Romance movies general

Valentine's day is coming soon. What are Sup Forums approved romance/chick flicks? Looking for some cheesy stuff too.

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About Time is kino

Fuck, those two look hot. Who are they?


happy accidents is a nice one

Only halfway relatable rom-com I’ve seen

Amy McAdams and the Goose in The Notebook

Some unconventional ones

Sex, Lies and Videotape
Whatever works
Just watched Monsters Ball, really enjoyed the romance aspect despite the tone of the film
And Casablanca is probably the quintessential one

Valentine’s Day is a good one, ties the stories together well enough.

Crazy, Stupid Love is a great one for tying the stories together as well as being a chick flick for men.

The Proposal for nude Sandra Bollocks

>Sleepless in Seattle
>You've got mail
>The girl next door


It happened one night
Barcelona 1994
Music and Lyrics
All RomcomKINOS

Unironically one of the best RomComs
Only brainlets don't get the genius of this.

Blue Valentine. I watch it alone every Valentines Day

Meet the Feebles

>tfw lonely again for a 26th straight Valentine's day

Coincidentally I'm seeing my therapist about my social anxiety on V day

Oh I get it, they CAME together, that's witty!


>not posting best Lolita

The movie is fantastic though



La La Land before La La Land

About Time is a british comedy ripoff of The Butterfly Effect which doesn't even thank or acknowledge its inspiration.

A Boy and His Dog


Here are my favourite 25 romance films broken down by genre. Some pretty obvious ones in there but I like them -

1. Annie Hall (Allen, 1977)
2. When Harry Met Sally... (Reiner, 1989)
3. There's Something About Mary (Farrelly & Farrelly, 1998)
4. The Wedding Singer (Coraci, 1998)
5. Notting Hill (Michell, 1999)
6. High Fidelity (Frears, 2000)
7. Serendipity (Chelsom, 2001)
8. Forgetting Sarah Marshall (Stoller, 2008)
9. (500) Days of Summer (Webb, 2009)

Fantasy/Sci-Fi Romance:
1. Splash (Howard, 1984)
2. The Princess Bride (Reiner, 1987)
3. Edward Scissorhands (Burton, 1990)
4. Groundhog Day (Ramis, 1993)
5. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (Gondry, 2004)
6. Her (Jonze, 2013)
7. The Shape of Water (del Toro, 2017)

Classic Romance:
1. The Shop Around the Corner (Lubitsch, 1940)
2. Casablanca (Curtiz, 1942)
3. Heaven Can Wait (Lubitsch, 1943)
4. Breakfast at Tiffany's (Edwards, 1961)

Romance Musical:
1. West Side Story (Robbins & Wise, 1961)
2. Grease (Kleiser, 1978)
3. Moulin Rouge! (Luhrmann, 2001)
4. La La Land (Chazelle, 2016)

Romance Drama:
1. Titanic (Cameron, 1997)

I've yet to find any Romantic Thrillers or Romantic Action/Comedies that I enjoyed.

>inb4 autism
Where do you think you are?

>Romance Drama:
>1. Titanic (Cameron, 1997)

I'm trying to work out how to get one of my friends to go to a speed dating thing with me as a laugh.

>Autismo romcom
wew lad

>inb4 autist
No you fucking nigger, almost all of your listed movies are fucking terrible reddit meme-tier
You should not be shamed for being an autist you should be shamed for having almost exclusively terrible taste.

bonus points for putting Splash above Shape of Water

points deducted for pretentious use of parentheses

>Romance Drama
Eternal Sunshine
and Edward Scissorhands
Are all dramas you inbred.

reminder that nobody cares about your feeling and that
-men love to overestimate their performance in bed
-men love to be praised by any woman
-men love to underestimate the lust of women
-men love to underestimate the boredom of women
-there is nothing more boring to a woman than to be fucked over and over by only one man
-men love to think that women love men like women love children
-men love women
-men love to service women
-women love children
-women do not love men
-women are in heat all year long
-women see no reward for faithfulness
-women see the reward for sleeping around
-women see no reward for their virginity
-women do not desire to have only one provider for sex
-women do not desire to stay virgin
-women do not know how to stay virgin
-women do not desire to be prude
-women despise nonguly asexual men
-women fear of being asexual

-the only gift a man possesses by his sheer existence is to be left alone if he wants it, but ofc very few men want this since very few men kill their infatuation with their spook of ''society'' and women.

my favorites

my sassy girl
before sunset
my girl and i
about time
in the mood for love

white provider dies for the white girl, I get hard just thinking about it

if this is what you consider valentine's day viewing material, i recommend either the seventh seal or grave of the fireflies

A Little Romance

Diane Lane's breakout movie

Everthing with Gosling will work

this was pretty good

>the Goose will never pick you up like that

This. Fallen Angels, Buffalo '66, and any Audrey Hepburn movie.