Is Altered Carbon the greatest cyberpunk tv show ever made?

-80s cyberpunk aesthetic
-rumored to cost more than the first 3 seasons of game of thrones combined
-tight writing
-great writing
-protagonist is a turbo chad
- Ortega is hot as fuck
-minimal sjw bullshit especially for Netflix

Best Netflix show since narcos. I hope it gets another season.

Oops sorry my phone glitched while I was writing my bullet points (hence the redundant comments about writing)

Is this actually good? I'm gonna Watch 2049 soon, and I might as well add this to the list.

The start of the series made me so fucking hype till around the last few episodes.
Guess I didn't like the whole sister-arc? Not sure what is was, I thought it was dissapointing the story wasn't more about 'the mystery of the envoys'

>he hasn't seen mindhunter

considering there are no other cyberpunk shows..... yeah still no, it’s shit

It was kino, hope they do the next two books for seasons 2 and 3.

Very surprised there wasn't any SJW shenanigans with "in a world where you can change your body, gender doesn't exist XD everyones bi lmao XD" or whatever.

probably but what other cyberpunk tv show have you seen.
The writing is terrible by the way so are most of the characters. Ortega's actor is terrible and is only there for eye candy.

>-rumored to cost more than the first 3 seasons of game of thrones combined
thats just sad
I mean I liked the show, but a budget like that didnt show

>-80s cyberpunk aesthetic
It's pretty ugly desu.

Blade runner dared to make an artistic choice. Altered Carbon is just puking the rainbow in my face.

We can all agree Rei was the best girl, right?

>in a world where you can change your body, gender doesn't exist XD everyones bi lmao XD
I thought it came to that when the introduced Ava in a mans body holding hands with her husband, glad they showed her getting her body back in the last episode, instead of doing the "love conquers all" approach and keeping the guy
Even though I liked the guys acting, he actually played the role like a woman and not a faggot


>"in a world where you can change your body, gender doesn't exist XD everyones bi lmao XD" or whatever.
did you miss the part when mother if nigress is in the sleeve of a man?

I read the book and the show is objectively shit. Tons of hokey garbage. Bad writing, bad acting, bad story changes.

I want to suck on Ortega's tits

Good taste.

You do know this is based on a book right?

Actually forgot about this. Is the book better? It almost has to be, they probably changed the focus in the series from character development of the main character to the main story. Have you read the book(s)? Do you recommend it?

Could use more naked Ortega and less of Kovac's ass tbhj

She makes my weenus tingle.

>Wojak poster thinks their opinion matters

thats some valid criticism right there


The book is way, way better. The show is shit.

Did you miss the part where they never kissed and then she was a woman at the end again you massive retard?

And? The husband was definitely not bi (and I guess she wasn't either), and they trated it fairly well. She even got her body back at the end.

Best lad.


now kys shitflix marketer.

I wanna fuck that fox

i liked the sister teamup thing, sad for the twist tho, and the stealthy incest shit


Why the FUCK would Netflix market it here when they have a well-known SJW agenda? Where do you think you are?

slit your fucking wrists and end it all if you can’t handle Netflix productions being discussed on here cos it isn’t stopping anytime soon kiddo

>being this buttblasted for being called out on your shilling


well there was Total Recall 2070 but no one remembers that shitshow

>slit your fucking wrists

take your own advice schlomo

I watched 20 minutes of the first episode and just felt confused.

uh huh, keep crying like a little bitch over something that isn’t changing

>Is this actually good?

Don't worry it never stops being confusing

Working hard for that 20 cents, I see

>not ascending to godhood and spending eternity with your incestuous sister
What the fuck was the MC thinking?

Mommy is superior

This. Godamn, that show is severely overlooked

>le retard spams again his retarded numeme for which he stole a template from an oldmeme

this is the most legit piece of shilling ive ever witnessed

being pressed over TV show discussions on the TV & Film board I see

>I'll keep repeating my strawman, so maybe people won't notice me shilling a terrible canadian produced show that sucks ass

show is enjoyable if you enjoy the genre but not worth money. Next time have your OP advise to pirate it and you'll get your discussion.

Asian Takeshi was so much better than Kinnaman Takeshi.

I really couldn't get into it. Felt too much like a show from SyFy.

Man the writing and dialogue of this show is appalling, and all the actors except Skinhead Abuela and Purefory were fucking garbage.

>he’s still mad over discussion about something that’s relevant to the board he’s on
>”and you’ll get your discussion”
hahaha you neckbeard sounding faggot

there's really two possibilities
either, as your OP demonstrate, you have an incredibly shit taste
or you are a paid shill
there's really no alternative

better lucc next time

i liked the show as a whole, the Envoy thing was a letdown though, thought he was some sort of badass, turned out they were just a group of rebels with "muh special training"

i felt myself rooting for the meth's tbqh

felt like asian Takeshi was a better fighter too

Can we stop acting like Ortega is hot? Ortega is a weird midget manwoman. I dropped the show because I couldn't stand the actress they hired. What a disaster.

haven’t made a single comment on the quality of the show and I still have you triggered lmaooooo, based

well tell me more about it
is that really good?

