was bound to suck the second cumbles was casted
I'm glad you enjoyed the movie
To add more as I'm remembering, I really also liked how he was a selfish asshole. He had no moral compass and most of his good deeds were done to just show off. He only became a master to fix himself. It was a really interesting dynamic and something original to this in the MCU.
The line, "What do I have without my work? You?" to his girlfriend particularly stands out. The fact that she stays with him is incredible since they're almost in an abusive relationship. It was a dark element that worked.
>The line, "What do I have without my work? You?"
Pure kino. Honestly don't get why Sup Forums has it out for this movie
Sup Forums has it out for fucking everything, it makes them feel special to have a different opinion to most people.
Most people generally dislike this movie, though. They compare it to Iron Man when they're completely different characters. The only similarities are in the fact that he's a Marvel character whose backstory is shown I guess?
Seeing more of him in Infinity War is what I'm most excited for. Hidden gems like Dr. Strange and Ant-Man are my favorite part of the MCU
Sup Forums hates quips so they hate fun
>Hating TLJ
>Placing it below episodes 1 and 2
>Expecting a (You)
>Sup Forums hates quips
The quips in this are probably my only complaint, but I actually enjoyed some of them since they were setups and actually formed a complete joke instead of just a pop culture reference.
As an example:
>Just Wong? Like Beyonce?
>no response
>Later in the movie he's listening to Beyonce
Simply shit like that added character development for Wong's character without even any dialogue. It shows he's loyal to keep up appearances and perform his Eastern duties, but he's curious and affable to Strange and his Western culture. Instead of seeing this, Sup Forums just barfs out "quips quips quips quips" like this was the shitty Joss Whedon Avengers movie
How was the film? I really wanted to see it but I never did. I love magic sigils and shit. Like this. I should really watch it.
Pretty great as a popcorn flick, unique visually. I'd go as far as to call it the BR2049 of cape movies (visually)
I meant it more as
>This movie has quips => it is automatically bad
Sup Forums always does this
Sup Forums, I've come to bargain.
will negro pander outgross this?
>This is the part where you leave
The scenes get like your picture for about 10-15 minutes of the movie. I wish it was more, but what's there is great. I think you will really like it, especially if you go into it with an open mind
wish it was higher quality. seeing this movie in 3d while high af was pure kino
You're not going to get a 1440p 60fps 2-minute-long webm on /gif/ dude
vimeo that shit
giv name song
shooting stars by bag raiders i think
tnx bby
Bargin with this
>can't do an American accent or act
What were they thinking choosing the worst of both worlds?
That beyonce music scene was the cringiest shit I've seen in a marvel movie and that's saying a lot
there will be a second one
>most people generally dislike this movie
Pretty sure most people generally liked it. Didn’t it perform well? I don’t remember any sort of shitstorm about it and I remember people praising it. I guess that doesn’t mean much anecdotally but I certainly didn’t see many complaints
The film was honestly good. The visuals were great, the performances decent, the writting more real than the usual cliche capestuff. It didn't delve really into the Strange Mythos, but it was one of the MCU's best. it felt different to the rest anyhow. It's in my Top 3 MCU flicks, truth be told.
>Iron Man
The first half of Dr Strange was fantastic. But once the capeshit theme kicked in the movie got afraid of taking itself seriously.
So, by Thor: Ragnarok is he sorcerer supreme?
Overall It was decent, but the overdose of quips kept it from being great. Stephen having a god complex before becoming sorcerer supreme was already estabilished in the comics so it was alright. Mirror dimension got a bit tiring after some time though.
Yes. Then again, there aren't many sorcerers around anymore.
>dat score
This and Ragnarok had great soundtracks
>The memer soldier
What THE FUCK do people like about this piece of shit
The winter soldier is barely top 3 among the captain America movies
anonnu, ive come to get dubs.
>They compare it to Iron Man when they're completely different characters. The only similarities are in the fact that he's a Marvel character whose backstory is shown I guess?
Selfish rich asshole thinks he's untouchable
Gets into an accident
Realizes he didn't know shit about anything
Uses his new powers for good
Gee, I wonder where people are finding the similarities.
doesn't iron man get captured by terrorists and then build a robot suit to escape
>I've cum, Tobargon
Who was Tobargon and why did Dr Strange feel the need to inform him of his orgasm? This movie left too many unanswered questions. Sloppy writing if you ask me.
I heard Nolan was hired as a ghost writer.
>The villain was more sympathetic than most, and even someone you could agree with at times
Lol he had five lines at the most and we knew literally nothing about him about. Stop bullshiting retard
No he isnt, he is just more skilled. Dont just pull shit out of your ass without it being confimred. They will probably deal with that officially in his next solo
He has a master who was selfish and used dark magic on herself. When he asked her about it, she just kept telling him no
Dormammu, a mirror-like demon, appearing to him like he appeared to Strange, tempted him into expanding the possibilities of his powers. He built a small cult of followers to stage a mutiny in service of Dormammu
Just because you weren't paying attention or are heavily influenced by Sup Forums's consensus doesn't mean I'm the retard.
This movie was completely garbage.
I liked Copperbottom as Strange but his dumb accent really annoyed me, doesn't suit the character at all.
Dormammu, I’ve come to refinance.
I've come to ripoff green lantern, but to get good reviews because marvel
Unironically a great song besides all the memes
I actually am mostly indifferent to capeshit, but this movie is pure garbage
Literally his super power is autism, the only reason he becomes Sorcerer Supreme is because he can read books faster apparently, also the villain's evil plan lines up perfectly with Strange's procession through the story
Not to mention how no villain in the MCU could possibly be a threat with the Time stone in Strange's possession
2 mouse dollars have been deposited into your account
It was rather good, the 1/2 half was great, the 1/2 half suffers from being hammered into the marvel formula.
Give credit to the actors, they are all very good, and pulling off a likable asshole is actually much harder then it appears.
DC, I’ve come to both critically and financially outperform your first big team up movie with the literal biggest heroes in the world
I went reluctantly with my friend after not seeing any superhero movies since iron man 2 or Thor and thought it was pretty good, didn't really register as too superheroey, cliche, or dumb like others
Also it had a really neat "psychedelic trip" type sequence that has cool visuals
The occult/metaphysical references were cool too: Chakras, third eye, kundalini are mentioned
>He has a master who was selfish and used dark magic on herself. When he asked her about it, she just kept telling him no
Kek, thnx for the wikia write up retard, that says literally nothing about who the villain was, his motivation, or any off the so called "sympathy" he supposedly earned. The villain was trash and the movie felt no need to expand on him in anyway except for showing he had nefarious purposes because...reasons. try again
Almost all Marvel villains are laughably bad.
>master told him no to her secrets
>demon offered him power instead
Truly sympathetic and Marvel's best developed in years. Kaecilius was just so compelling. I teared up when died.
>characters that are powerful enough to solve most of world's biggest problems on a weekend
>they don't do it
those settings are retarded.
This seems ironically shilly but I honestly just can't tell anymore if someone is shitposting or not. Perhaps I'm just taking the obvious b8.
Not those posters but I did enjoy the fact that Dr. Strange was a asshole doctor and gained his powers for completely selfish reasons. The Visuals where great too.
It when it went all Marvel in the 2nd half that it became more meh.
Dr. Strange did out perform Justice League.
As more of a DC fan, that is disappointing as fuck.
Me too