How did such a bad actor manage do be in so many kinos?
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The kinos he did make are more thanks to the people behind the camera.
Honestly, he has great charisma and the intangible "it" factor. He was successful at everything he did, from bodybuilding, to real estate, to running a business, to acting, to obtaining a high political office
While I agree Ahnold was not a good actor, he was so perfect for his roles (Conan, predator, termimator) I wouldn't replace him with anyone
Charisma and a big dick
Charisma and big muscles
this. if it weren't for capable directors, producers, screenwriters etc. he would have never been in any of those movies.
it just so happens that he was hot shit back then. we have talentless hacks who are mindboggingly successful nowadays too. Kardashians, Kanye West, Rihanna etc. pp.
his accent is so retarded that even if he was a good actor no one would look past it, so why put in the effort to become skilled when you can just half-ass it all the way through and get the same result?
He is the living proof that forced acting isn't what makes a movie good, but charisma and presence on the screen
he sucked a mean dick
>Kanye West
let's not get too hasty buddy
He's actually a good actor for the kind of roles that he took. He has good presence, facial expressions, use of the eyes, physical acting, comedic timing, deadpan humor, and so on. For example, watch the ending of Predator and how he sells everything that's happening without saying a word.
I mean, he probably wouldn't make a good Hamlet or anything like that, but for the kind of roles he was in, he's actually quite talented.
Well, he was born to make terminator though
But none of those people do anything good.
Arnold was a brilliant physical actor.
He looked like a fucking badass in his prime. There have been many since who have tried the same but dont pull it off. The rock being a great example, comes across phony and tryhard despite being jacked.
and by none of those people i meant the Kardashians etc..
Obviously Arnold did work with brilliant movie makers, but he brought a lot himself
>Kanye West
t. pleb that knows nothing about kanye
He's not that bad of an actor. Most actors aren't really bad, they're generally as good as the movies they are in.
It's mostly directors, producers and scriptwriters merits.
His later movies suck ass even if he was just as big and himself because the later directors suck.
6th day, End of Days, Collateral damage, all shit.
>Kanye West
T. Brainlet
>Kanye West
you can't put him in the same league as his whore wife. you might not like him but he is objectively very talented.
Because he's charming.
This. Go back and watch, “Pumping Iron” and you will see this guy knows how to work a room.
Because he was funny accent muscle man
he was an utter shit actor. don't get me wrong I fucking love Arnold and his classic movies, but he was Tommy Wiseau tier at acting. You have to remember that 95% of the roles he played were literally written FOR HIM with HIM in mind. they knew his limitations and wrote his dialogue accordingly. It really was all about his physical presence and intrinsic confidence (or call it charisma if you want) that made people overlook his shortcomings.
The Rock is just a tryhard poser and insecure as fuck and people can feel it. At least Arnold was genuine at being a shit actor, he didn't feel the need to prove anything.
Physical acting is still acting, the way you use the face too.
Yes Arnold was largely useless in dialogue but you didnt need dialogue with him.
ITT: how to trigger a nigger "music" listening shitter. That manlet gorilla is only good a stealing (like all niggers) samples and writing texts worthy of the mental capacity of a 9 year old mongoloid kid.
For all my Southside niggas that know me best
I feel like me and Taylor might still have sex
Why? I made that bitch famous (Goddamn)
I made that bitch famous
For all the girls that got dick from Kanye West
If you see 'em in the streets give 'em Kanye's best
Why? They mad they ain't famous (Goddamn)
They mad they still nameless (Talk that talk, man)
Her man in the store tryna try his best
But he just can't seem to get Kanye fresh
But we still hood famous (Goddamn)
Yeah we still hood famous
>OMG this is sooooo deep. Kanye is Jesus! xD
Kill yourself you subhuman monkey shit eaters.
He was partly lucky. He was born at the right time. If he was born today all he would star in would be capeshit or fast and furious movies.
>talentless hacks
>Kanye West
check MBDTF or Yeezus, faggot
Arnold is Numero Uno, you fucking project of a boy.
Did you get you speech interrupted or something? Why are you so mad?
>Ahhhh i put that pussy in a sarcophagus
Lyrical genius!
Arnie is an absolute legend
One of Arnold's best assets as an actor was that he could put on a completely serious facial expression. When his character is in danger, Arnold looks like he is in danger. His deadpan is great. Of course, I'm sure great directing helps a lot.
