Just finished watching this. Should I like it?

Just finished watching this. Should I like it?

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, if you're an underage pleb

I could go on for days about how Villeneuve constructs every shot, cut and line of dialogue as if they were not-so-subtle nudges to make the intellectually stunted feel like they're in on some intricate evolution in the art of plot; how Deakins' cinematography has just enough stylized gimmickry to pass off as something above-average to the ordinary moviegoer, from which such people can pat themselves on the back for having sat through their idea of cinema; how each "instropective" moment with the camera superfluously lingering on Gosling's dopey, emotionless face as he stares at nothing feels oh so very contrived, deliberate and unnatural; and how the movie is completely devoid of artistic merit and is merely a product that builds off of the legacy of a timeless classic.

But I won't.

based wont poster

You can't argue with the cinematography. It was literally perfect

Based buzzword poster, is there anything he can't do?

This, but unironically.

This is the perfect Villenova fan response. I can only advise you to not engage with the fanbase at all. The absolute majority of it are reddit scum as perfectly demonstrated by this thread. All you will get is /ourmovie/ and "contrarian" - all these herd-mentality replies indicative of election cycle poltards and post-2014 upboating crowd at large. Trying to discuss the flaws will lead you nowhere: "no u", "brainlet", "you just dun understand the genius of Billadolan" and the cherry on top "post films you like so I can 'insult' you back". Just don't bother.

Our guy has spoken

You forgot to use "cheeto dust" again, r*ddit

>upboating crowd
He just comes up with new buzzwords every time, the ABSOLUTE mad man

He ain't wrong.

I could go on about how every line is this criticism is ladeled with ad-hominems and labels to disguise some sense of superiority and faux-intellectualism. I could go on days about how reductive and subjective some of your analysis can be without any weight or substance behind it. I could also go on about how I could go on about how I could go on about how I could on.

But I won't.

If you didn't like it you are a virgin with a tiny penis according to sources close to Sup Forums

Dobson is literally wrong about everything. He's such a low IQ pleb.

>king soyboy hates BR2049
Kino confirmed, thanks everyone

t. reddit soyrunner 2049 fan

Alright m8 I'll bite. Denny makes every shot to make the viewer feel "in on some intricate evolution in the art of plot", okay but what the fuck does that mean? That's literally word soup. You're saying the movies pretentious but you didn't actually explain how, you're just spouting off.

Name a better movie than 2049, you can't.

The thing is, you can say absolutely anything about this film and the responses you will get from Villenoove fanbabbies will be exactly the same:
>''no arguments''
And the best and most telling

It's literally pointless to discuss or criticise this film seriously because of the sheer bone-headed devotion of its fanbase. Hence the plethora of mocking copypastas

If you hate this movie you're in agreement with majority of normiedome. Congrats you don't belong on this board.

>what the fuck does that mean?
I could explain to you what it means.

But I won't.

Still waiting for a single argument you single called nit

have you seen the "anti-tv terrorists" posting yet? they are getting pathetic now

Every time. Every criticism someone offers about the movie is somehow not a valid argument. Every single time, no matter the argument.

I could explain to you how stupid you are for thinking this.

But I won't.

>Translation: Nobody is actually stopping me from posting criticisms but they won't circle jerk my obnoxious opinion and it isn't fair because I'm special!

Go fill out some job applications

You'll get called out as the redditor you are until you post arguments buddy, it's how it works

Normies didn't even bother watching it. Most people who have actually seen the movie enjoyed it.

You can't because it means nothing.

Because the only thing smaller than your dick is your brain

based bone-headed poster

>Should I like it?
Did you?
If you have to go ask people whether or not you should you're an enormous faggot.

>Making Dobson /ourguy/

I've been here since like 08 and thought it was great. Cum @ me gayboy


I could explain to you how I have a huge dick that fucks your mom every night and she screams and moans my name while you watch Soy Runner 2049 for the fifth time crying over your virtual waifu.

But I won't.

This is the perfect Villenova fan response. I can only advise you to not engage with the fanbase at all. The absolute majority of it are reddit scum as perfectly demonstrated by this thread. All you will get is /ourmovie/ and "contrarian" - all these herd-mentality replies indicative of election cycle poltards and post-2014 upboating crowd at large. Trying to discuss the flaws will lead you nowhere: "no u", "brainlet", "you just dun understand the genius of Billadolan" and the cherry on top "post films you like so I can 'insult' you back". Just don't bother.


