Other urls found in this thread:
>rotten: 3
Racism is alive and well :(
>Europeans can't even post user reviews until the Americans can watch it
that's pretty good, marvel is based
>there were 4 rotten reviews a few hours ago
I know, I know I've let you down
It actually dropped to 96% yesterday so it went up again :)
>Visually, "Black Panther" is often spectacular...It's warriors with spears and force-field shields. It's aircraft that soar and swoop like birds over the Serengeti. It's "Blade Runner" in Dar es Salaam instead of L.A.
wtf i love black panther now
Black Panter is a victory for feminism.
>“[Black Panther] is something that is not only wrapped in blackness but is also layered and nuanced. It has aspects of feminism, of black non-toxic masculinity, of loss, of pain, of various black existences – and that’s something very important for our kids to see.”
>not el ocaso de occidente...
>not la broma de dios...
el dickgirlas los peniatas
>black non-toxic masculinity
No, it's just a kid
that's a girl's voice user
>Fat brown as a turd beaner whore has the audacity to talk about LE 56% when it's part of the 0%
Enjoy being beheaded, you filthy fat as fuck subhuman monkey.
Dats rite. Macho black men is good for feminism.
Well, if the Guardian says so it must be true
did you just put a curse on me you spic motherfucker?
>brown as a turd beaner
>Euro Spanish accent
w-whiter then you muhammad
>black non-toxic masculinity
>black non-toxic masculinity
this term needs some clarification
>the guardian
Not ever worth wiping your arse with that drivel.
>black not toxic masculinity
>60% of black kids don't have a father
Seems right to me.
I watched Paddington and it was fucking cool. No bullshit, just a stupid bear fucking about. Everyone was white. 10/10.
Still higher than the dark turd
>>ruthless dynastic conflict solved through violence
k bro
That's the normal way to solve royal affairs though.
which one got removed? whyyyy
It was too toxic.
hopefully this breaks the flood gates of this ironically fascist SJW cancer brigade and people start to throw actual reviews
that's the patriarchal way
o rly
>Guy Lodge of Variety wrote, "Another near pawfect family entertainment, honoring the cozy, can do spirit of Michael Bond's stories while bringing them smoothly into a bustling, diverse 21st century London — with space for some light anti Brexit subtext to boot."[41]
>with space for some light anti Brexit subtext to boot
were we wrong /poltv/?
Not him but brexit is poison for the UK economy and will basically make them a US subsidiary.
Yes, even more of what they actually are right now.
whats the bigger racket: eu or usa
>there are literally anons monitoring the rotten tomatoes website 24/7 around the clock just to shitpost in case this film gets another rotten review
In terms of low masculinity tell me how being excited for a Nintendo Switch eclipses stalking out a website? You losers were, are the soyboys all along.
Don't forget 97% is fucking hilarious! How will they ever recover?
Welcome to Sup Forums. Enjoy your stay.
>wrapped in blackness
Are we still talking about movies or is this about coffee now
>less than 100%
that's it, racism won.
Can't tell if female or underage desu.
Sjw coma, from which there is no waking.
Imagine niggers had a a superhero who raises his children and doesnt get arrested
wow Sup Forums you guys really showed them! bravo.
you can hear the fatness through the voice
that's too far.
there are rules even in fantasy user.
Is it bad anons keep bringing up Paddington 2 to squish Black Panther?
Sooner or later some retard will see it and flag Paddington as alt reich neo nazi white supremacist symbol that keeping the black panther man down.
i love you bb pleae marry me
Scores better than TLJ, but unfortunately still under the shadow of the mouse.
Closest one to a superhero that raises his child and doesn't get arrested.
>implying its not
It's about an immigrant who is fucking retarded who invades a white country and is only accepted due to the white mans guilt, the white burden. He is not dealt with either by gunfire or forced immigration because he adopts the customs of the culture and integrates. Plus he doesn't actually carry an ideology with him that would cause any ill to the culture of white. He is as good as you can hope for from immigrants.
That's only 96.875%, they're rounding up
You literally can't criticize this movie in the current US landscape.
If you did, not only would you be called out as racist and sexist and as being a nazi, but you would surely loose your film review job and be blacklisted from the field forever.
So a high score like this isn't really surprising.
>la extincion de la luz del mundo
It would be stupid to round down from 96.875%
>fully realized characters
Is this a new meme?
They weren't in the euro, hardly had any obligation to follow EU laws and got to serve as the financial center for the whole EU.
The only thing they had no control over is free movement but that's probably going to stay anyways.
translation please
>they're rounding up
>Critic Consensus: Black
the same australian girl you made 4 threads about already
>rotten: 3
must be the 3 white people they had to let in so they didn't get slammed with a diversity suit >_>
White people bring down the diversity of a group.
t. jean-claude juncker
Piccolo ain't no nigger, he's like a reverse-nigger.