>heard they'd anything for a klondike
>well i'd do anything for a blonde dyke
>I keep it 300,
>like the Romans
>300 bitches,
>where the Trojans?
he was fine in terminator 1, 2, predator and true lies.
hes total fucking shit today though
He did have charisma look at jingle all the way and tell me someone else who could pull that movie off
Honestly the rock is more of a likeable and comedic guy. Arnold was more of the definition of an action star.
>Make joke long time ago on Sup Forums that Kanye was a rap god
>People went along with it and we all thought it was pretty funny
>Brainlets took this for truth
>Started thinking Kanye was talented unironically
>Defend him unironically when people call him out for what he actually is
Liking Kanye is literally, LITERALLY, a meme. What's that quote by Descarte again? "Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company".
Arnold is naturally charismatic.
The conan remake without him was dogshit because the guy who played conan had the screen pressence of a backalley rapist.
Arnuld just oozes charisma.
This. Arnold is a really good actor for the roles hes required to play.
>I mean, he probably wouldn't make a good Hamlet or anything like that
this is a little-known fact, but arnie was already a millionaire when he started acting in jewlywood, from all the crazy money he made as a male prostitute and property salesman in austria
Yep, and it's more than just charisma I think. He seems to have the ability to take on the psychology of certain kinds of characters. When he plays a barbarian, it seems that he's actually taking on the psychology of a barbarian. When he plays a tough special forces kind of guy, it seems that he's actually taking on the psychology of that kind of guy. You don't get the impression that "hey look, it's obviously just a Hollywood actor playing a barbarian/specops guys/etc". Well, if you were actually a barbarian of specops guy, you probably would, but the rest of us don't. I'm sure a lot of this is good direction from the likes of Milius and McTiernan, but some of it is Arnold's acting talent.
I don't know, user. He may not have a lot if acting range, but what he has, he's honestly pretty good at.
I think to be a good actor you don't just deliver the lines. You also need good timing with your action. That probably takes physical coordination and strength.
It's not "method acting" but it's still basic acting skill
>people who like or talk about Kanye exist only on Sup Forums
go back to your elitist shithole imbecile
>kanye produces and raps most of his own shit
>he made his name producing for other big rappers like Jay-Z
>talentless hack
u wot m8
he may be an insufferable asshole, but he's talented
Basically this. Kanye West is the most overrated nigger ape in the history of music. Even Lil Bow Wow is more talented than that assborn subhuman autist manlet. Think of the worst fucking musician that comes to your mind? Kanye Meme will still outdo him/her in hackery and lack of talent.
It's like crowning a downsyndrome chink as king of potato.
well...WHICH IS IT?
popular =/= talented
his lardass whore wife is the best example of overmemed, overglorified, talentless nobodies in our modern society.
What does that have to do with him? His songs (at least through MBDTF) were very good.
Confirmed for not having seen pumping iron. Arnold is a very intelligent man with a great work ethic.
Wow dude, Sup Forums is single handedly responsible for Kanye's success! Wow, I didn't know he wasn't famous even before Sup Forums even existed! Wow!
Holy fuck I shouldn't have laughed that hard
You don't need to be a good actor to be entertaining, even if that's a major plus.
1. Charisma and screen presence goes a hell of a long way
2. He's most famous for playing an emotionless robot
3. He played his cards right, and stuck to mostly dumb but fun action movies
>Cherry picked lyrics and completely ignoring his early producing among other things
At least you went to the effort of typing this bait out and sounding visibly mad.
He’s a great actor when he’s not speaking
You watch Jingle All The Way and you tell me with a straight face that Arnie isn't a great actor.
I actually think he's a better actor than people give him credit for, but the main reasons behind his success are the people behind the camera, as has been pointed out, and the fact he's very naturally charismatic and surprisingly sharp. He's good at conveying a concept through how he presents himself, even if his acting is a bit wooden, and he's able to use his natural charm and charisma to mask his shortcomings.
Producing is the worst fucking meme to ever hit music.
>>Cherry picked lyrics
take any of his lyrics, you feces muncher. they are all brain melting rott - which leads to the conclusion that he has an IQ in the mid 70s. this also applies to anyone who unironically praises and enables that borderline retard.
>Collateral damage
this is great though
You are just mad he is more successful than shitty soycore bands you are listening to
Anyone else hear that buzzing sound?
>implying I give a fuck about the commercial success of music I enjoy when it all comes from zippyshare
It's the soy infecting your brain
Not just Sup Forums, but this specific poster no less!
We found him lads, the man who single handedly made Kanye West famous!