>2 days more and i receive the superior steelbook

>3 hours of my life I could've been using to play Stardew Valley
I'm sure the Pelican Town hotties missed him while he was gone

>implying that faggot likes women at all

he sucks more cocks than a british slag

pretty weak shill attempt

>review screw
Woah anti BR2049 redditors keep getting worse and worse

Hopefully Villanova never gets his hands on a huge budget again so the plebcore on Sup Forums can go back to not knowing who he was and pretending his dishonest flicks are good.

you are a totally right i'm the goose


>marvel and star woahs that high

>Scott Mendelson
Another soyboy to the list , thanks buddy

Good, nobody wants to hear your weird ass fantasies of what you would do to a girl if you could get one, this isn't your psychologists office.

>its a "impotent rage by star wars tourists and twitter kikes" episode


t. Sup Forumseddit spawn

hes literally

>just sage and hide it
>proceeds to bump the thread
What did the braindead Sup Forumseddit spawn mean by this??

>it's a pleb pretends hes not a pleb by listing less popular pleb level movies

this is a thread where theres 15 people shitting on you you retarded underage pleb and your bait was derailed long ago you fucking newfag plebbitor

>A Quiet Passion
I too read Armond White
>Uma Mujer Fantastica
literally tranny propaganda

bumping til limit

>I can't watch a movie about the human condition if it triggers my fragile identity politics
bet you couldn't watch Call Me By Your Name too soylord

Don't forget to take your insulin, Sup Forumsddit




Honestly if you look at the other movies we had in 2017 it's kinda hard to hate on it even if for me it wasn't kino.

desperate and SEETHING redditor




>it's a pleb pretends hes not a pleb by listing movies that don't have under 50% RT scores

>h-h-here is a irrelevant literally who with an important opinion, just like me

>blade runner fans are literally capeshitters who think that lowbrow trash like Logan has any artistic merit


>newfag doesnt know who posts what


somebody screencap this

I will get so many upvotes when I post this on r/Sup Forums

>no get out
>kong: meme island
>blade reddit

Get Out was reddit garbage as well

Can't you decide for yourself?

youll be right at home
Get Out is being turned into a post-Drive arthouse capeshit attempt to tap into the Logan zeitgeist. It’ll fail because it’s dishonest without a hint of a pure creative spark being ignited during any part of its production.

instead of writing this word salad, you could just say "ze jooz are responsible for my virginity"

so this is the faggot calling people Sup Forumseddit
really got my noggin joggin

>everyone who doesn't like Blade Runner is Review Screw
Based schizophrenic Sup Forumsedditor

you can leave the thread instead of getting frustrated and blaming me for your lack of reading comprehension

>this post

tfw memers will never stop me loving br2049

what an idiot

>implying this isn’t true
bet you bleat “not all muslims” after every terrorist attack too

Based pasta poster

If you need anonymous shitposters to tell you whether to like or not like that movie, chances are you already like it.

>the moobie wuz disonast!

but they are


This is the perfect contrarian pasta response. I can only advise you to not engage with shitposters like this one at all. The absolute majority of it are reddit scum as perfectly demonstrated by this thread. All you will get is cheeto dust and "dishonest" - all these herd-mentality buzzwords indicative of election cycle poltards and post-2014 upboating crowd at large. Trying to discuss the work will lead you nowhere: "no u", "redditor", "you just dun know real mobies" and the cherry on top "post films you like so I can 'insult' you back". Just don't bother.

>festival favorites and top award nominations just below the most widely known ones
You must have drowned in pussy on that freshman mixer.

I like your style can I be your girlfriend (male)?

I-is this real?



what do you make about this

The cinematography and music were good. Story was kinda lacking but had some cool moments in it such as the balcony scene with joi.

Easily an 8/10.

In the opening scene when K told madame one minute after she told him to come home so he could look at the tree thing was a classic case of toxic masculinity mansplaining that left me literally shaking. And don't get me started on his little outburst at the dreamweaver's home.