
Why did it become such a shit show.

Season 1 was so fucking good.

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The only thing I watch it for is sluts. Then again, women this season are fucking ugly as sin.

Because tumblr got involved and it when from arrow to failcity and minions hacking the planet and the whole show being revolved around how stronk she is.

my name is SJW after years of preying on other popular show i ve come to Arrow with one goal to """""""""""""save""""""""""""" this show
Once i ll be done i ll move on to vultu.. save another popular show.

>Because tumblr got involved

The show is on the CW. How many CW shows before Arrow were ever good? Thats right, it was destined to be shit.

Its like looking at a stillborn baby and thinking it will grow up to be an astronaut.



>How many CW shows before Arrow were ever good?
Nikita, Gossip Girl, Hellcats

Last season was good. This one killed off all the interesting characters. Cayden James had so much potential when he first showed up and vigilante had a pretty interesting arc. Idk where this season will go from here tho since they killed off the main villain and replaced him with a gangster

I don't know user I'm not from cwland but aren't most of them pretty good I know the first 5 seasons of supernatural are pretty good.

This guy gets it.

pandering to SJWs under the very real threat of having your career ruined.

i miss the days where oliver was killing bad guy in pure vigilante style.
i hate this trainwreck of a show now with gay nigger, gunslingerchicano, 2shitty screetchers, an overly inflencial felicity, a terrible ninja sister, a bowwieldingdiggler.

This season has been dumb user, it really has been the failcity show. Finch is her big bad its been all about her with the kid, making her new company, saving dig fuck she even had a sidekick for the last two episodes. This season has felt like a three episode arc dragged out over thirteen with retardation writing it.

cayden had was pretty cool in the first ha”f tho, he was a different villain from all the other seasons. If the writers didn’t fuck him over and give him the dumbest motivation and made him make sense he could have been great

Felicity is a JEWISH self-insert character for TUMBLR that is literally the hacker girl TROPE



FACT: Felicity is not from the comics.
FACT: Felicity was added by board room executives and not in the pilot or first few episodes.
FACT: Black Canary (Laurel Lance) is a fan favorite character.
FACT: They've killed Laurel again and again just to spit on fans. They probably leaked her nudes too and photoshopped the actress sucking their cocks.


Supernatural. Fuck you it got good again!

I haven't seen a single episode of Supernatural.

Checked user nice trips. Yes he was a good villain and with better writing we could've had slade 2.0 but no we got a story that should have been a filler like bric in season three dragged out to long, all so failcity can get a sidekick and be the hero.

Seasons 1-5 are top tier desu. After that it kinda fizzles out with the occasional good episode/arc until season 11, then it gets back up.

Ok, I might watch them.. especially now that Once Upon a Time is ending.

>FACT: Felicity is not from the comics.
Erm actually user she is from the comics I think she started in a firestorm book years ago I may be wrong but she is a bit part player.
and I'm a laurelfag

In name only. There are no similarities

season 1-5 is light years ahead of once, it's so good the sound, music tracks are all top tier user and it can be nice horror too watch late at night with the lights out

Checked again are you a wizard, I know user I just don't want some failcityshit to jump on you thinking they know shit.

>he says with quads
Laurel is best

Dat ass though.



Checked double dubs it must be true, lets hope lance gives her a full redemption in the back half of the season.

hopefully. lord knows he's been through enough

>saves your tv universe

>"WE are the Flash"
Not so fast jobber boy.

It faces the same problem as Arrow - only first season is good (mostly thanks to Reverse Flash).
It's absolutely dogshit soup drama otherwise
I can't believe I watched this CW garbage

>recommended this show to friends when it was good
>promptly turns to shit
>everyone thinks i'm a plebian

Would be nice for him, things are looking up though his hair is starting to grow again.

>>saves your tv universe
Erm user.

not so fast, luv

>it's not about season 2

Yes instead of focusing the superhero the focus on some annoying woman/love interest.

What mate you got something to say.

How about we have a round and the three of us don't do much sayin

Season 1 and 3 are fun
2 is GOAT

The rest is Felicty and friends.

Least Legends and Flash are fun and watchable currently.

Post Supergirl necks.

>Why did it become such a shit show.
In season 1 he was a solitary hunter. Later he acquired a """team""".

t. literal retard

i miss that show.
his cameo in whatever season of arrow had me hoping for a revival of constantine..

He'll be on Legends of Tomorrow.. tonight!

You asking to be lanced mate.

things my dreams are made of

i dont care about cameo i want the show to be back
the way the magic worked in that show was great made me think of the dresden files.

Blimey, not sure I want to 'member this one in the mornin

i mean the books not the shitty TV show was laurel's dad.

There's an animated DC Constantine voiced by Matt Ryan coming out soon

Black Siren is my waifu

because more jump cut edits than a marvel film.

the sad thing is the cuts in this weren't even necessary. they have an expert fight choreographer who's really passionate about his work on staff. just a piss poor editing job by cw

I see "CW" so much. What does that even mean?

's nice mate.
be lookin forward to it.

still better than civir war choregraphie


What's going on here then.

His name is James bamford been the stunt/fight choreographer since the start and is really good, he has started directing now too, his action scenes are good but can tell he doesn't give a fuck about the drama scenes.

Thank you all for reminding me of Constantine's cancellation. That show had some great potential, and Matt Ryan was fantastic in the role. Shame.

Arrow's first two seasons were great. League of assassins Oliver was fun for a while too, but the rest has been mediocre at best. Felicity just keeps getting worse and worse, and Oliver is dragged down with her. Not fond of the new team either. Save Wilddog, he's good.
The way Laurel went out was just disgusting. Her character may have had the best arc of all up to that point, and she was the third best Arrow waifu after Sarah and Shado.