>masculinity is only toxic when white people do it
this is why no normal person respects feminism
still higher than the rest of the MCU
what im more interested is seeimg audience score
'want to see' is always 99% for big movies and this is at 94%
>this is why no normal person listens to women and betas
I just need to be more specific.
>96.875% should be rounded to 96%
Homeschooling education everyone
>with space for some light anti Brexit subtext to boot
Funny thing is that it had nothing like that at all. Hell, Paddington himself is more british than 90% of London.
>Can't take a joke
Autism everyone (they already know you're an autist but this is just to make fun of you)
>Autism everyone (they already know you're an autist but this is just to make fun of you)
Shit. It's either the woman of my dreams or some underage ebin xdd piece of shit kid. SHOW YOURSELF
Granted, I just translated literally. I don't know too much about religious speak in English.
>The goblin (closest word since goblino doesn't actually means anything, closest thing in spanish is "duende" or "trasgo")
>The monster
>The creature
>The abomination
>The monster from our time
>End of the world
>The light-devour darkness
>The ogre of the americas
>The son of diabolic perfection
>Holy virgin Mary from Carmen, always triumphant and to all the merciful saints to the right of the holy Father our creator
>For the blood of his holy son Jesus Christ, our lord and savior, spare this sinful soul and repent in this anguish moments and free me from the shadows claws of the goblin
>If I know basic economic theory and political analysis I must be an EU shill
The Empire's not coming back, nigger, it's either being one of the top three countries of the world's biggest economics bloc or being on your own and getting gangbanged by whoever feels like it.
Why do you think the Asian countries are STILL pushing for TPP even without America? Strength in numbers is how everything works in the 21st century.
Theres no point having a good economy if it isn't in service of an actual nation. When our economic system has gone from making money so the British people can prosper and grow to a system in which the British people whither and shrink and the already rich import more workers to make them more money, then you may as well burn it all down. You've literally forgotton what it means to be human and British if thats your argument
It's our movie, europoor. Make your own critically acclaimed movies everyone wants to see
Niña, vuélvete a forocoches, joder. Aquí no pintas una mierda.
>you've forgotten what it means to be British
>a country that has one of the most stratified social and economic structure in the western world
>still has an aristocracy
>still has a monarchy
>still has their king as their religious leader
>basically invented fuck-the-poor industrialization
>basically invented robber barons
>entire history was noblemen vs. kings and nobody ever caring about the poor
>every Tory politician in the past 40 years supports aggressively free market policies that killed off British industry
Nah mate, screwing over the working class is quintessentially British.
>black non-toxic masculinity
newspeak has gone too far
You are a slave to economic realism. You will die a slaves death, alone and abandoned in a commercial care facility by your spawn as they seek economic prosperity in this shitty system, your African nurses abusing you and picking your pockets as you expire an old withered non- functioning economic unit.
ooooooooooh no. oooh no no no. ahahaha.
I don't understand why anyone's taking the RT rating for Black Panther seriously. We know Disney got busted blacklisting sites that don't give them good reviews. They've literally been caught doing it with Thor and The Last Jedi.
People like you make me sick. So well versed in the failures of your own country you are absolutely blind to the greater more prevalent failures of every other system. The rest of the world lives largely as we do, they even often speak our language because historically our way of life has been naturally selected as the superior system. The fact you cannot comprehend that a country that has always cherished its monarchy has often had greater individual freedoms than half the worlds "republics" is a clear indication of your failure to understand the British at all. You do understand that the monarch is the champion of the people right?
Paddington is an honest film with no bullshit.
>The rest of the world lives largely as we do
LOL no. It's the USA that has poisoned most of the world and their diseased and disgusting culture has nothing to do with the british lifestyle. Nobody wants to live like you limey fags.
Lmao I 100% have a better life than you, good job projecting.
Must be terrible being so awkward and unsuccessful that the only thing in life that can bring you any sort of joy or pride is the accomplishment of other people whose only link to you is the language they speak or their geographical location of birth.
There's no greater cuckery, no lifestyle more pathetic and unworthy than thinking the "purity" of a nation matters more than the prosperity of its people. What, if your children are hungry because you're unemployed due to a economic downturn you'll tell them "it's okay, at least our plumber isn't Polish!"
Oh wait, you won't be able to afford a plumber.
The true and original red pill is doing whatever you can to improve your life and that of your progeny and close ones. Everything else is outdated ideology, foolish superstition or willing pathetic subservience.
I was wrong, it's not just if you write a bad review, it's if you say anything negative about Disney at all. Blacklist coming at you.