Honest filmmaking.
Honest filmmaking
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insomnia cures, more like
contact is kino
t. dishonest
It's good I give as I did in many other threads about this movie. Not sure where you want this honesty thing to take us to
One of the most dishonest movies I've ever seen.
See how retarded it sounds to call a movie honest or dishonest?
Dishonest post
movie sucks
good thing the movie isn't like this at all you fag
Dishonest from the very first shot. It is not true that the entire Universe is contained within the eye of a little girl.
this site actually shows the songs and when(or where) in the space they are being played
It is pretty nice
The movie does indeed suck, but the message is the opposite of what you claim.
Writes itself into a corner with the terrorist subplot, and then pulls off the most retarded deus-ex-machina procurement scam in all of fiction to cheat its way out.
t. Brainlet
>that mirror scene
still amazes me
>and then pulls off the most retarded deus-ex-machina procurement scam in all of fiction to cheat its way out.
What's that? That there's a second one? I thought that was great.
It completely ruins the movie. All suspension of disbelief thrown away for a shitty joke. But ironically that might have slightly improved my opinion of the movie, because from that point on I could no longer take it seriously. I didn't care so much about the ending shitting all over the previous character development because I didn't care about anything that happened.
can someone explain me how come the recorder kept going for 18 hours at the end?
Didnt it like, run out of tape? Does nasa have like super long running recorders or was it a plothole?
It was a digital recorder, you retard. Not tape.
What joke?
Being this much of a brainlet
I I get your point now. The movie overcommitted on religion. It also stereotypified the female scientist as having single father's complex. And in the end she had to surrender to the religion and speak something totally unscientific.
The movie is actually very forgiving of Christianity... You clearly didn't even watch it
>why build one when you can have two at twice the price?
And I just remembered it was an international scam, which makes it even less plausible. This is not how you embezzle taxpayer money. Nobody in a position to attempt it would have been retarded enough to expect to get away with it.
It's literally a retelling of Joan of arc you mongoloid
God how did I never realize this. I'm such a plebian
so? Even digital recorders dont go for that long
I've got years of digital recording time on my computer.
>All suspension of disbelief thrown away for a shitty joke.
What are you talking about you dumb idiot? Do you prefer movies that act like Wil E Coyote cartoons where they always give up if their plans fail the first time?
they already said in the movie it was good for thousands of hours of data
how is this inconceivable
a personal computer could store that much in the 90s
They didn't persevere after a failed plan. Somebody attempted the biggest scam of all time, and got away with it because all the auditors were inexplicably retarded. And there's no way it only doubled the price. Secrecy at that scale isn't cheap.
>Somebody attempted the biggest scam of all time, and got away with it because all the auditors were inexplicably retarded.
How is it a scam if they actually built it? What are you even talking about?
Humans and our deluded self importance, why in hell would we be contacted?
Building a completely useless device for the sole purpose of embezzling money. They literally admit to it. The fact that the security forces at the first site (who knew about the terrorist threat) were also incompetent is not an excuse.
The whole movie is full of more retards than Prometheus.
Oh I see. You are, in fact, retarded. My mistake.
>Building a completely useless device for the sole purpose of embezzling money.
But an interdimensional gateway to other worlds isn't useless.
A second one is useless. Even if you know that the first one is guarded by morons, the correct thing to do is replace them with non-morons.
>A second one is useless
Why would a second one be useless you absolute retard?
Do houses only have one door? Do taxi companies only use one car?
I thought it was wrong that recording 18 hours of static on a tape would be somehow distinguishable from not recording at all.
are you dumb or something?
The fact that they built it in secret is proof that it's useless. They only need one, and they know that they only need one. It's a pure scam.
The problem from a storytelling point of view isn't the fact that it's a scam, it's that it's a *stupid* scam. The Manhattan Project worked because the workers believed they were doing something right. The were helping to Smash the Japs and preserve the American Way. Their wives and friends knew they were doing important work and didn't ask questions.
Do you really think you can pull off something of that scale where the motivation is "let's help my boss rip off the taxpayers?". All it takes is for one person to talk and your career is over. It's literally a joke the writer threw in to distract the audience from the terrible writing.
oh god i hate you
>propaganda used to support future meteor crash and alien invasion false flags
>honest filmmaking
>The fact that they built it in secret is proof that it's useless. They only need one, and they know that they only need one.
Why wouldn't they build it in secret and why wouldn't they need more than one
>The problem from a storytelling point of view isn't the fact that it's a scam, it's that it's a *stupid* scam.
But it's not a scam
Building it in secret is far more expensive and difficult than building it in public. There is no plausible scenario where the expected value is higher than just guarding the first one properly. If they genuinely needed more than one then they could have built more than one publicly.
>But it's not a scam
"First rule in government spending: why build one when you can have two at twice the price? "
It's a scam. The audience is expected to laugh here, and that distracts them from the plot derailment. It's incredibly lazy writing. It reminds me of the Room of Requirements in Harry Potter.
How is this film meant to support those things?
>The fact that they built it in secret is proof that it's useless. They only need one, and they know that they only need one.
It's instructions on how to build a machine FROM SPACE.
Of course they'll build a second one.
Even if they didn't intend to make it spin and all that, building a second one would make them able to study 2 machines instead of 1.
You are building machine designed by aliens, the biggest event in human history i don't think normal assumptions work here, for me it was obvious to build copy of it and keep it secret.
Doesn't explain why it was secret. "Two at twice the price" is impossible when the second is secret. Labor and security costs are massively increased, and you can't benefit from any economy of scale because that would mean bringing all your suppliers into the conspiracy.
But if there was a legitimate reason for more than one, it could have been "two at 1.5 times the price", or even "ten at three times the price". That would actually have made sense within the setting, but it would have made the bad writing of the terrorist subplot too obvious.
There is no economic justification for a secret device. It only makes sense as a scam, and the scam only works if the majority of people in the setting are clinically retarded (which to be fair, is consistent with everything else in the story). It's lazy writing to patch up the shoddy plot construction.
it perpetuates the space meme
Holy fucking shit... of course they would build another one, in the movie it is said that countries pitched to project, whole humanity builded them, the thing is with project that big once you made something it is easier to build replica of it, think of it as one mold to produce many copies of it, most money went into figuring out how to build one in the first place.
>of course they would build another one
No good reason for it to be secret.
>once you made something it is easier to build replica of it
Not if it's secret.
>most money went into figuring out how to build one in the first place
They were literally given the plans.
The writing is just plain insulting to the audience. The script is structurally unsound. There is no way the parts can fit together in a dramatically satisfying way, but the lazy writer refused to do the right thing and rewrite from scratch, and instead threw in a deus-ex-machina with a joke to distract the audience. HURR GOVERNMENT WASTE MONEY. Yes they do, but in sneaky ways. Not a fucking Manhattan Embezzlement Project. A secret second device is not in any way believable. You can't hide this level of shitty writing with a joke and a quick scene change.
The Honest Litty vs the Shallow Narcissism
Love this movie so much.
are you from eastern europe perchance?
r u a retard m8
>No good reason for it to be secret.
Machine from aliens, terrorist attack, malfunction, study, alien technologies, secret means of contact with them if original works... not enough?
>Not if it's secret.
Even if... you are building biggest achievement in human history i dont think they would care.
>They were literally given the plans.
Yeah and you have to build them and power it from something you have to have machines to build machine, like a ship drydock, huge inter dimensional portal that bends spacetime, this is not easy to figure out how to build.
But seriously you are nitpicking like fuck nobody have problem with that, it was stated in one word it seems logical. end of story.
they are both good