Who was in the wrong here?

B4 you accuse this of being pol bait, its a genuine question. As a melanin enriched third worlder, after seeing this gif on another board (not pol) I couldn't help but wonder if summer and rick were right.

Yes the guy is a white supremacist skin head and yes he was obviously wearing the swastika to get a reaction out of people (trigger them) But still he JUST left the building and even though he was wearing that shirt with that nazi tatoo he didn't actually DO anything like the other people. I'd get it if he was shouting racist slurs, harrassing minorities etc but he didn't (yet maybe). If I saw someone like that either wearing a nazi or isis shirt I'd think yeah "he's a cunt asshole" but I wouldn't beat the shit out of him the moment he steps out of a building without him even saying a word

Rick is an unrepentant asshole who provably makes things a lot worse for pretty much everyone who he meets, injures others with total detachment, caused pain, mayhem and the death of countless innocents, will rob worlds of the tiniest glimmers of hope for his own gain and is so monstrous even Morty now sees he's near irredeemable.

Summer is a wannabe who does whatever Rick says to do and will follow blindly.

It doesn't matter if the skinhead was doing nothing, Rick would maim him and pretty much anyone on the street if he felt like it, and Summer would follow him in punting them.

I doubt they did it because it's "the right thing to do." They just want to deliver a cathartic beat-down to someone belonging to a group most people don't like (Neo Nazis).

why is this hard for people to understand?

xavier taught me to look for a deeper meaning

They were in the wrong. That is the point of the larger montage. They become increasingly aggressive and forceful.

Doesn't matter. They just wanted to beat ass and feel justified doing and damn did that dude make himself an easy target

It was his choice to become one of America's favourite national enemies while also currently living in America. The fuck did he think was going to happen? If I step into the ghetto dressed like a member of the klan, I expect to get the shit beaten out of me. He steps onto american soil dressed like a nazi fuck, he expects to get the shit beaten out of him. That's the way it works.

Please stop this shit OP. It was during a montage with rap music in the background of them beating people up for random dumb shit. They even fucked up some guy who was pulling too hard on their dog's leash, but I never see anyone complaining about that.

Everyone needs to stop taking this shitty comedy cartoon so seriously with every little thing that happens, whether it's how they treat Jerry, or Rick being a Nihilistic asshole who spurts that "God doesn't exist" even though we see him pray to him before he thinks that he's going to die. Come the fuck on, Sup Forums.

They were beating up dicks. Politics aside I don't think I've ever seen a dude wearing a swastika not be a dick who likes getting a rise out of people.


because they want to get triggered

As a dog owner, I genuinely felt less sympathy for the asshole who dragged his poor pupper to the point of hurting him. If I did that, I'd likely deserve a smack over the head for it.

i dont think you understand how much we need dumbfuck and/or bait topics like this to keep this board alive. Western cartoons and comics are in a state such that there's just not enough to discuss in good faith without dragging up false controversy

because calling people who arent nazis and then beating the crap out of them is suddenly in fashion again, and there's confused motherfuckcers out there.

I completely disagree, mostly due to the fact that most of the time actual discussion is usually derailed by this sort of dumb shit that other people can't seem to shut the fuck up about. That's why we barely have any decent generals anymore. Granted, they'd shit up the thread themselves in said generals, but at least they'd be staying on topic with that damn cartoon/comic that the thread was made for.

Hopefully, you haven't been shitposting for so long that you've forgotten what a decent thread looks like.

OP, you're reading too much into a joke. The joke was simply that he was beaten up because he was a neo-nazi, nothing more, nothing less. This joke has been told countless times before and will continue to be told countless times after. This is nothing to get upset about here and this shouldn't be read into too much, doing so is completely stupid and it makes you sound like an autist.

The writers of the show

>I'd get it if he was shouting racist slurs
>Beating people up over words.

You're no better than Rick and Summer.

Reminder that this is literally how we got the Spanish Civil War (and for that matter the literal nazis) the first time round.
>Leftists are fucking stupid and keep attacking anyone they disagree with while basking in their own self-righteousness.
>Fascists say "hey, those assholes keep murdering people, we'll keep you safe!"
>One civil war or Reichstag fire later leftists are being herded into camps or tossed from helicopters and no-one gives a shit because everyone hates them.
History doesn't repeat itself, it fucking stutters.

OP you say it's not Sup Forums bait and a genuine question but that's exactly the kind of thing Sup Forums bait would say.

God you're fucking stupid.

Political violence is always normalized gradually, and usually justified under the guise of social propriety.

Which is hilarious, when you think about how postmodern and ironic most first worlders are. We've spent the better part of the last century doing everything in our power to destroy the very concept of a social norm, and then we flip around when it's convenient and rely on cries of common decency to justify violence against people we dislike.

I'm just waiting for someone to label Nazism a gender form and be done with it.

I would rather have a slow board than a shitty one.


No we don't, and you're an idiot if you honestly think we do.

If we "need" topics like this to keep this board alive, then this board deserves to die.


Would be a lot more cathartic to see a tumblrcunt get her shit pushed in desu. Nazis have been the villains in everything for 80 fucking years now. No one cares about them getting beaten up unless they are the epitome of normie.