Have you booked YOUR ticket, Sup Forums?
Have you booked YOUR ticket, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Did your wife's son buy his own ticket?
Black Panther thread? Fuck, yeah. My favourite.
>What are your plans for Valentines, user
>Im watching Black Panther by myself
>What to do when you arrive at the cinema
got one for my black bf too
Why would that be more pathetic than going alone at any other time of the year?
You’ll be surrounded by progressive couples celebrating what you don’t have
any men taking their dates to watch it are just as pathetic.
>no hotdog
>no pick n mix
>no nachos
wtf are you doing op
>giving money to a black glorifying movie that has fuck all to do with the rest of the marvel movie storyline
At least I won't look autistic taking a date to a fucking capeshit flick.
>not watching marvel capeshit as TV series with phases as seasons
>things that can be eaten in a few seconds
>suitable for a movie
just watch the netflix shows. a couple of them are shit but they're all around better than this shit.
>nachos, a hot dog and bag of sweets can be eaten in a few seconds
what kind of animal are you?
I asked my wife to go but she said she was going with our friend Cedrick.
I never went to see a movie just by myself.
How is it?
I get made fun of a lot but somehow I lucked out and nobody pantsed me for being at the theater alone. I would do it again if I had a good theater close to me. I didn't enjoy driving 40 minutes by myself especially the dark drive back I was afraid I'd get lost.
most normies are too frightened of the falcons to say anything
I'm SIKED for this poster. Can't wait to hang it over my cot
>$18 for one ticket
Holy shit, is this the normal price in burger land? I pay £5 at vue and the amc is nearly as cheap
>convenience fee
lol you burgers still have this?
It's worth it because I get a free poster of my wife's crush
What's that even supposed to be.
cheeky way of saying 'booking fee'
they were banned in UK
why would they have your fathers picture?
lol, I live in Austria we have the exact reverse thing going on.
Tickets bought on the internet are all 50 cent cheaper and they play an ad in the beginning of every movie telling you this so they don't have to hire so much staff.
What is scoop ally? Is it like poop ally in pajetland.
On the day of the rope, capeshitters will also swing from the elm tree.
Your online paper trail will make you easy to track down.
You are all worthless.
That's Imax price, they're about $10 more than regular tickets
>walk into the theater
>you and your driver are the only white folks there
“We are gonna die.”
if you call it pop you should just kys
pop refers to the popcorn