Did anyone else think the Laurel alcoholic arc was hamfisted as fuck?

don't hate on season 1, user. this was still a good scene.

>Save Wilddog, he's good.
Friendly reminder that Rene is a rat.

I'm a bit behind. Last episode I saw was the team being unreasonably butthurt about Oliver keeping tabs on them. What the hell did they expect?

>Last episode I saw was the team being unreasonably butthurt about Oliver keeping tabs on them
That's been like the 5 most recent episodes user, you're gonna have to be a little more specific.

Wonder when they're gonna pair him up with Terrific desu. Also Roy best boy, fuck them for not using him.

ITT: Laurelfags bitching about Felicity having five seconds of screentime
This whole "hurr shes da nu brodagonist" is the most bullshit I've ever heard, and that's coming from someone who stopped liking her in season 3

No it was actually really well done, she won a couple of big awards for it, some of the only awards the show has won.

im pretty sure that scene if from the current season

I think he means in failcity house when wildog was all yes I ratted you to FBI but you looked at us that's low Huss.

he had some homosex issues user but should be back this season for good I hope

>Felicity having five seconds of screentime
Problem is it's every eight seconds.

I have no idea what they are doing with the villains for the past few years.
Season 1 had Malcolm Merlin with a LoA connection, which was cool.
Season 2 had fucking Deathstroke played by Crixus, which was cool.
Season 3 had the most lame Rhas Al Ghul.
Season 4 had literally who.
Season 5 had an insane literally who.
Season 6 had evil Finch until they killed him and replaced him with the most literal of whos.

Forgot about Roy. But he's only good as long as Thea is not around.
That does not give me much motivation to keep watching. I will, but I won't be happy about it.

>he had some homosex issues user but should be back this season for good I hope
Yeah i know, and from what i've heard he prefers only homo roles now (they even turned his character in Teen Wolf gay when he returned there), so i'm curious if they'll do the same here or just not mention anything.

But during most of that time she's just in the sidelines, either as Overwatch or just as William's psuedo-stepmom. Besides the brief wedding subplot she doesn't get nearly as much attention in the story as Oliver or even fucking Dinah, who is easily my least favourite character at this point

There's no question that the directors would jump at the chance of another LGBT character

CW already has Supernatural, The Originals & a Charmed reboot coming up
I highly doubt they're looking to make another supernatural show

>Charmed reboot coming up
A what now? Guess i'm gonna have to look this up cause first time i hear about it.

That's a shame I reall hope they don't mess about with Roy, like they did in the calculator episode, no doubt they will black him with tarrific
>wwn get a rapeface roy & Thea save coast city spin off as arsenal & speedy

Season 3 & 4 were just shit
I was gonna drop season 5 but they bounced back and even had a twistkino with the villain.
I really have no idea where they're going with season 6.
They had to bring back Olicity for some reason & his son is just annoying.

>mfw one of them gets blacked or turns gay

Now I know you be trollololing the last thirteen episodes have been about her knock off finch was her big bad, she has a sidekick now as well and being superstepmom also in the crossover she was literally front and Centre, Harry is one of the smartest people in the multiverse and she told him he was wrong and fixed his mistakes user c'mon.

user don't look for it it's going to be bad worse than stargate origins.

I also enjoyed Cayden but I just love Michael Emerson.

He was a really good actor, with better writing for him and vigilante and maybe anatoly (save him for another season with slade and maybe sara) this could have been a really good season. Its also weird u would think vigilante canary 2.0 would have some connection with the flash since they were ccpd, honestly i think artow and flash should crossover for a whole season

Oh, that's 100% sure, one of those 2 will happen.

>it's going to be bad worse than stargate origins.
I will give it a try, it might even turn out to be an enjoyable trainwreck.

So everyone agrees it's season 2 > 1 > power gap > 5 > 3 > power gap > 4, right?

How does 6 rank?

They already announced one of them is a lesbian

>Season 1 was so fucking good.
Not it was not. EVERYfuckingONE agreed at the time the first half of S1 was very weak, second half was better and S2 was much much better.

It turned to shit mid S3

Season 2, 5, 1 > Season 6 >>>> Season 3, 4

Not as good as last season but still holds better than 3 & 4 combined.

The same I really enjoy watching him and with good writing he could have been the single big bad for a full season.
>we could have had finch being Ben from lost.
>but we got leet haxor guy #3000 with bigbadaboom come at me Sup Forumsro
So failcity could be a hero.

The two slade episodes were top tier cwkino, thought oliver didn’t kill anymore tho why was he shooting all the jackals

Will still watch most of both of them stargate is only 10,10minute episodes. Also whitelighter will be negro calling it now.

Its got to be
2>5>>>>first half3>>>>>>>second half3>>>>>
Season 6 is an anomaly because it's so dumb sometimes it's before 3 and others it's after 4. So I'm confused with it.

Season 6 is like a handfull of mini seasons some are better than anything out of arrow in a long time like the deathstroke and jackals episodes and i liked the vigilante stuff and some are worse than season 4 like the whole legion of literally who and oliver as mayor bullshit

Did they kill off Iris?

But that's not true.

3rd as many cuts, arrows going into some eyesockets and that would be top tier. Understandable and decent for a TV show though.

So true user the deathstroke episode were awesome not because muh slade but just because you could tell the writers were better but the wildog is a rat thing I really don't believe, junkie john was shit too although negroarrow I would like to see with the crossbow instead of magnegro.

But it is though, iris went from newstart reporter to leader of the team just wait till she gets her suit next week.
>you're not the flash Barry
>we are the flash

>season 1 was good
It was decent with really terrible moments.
Season 2 is the most comic book thing put to television in recent years and the visual definition of hype. It's when the show really came into its own and became above average.

I want to sniff her feet.