Lads, it's finally happening
Conan and Schlansky in Italy
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Is Jordan a Jew?
who cares? it's like cnn
or italian you just cant tell. they both have the nose for it
So he survived Haiti? Never left the resort, huh?
Conan is a jew
and the shitskin
Stop trying to claim everyone as Jewish, rabbi.
"I'm half Jewish"
Literally out of his own mouth
holy damn! I never thought it'd happen.
Thank you based conan
>let me just go to this Country I know nothing about, have no connections to and tell them how they should manage their immigration policies, because I'm a hot shit American celebrity
Do Americans really think their celebrities are respected around the world?
Do Americans unironically believe that anyone with an IQ of above 60 is going to listen to what an entertainment show host is telling them about their policies?
What's his plan here? Make people think Haiti is just like Italy because he didn't reveal he was staying in tourist hotspots and resorts there? Requesting youtube video of him saying Haiti burns tires for warmth (I.e. a shit hole)
>"I'm half Jewish"
When did he say that?
Did Conan get tired of eating mudcakes, why'd he leave Haiti so fast?
Finally, an interesting development.
Jordan had better get a coffee segment.
Conan is an irrelevant virtue signaling faggot.
Did you watch that video? He says his producer is Jewish, then says he's half Jewish.
>t. kike
Of course rich people think there shouldn't be borders. We're all global citizens like them.
t. just flew to italy for cup of coffee yesterday
It's really gonna hurt to put Conan's name in parenthicals but it's out of his own mouth.
Obviously a joke
How many Jews or half Jews do you know who are 6'4 with pale skin and ginger hair and with the surname O'Brien?
WE DID IT!!!!!!
He gonna make a story about Luca Traini, describing as little as possible of Pamela gruesome dismemberment. Meanwhile Antifa lynched a policeman in the street and sing chants in honor of the communist dictator Tito who holocausted some thousands of Italians.
>tl:dr: muh fascism
Man this is going to be such a great gag. I can't wait until he gets to a place and it's so bad they're just filming him drinking in his hotel room.
>How many Jews or half Jews do you know who are 6'4 with pale skin and ginger hair
>A joke
Listen to his tone. It's not a joke, it's either a lie to reinforce his offence at the use of the word Jew or he's admitting he's a Jew.
Both make me think less of him.
so he went to prove that Italy is not a shithole? What is his next stop, Germany?
You have fucking autism. Not kidding.
hope he goes to a football match and they make monkey noises to a black player
You have fucking Judaism. Not kidding
>Listen to his tone. It's not a joke,
By the way did you know Conan is Ted Koppel?
No he's going to show that right wing is on the rise in Italy, fabricate a fascism scare.
damn i ve been waiting for this ages
There are some, given that many jews are mixed with white mongrels.
Weak as fuck defence. Neither circumstances or delivery are comparable. God, I hate that the ADL are so active on Sup Forums. Literally any reference to kikes any they go into overdrive.
lots of jews are pale with red hair
A jewish woman can marry an irish man
how many irish men are 6'4'' ? lets be real here.
Listen to his tone, it's a joke. Conan used to host Nightline. You're probably an NBC shill. Sad!
the hero we need
You know this board is now reddit incarnate full of redditfugees from /r/The_Donald in their fucking made in China MAGA hats when the board that created Team Coco, the whole O Captain My Captain movement, and all that other shit when Kikeberg at NBC was shitting on him, now hate Conan. You probably hate Norm too. You make me sick you fucking disgusting FAGApedes. I hope you have to watch your whore mothers die from AIDS after your father gives it to her after getting pozzed by his nigger boyfriend. This board is fucking dead, bury it with your kike ancestors in the mass graves where they, you, and this dump belong.
ABC News - Israelis Detained on 9/11 Spies
Spy Rumors Fly on Gusts of Truth - Marc Perelman - Forward
FBI report - Israelis caught celebrating after first tower was struck
DEA report on Israeli "art student" spies who visited sensitive DEA and DoD locations directly prior to 9/11
What Did Israel Know in Advance of the 9/11 Attacks? [good summary]
FOX News - The Israeli 9/11 Connection ep.1
Ryan Dawson - War By Deception [contains info on how ((neocons)) used 9/11 to get us into Iraq]
Israel Mossad Chief - Juval Aviv, (mossad agent on whom the movie 'Munich' is based)
tries to cover for Israel but ends up admitting a lot
2.40 'there is no doubt that there were various Israeli teams in America... who were MONITORING terrorist networks...
3.08 'Israel had [the 9/11] information that they were giving the American government..'
continues to blame the CIA for storing bombs in the towers
this desu
Thanks for even more proof of your inability to understand things, autist. I'll kill a kike like you for fun, for the dumb shit you're spouting I'll carve you up real nice.
No, it ain't. If I were an NBC shill I'd be defending him like you are, kike.
no one cares if Conan talked shit, we just think hes retarded for pretending Haiti isn't a shithole. Like who the fuck does he think he is lmao? Its just blatant shilling
nice phd thesis btw tl;dr
>I'll kill a kike like you for fun, for the dumb shit you're spouting I'll carve you up real nice.
Sounds good. Make sure he's wearing a yarmulke.
What a shitty board this is. Filled to the brim with 12-year old MAGAPEDEs.
>butthurt redditors find Sup Forums and start spergin out
cry more faggot lmfao
And still the kikes are no match.
So his new thing is to go to different countries and tell us how much better they are than us?
You must be 18 or older and not a fucking kike to post on this board.
can't wait! his haiti segment was awesome, it completely BTFO Drumpfs! XD
we own this site. fucking glow in the dark nigger
Yes. This is perfectly rational and explains why they are so desperate to immigrate to USA, Europe and Australia.
