Why are conservative filmmakers so reluctant to talk about their politics?

Why are conservative filmmakers so reluctant to talk about their politics?

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Stupid people are dangerous in large numbers.

cause they're more interested in their art

it would be career suicide


Nolan confirmed to be a huge cuck.

>create the most right wing mainstream film trilogy with The Dark Knight
>get pussy whipped into attending the women's march
Nolan needs to get his shit together

This, btw, Nice trips

right wing kek.


Because their (((financiers))) are all leftists.

He's right though. The Dark Knight Rises could've been a Mitt Romney campaign add

I wish that all filmmakers would keep their politics to themselves.

same goes to the Sup Forums migrants here


The real right isn't capitalist.

>films the 'heroic' retreat at dunkirk
>record setting naval/aviation film achievements
>all just to be in position to film the tragedy of u.s.s. liberty

>hero is a powerful, superior billionaire with a moral compass that isn't corrupted by the masses (basically John Galt)
>the masses are portrayed as greedy and resentful of the rich
>villain is a communist, or at least pretends to be in order to rile up the people (keep in mind it was made during the height of Occupy Wall Street)
>the MacGuffin is a weapon made out of a technology intended to provide green energy
>villain is a foreign terrorist who attacks an American football game where the national anthem is sung
>the cops are the heroes
>the cops have to lie to the people in order to maintain peace
>villain attacks the stock exchange

natsoc are socialists

>nolan created batman

What I listed is particular to The Dark Knight Rises, not general to the Batman series

In what way was the dark night right wing, the torture bit was obviously a crude analogy for the bush US torture program and the ending depended on Sup Forums stereotypes acting in un-stereotypical ways.


Liberals were pissed that the Joker in the Dark Knight represented the Republican view of Islamic terrorism, which is nihilism for the sake of it rather than a political movement with genuine aims. It also portrayed surveillance as an effective way of finding terrorists (this was during the Patriot Act controversy)

>batman being powerful and rich isn't in the general batman series
>the joker being insane isn't in the general batman series
the rest is way to fucking far-fetched to be perceived as right wing

>Liberals were pissed that the Joker in the Dark Knight represented the Republican view of Islamic terrorism
lmao what the fuck are you talking about, stop pulling shit out of your ass

Are these the last of the conservative blockbuster filmmakers?

Batman being a millionaire/billionaire is one point out of the many I made. All of the other points are clearly right wing, and are particular to the Dark Knight Rises. There's nothing subtle about a communist villain who attacks the stock exchange and starts a revolution, and while the cops are unambiguously on the side of good.

The Dark Knight trilogy is definitely conservative. The ending of TDK is basically Bush being hounded by the media.

I read left wing books, so I sort of know what's being said in those circles

joker is an insane anarchist
>cops are good guys equals right wing!
no, many democrats and liberals openly support the police, what you are talking about are groups like BLM

I think masketta "give city to the people" man was meant

Who the fuck is the villain of The Dark Knight Rises? Is it the Joker? No one's saying that the Joker is a communist. Learn to fucking read.

>no, many democrats and liberals openly support the police, what you are talking about are groups like BLM
The film, made during the height of Occupy Wall Street, clearly portrays the disgruntled masses attacking wall street as the bad guys, and the powers that be (in this case the cops and the richest guy in the city) as the good guys. This is right wing.

>some retard wrote this so it must be true!
yeah ok, this one idiot does not represent the general liberal view of the joker
also, islamic evil has a reason. not a good one, but they fight what they believe is "jihad", the joker has no purpose

People at the time were drawing connections between "some men just want to watch the world burn" and Bush's "they hate us for our freedoms." The film also portrays surveillance and torture as legitimate, during the Bush administration.

deep down all conservatives know they are obsolete and on the wrong side of history

>people at the time were drawing connections "some men just want to watch the world burn" and Bush's "they hate us for our freedoms."
are you going to provide me with proof of this or keep spouting nonsensical shit?

>conservatism is a concrete and not a comparative position

concretely evil

>The film also portrays surveillance and torture as legitimate, during the Bush administration.

I don't know how everybody screaming at Bruce how it's wrong to abuse the technology and Batman emphasizing how it's just this *one time deal* in an absolutely desperate situation to save the city translates into "sure, illegal surveillance of everybody, all the time is 110% legitimate, bruh."

Plus let's keep in mind the American general public was already retarded when it came to this issue, with everybody going "duuurr, well I have nothing to hide, so I don't see a problem with the government spying and storing information about literally everything I do"

>This is right wing.
no, it's a namefags worthless personal opinion

I guess you could see it as conservative, but it's small c European conservative not mitt Romney 'fuck you if you're not rich' conservative and people like that are portrayed as corrupt fucktards in the film. Some conservative mungo got annoyed that bane is the villan when romney manages bane capital also, maybe that was true.

Batman is an old style 'noblesse oblige' elite who uses his power responsibly and the idea is that good will only win if people are together, complete anarchy/the french revolution is not the solution but the present situation in gotham is shown as corrupt and venal. I'd hardly say it endorses romney.


Both Nolans said the trilogy is completely apolitical. They just wanted to make fun thrillers.

stop seeing fucking ideology everywhere.


Nolan donated to Obama 2012. His own personal voting habits aren't necessarily gonna be one to one with his storytelling,anons.

I don't know how old you were at the time, but the media was full of 1984-esque critiques of government surveillance and torture. The fact that the film portrayed it as effective and legitimate, even if it didn't endorse it in its dialogue, is a clear statement.

>some random redditor has an opinion
who would've thought? this proves absolutely nothing, reddit is a cesspool of stupid theories and opinions
>people at the time
this post was three years ago, the movie was made in 2008

>Sup Forums refugees are unironically trying to convince Sup Forums that the dark knight trilogy is some kind of redpilled masterpiece

>I've had as many conversations with people who have seen the film the other way round. We throw a lot of things against the wall to see if it sticks. We put a lot of interesting questions in the air, but that's simply a backdrop for the story. What we're really trying to do is show the cracks of society, show the conflicts that somebody would try to wedge open. We're going to get wildly different interpretations of what the film is supporting and not supporting, but it's not doing any of those things. It's just telling a story. If you're saying, “Have you made a film that's supposed to be criticizing the Occupy Wall Street movement?” – well, obviously, that's not true.

source: rollingstone.com/movies/news/christopher-nolan-dark-knight-rises-isn-t-political-20120720

That poster didn't invent that particular interpretation. You can't just keep dismissing every claim with "well just because some random guy said it..." You can claim that the film series isn't right wing, but you can't dismiss my claim that i'm not the only person who perceives it as right wing.

I'm not from Sup Forums

The author is dead bruh

This is the only correct answer

>but you can't dismiss my claim that i'm not the only person who perceives it as right wing.
I've never dismissed that claim, I know there are more retards like you in this world. what I am dismissing is your claim that liberals at the time (and I'm not talking about reddit, they don't represent society) viewed this movie as right wing

No True Scotsman in action

Doing a bad thing for a noble reason doesn't make it legitimate. You could also read it as Batman doing a bad thing and then getting punished for it, with Harvey dying, Batman becoming a scapegoat and Bruce spending the next decade in exile, again, hardly legitimazing his actions with surveillance.