Could have been the sleeve. It's implied CTAC kept it in optimal fighting capacity. I'd imagine it has a lot of upgrades. While Rykers' ex military, I'd imagine CTAC to be a bit more top of the line.

Bancroft got screwed over though. He was actually a pretty decent guy.

The quality of shills these days, sheeesh

>no plot holes
>all storylines are wrapped up nicely
>satisfying conclusion of Bancroft's mystery (both times)
That was surprisingly good tv-show for modern standards.

I respect you still replying even though you lost a long time ago, shows character kiddo



but there was something, dropped

hey, thanks! :)

>'no sjw shenanigans'
>mary sue black female leader who is superhuman at fighting, has super vr powers and also happens to be the greatest scientist in the world
>the rest of the female cast dominate the show, either powerful or tragic or both
>most of the men except takeshi take a back seat playing bitch or being mindless henchmen
>diversity all over the place but the future is le 56% so you arent allowed to criticize
>elite protectorate navy seals are totally helpless and get killed like cattle

The show is decent despite itself. They through enough money and had enough good material from the book to squeeze something decent, but boy did the showrunners try their best to ruin it.

Daily reminder that Bancroft did northing wrong.

Corruption charges for the deal he influenced. What is the role of meths in politics?

literally couldn't understand 80% of her dialogue because of her thick fucking accent

Rei is a toilet

But he was in the right with that deal anyway.
That bill was bullshit and infringed on religious rights.

She did literally nothing wrong

Why do most of Sup Forums seem fine with it though?

I could, but unfortunately because I went to a high school with a lot of girls like that. They would even go into the spanish cursing like they were invoking ancient spirits to give them extra bitch strength.

The actresses mother actually comes from Tibet where that fox is also found. Tibetan weather is so harsh all the animals and humans eventually have a rectangular "I don't give a fuck"-shape on their faces.

>saves your shitty TV show

It's funny because she mentions she used to be a Russian woman when she invented the Stacks

Because they hate Sup Forums and love cyberpunk so they are willing to swallow the bluepill on this show.

I even asked myself am i overreacting, then i go watch the interviews and shit, and of course they cant help but cream over the diversity angle. Like it was a priority over everything else.

>I even asked myself am i overreacting, then i go watch the interviews and shit, and of course they cant help but cream over the diversity angle. Like it was a priority over everything else.

Funny thing is Tumblr hates Altered Carbon because of all the blood and tits in it. They complained about the new Blade Runner movie being a male power fantasy too.


>most of Sup Forums

Really rubs my rapeseeds

>she knows we've been making the ayy lmao jokes

>-rumored to cost more than the first 3 seasons of game of thrones combined

That's sad because cyberpunk will never pull in the masses in that way. I'd rather have a lower budget and more of the story than an early cancellation.

>of course they cant help but cream over the diversity angle

But the point of the show isn't "the diversity angle". Bodies aren't even relevant anymore. I'm on Sup Forums all the time and I don't really see what the problem is.

>80s cyberpunk aesthtic

Stop reading there. “80s Cyberpunk” is an entry-level film genre that’s perpetuated by low film-esque IQ kiddos that correlate neon lights with having cinematic proficiency.

It doesn’t help that Altered Carbon in itself is a rip-off of Ghost in the Shell, while also blatantly borrowing the imagery of Blade Runner. It cannot be the “best” of anything because it doesn’t create imagery or narratives of its own. It’s simply an extension of existing properties; a pseudo-reboot if you will, which is ultimately indicative of an industry where sequels and remakes dominate the consumer market.

She didn't unbuckle his pants and show him how much she loved him when she had him on that chair.

Altered Carbon > Blade Runner


If the budget is truly that high, I could see this show getting the same treatment as Marco Polo. I'm still hoping this gets a second season, because the potential is there, but I'm not counting on it.

Don't go into it expecting a masterpiece. Because it's not. It's just entertaining, really.

He was being blackmailed and also had been drugged when he committed those actions. ( They mentioned his autopsy was altered, so presumably he still had Stallion in his system ).

A male aggression enhancer seems like it would make you more likely to break laws, hence I'm not sure he could even be held responsible for the corruption stuff.

Not to mention that version of Bancroft is actually dead...

> Is 2049 actually good

Did you miss the part where the father was very obviously taken aback and not very happy with it? They barely embraced eachother dude.

Why do the soldiers with the cool uniforms have to be on the bad side while the "good" ones look like allahu akbars? It's the same in every scifi series.

Wow this looks plebtastic

6/10, good production values for a tv show, looks great, add extra point or two if you like blood and tits in your tv shows. Nothing great but its not bad either.

>Very surprised there wasn't any SJW shenanigans with "in a world where you can change your body, gender doesn't exist XD everyones bi lmao XD" or whatever.
Same here, it was surprising. I was at least expecting something when Son Bancroft (I don't remember his name) had his boyfriend come out and embrace him but, nothing.

It's decades old "ebil techno natzees" trope

Because in cyberpunk bad guys are the empire/corporation and their soldiers don't dress like Kevlar hillbillies or sand niggers.