>It thinks we don't know that it is the reddit
Fucking dumb kikeapedes. You aren't fooling anyone anymore.
>Koppel, an only child, was born in Nelson, England, after his German Jewish parents fled Germany following the rise of Adolf Hitler and Nazism.[4]
Nice try Shlomo but this shilling won't disguise the fact that Conan led a double life on ABC.
>having a mental breakdown over Trump
everyone can tell you're foaming at the mouth dude. you redditors are easy to spot a mile away
Well technically it’s worked so far. Europe’s immigration policies seem to be completely predicated on what American liberals would find acceptable. Why else would Europe have wide open borders unless they were trying to impress California?
So no one else is hype he’s in Italy to take the piss out of schlasnky?
Are the alt-kike really this retarded and easily bamboozled by the heebs? What a sadness.
Follow the news, he's gonna try to create a "fascist scare". Meanwhile Antifa brutally assault a 50 years old policeman and sings chants to communist dictator.
>/sg/fags shitting up other boards
stay in your containment zone mudshit
I'm pretty sure most of the the_donald MAGA crowd came after the election. You're not very difficult to spot.
>A bunch of Jews and one that had Jewish parents that fled Germany proves the rest somehow aren't Jews
I'm actually saying Conan was the Jew Ted Koppel, you tard.
The only explanation for you loving this kike cuck is that you have had a mental breakdown, are a kike yourself, or you are just fucking retarded. Only three options.
been here since 2006, why are muslims so triggered by our president?
Which is what I've been saying since I came to this thread
Apparently not. Fuck this place.
>only candidate that ran on reducing immigration and kicking out illegals
>I'm supposed to hate him
blow it out your ass Abdul
Imagine anybody reading that entire block of text
I'm whiter than you'll ever be you kikeloving fucking nigger. Even if you have "white" kike skin you're a nigger on the inside. Day of the Rope soon and don't forget it, kike.
Cause he doesn't want a bunch of angry, inbred useful idiots that will seek to overthrow the country with a majority in his country.
He's literally right.
Muslims are second only to Jews for least desirable citizens.
So why don't you agree that Conan also hosted Nightline on a rival network while he was the host of Late Night?
>Follow the news
If it’s about that guy who ran over some mudshits, nobody in America cares. Like at all. Not only do we barely know about it, we don’t care if Muslims die. It’s a dirty little not-so-secret in America.
What bearing does that have on him being a Jew, jew?
What a disaster. You fell for bullshit and gave the country away to the kikes under the guise of protecting it from shitskins. Congratulations on being retarded you le kekistani. You destroyed the entire conservative party irreparably in the space of three years. You fucked us forever. I'm gonna pray for you, you stupid stupid motherfucker.
It exposes Jewish trickery and playing both sides.
You know you did you filthy fucking kike.
Does it hurt you to use the term, kike?
>It's a I got exposed as a filthy kike and now am going to call the people who have proven I am a filthy kike thrall leftists because I have no other recourse post
>The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.” One cannot defend himself against the Jew. He attacks with lightning speed from his position of safety and uses his abilities to crush any attempt at defense. Quickly he turns the attacker’s charges back on him and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the terrorist. Nothing could be more mistaken than to defend oneself. That is just what the Jew wants. He can invent a new lie every day for the enemy to respond to, and the result is that the enemy spends so much time defending himself that he has no time to do what the Jew really fears: to attack. The accused has become the accuser, and loudly he shoves the accuser into the dock. So it always was in the past when a person or a movement fought the Jew.
>already spreading fake news
Shut the fuck up if you don't know shit.
>Italian police have arrested two more Nigerian immigrants in their investigation into the brutal murder of Pamela Mastropietro, the Roman 18-year-old whose dismembered remains were found inside two suitcases outside Macerata in central Italy earlier this month.
>In the analysis of the woman’s mutilated corpse, investigators found that certain body parts were missing, including the victim’s neck and a portion of the genital organs.
Put "Conan is Ted Koppel" there please. This is important information about Talmudic manipulation.
Why would it? I have actually killed a kike and did fifteen years in prison for it while you're on your knees licking their boots while they bite off baby dicks. RAHOWA, you fucking kike.
The absolute state of Trumpfags
God you’re a bunch of misreable fucks
>It's a Jew uses subversion episode
Sick of it desu, try something new
>hy would it? I have actually killed a kike and did fifteen years in prison for it while you're on your knees licking their boots while they bite off baby dicks. RAHOWA, you fucking kike.
lol, that's some top notch LARPing. Hilarious.
You're so fucking retarded that you don't even realize you just did exactly what he said you were doing, do you kike?
>Quickly he turns the attacker’s charges back on him and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the terrorist
Yeah, Muslims are savages and thats why Trump wants to keep them out of our country. I don’t know or care what Italy’s leaders tell their people to make them accept millions of Muslim immigrants. Not my business. My business is helping protect America.
Italy should maybe stop trying to impress American liberals and Obama is not President, so no need to kiss his ass anymore. Any Muslim fellatio that you perform from here on out is all on you. No more blaming Obama.
>Quickly he turns the attacker’s charges back on him and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the terrorist
Get a new shtick you filthy kikes, people that have working brains can see through this one now.
Nice try, Schlomo. You guys seriously need to adapt.
I'm a Jew and I love Trump. I don't understand why that's a bad thing.
I can post these kike redpills all fucking night
>Quickly he turns the attacker’s charges back on him and the attacker becomes the liar, the troublemaker, the terrorist
Nobody cares about you or your infographics