Do you think Quentin Tarantino will be able to make more movies?
Quentin Tarantino
yes. none of the old jews in hollywood give a shit about petty rape claims by whores
He loves jews and black people and raping women, he is LA incarnate and will outlive us all
holy shit, bitch was already 15, and was infatuated with a famous powerful male
what age are ameritard women able to consent some harmless sexual shit?
Hollywood has been Rape Town since it’s inception. Mothers used to cry when their daughter said they were off to Hollywood, because the mother knew if she ever saw her daughter on the big screen, then she was probably raped. A few big names come down for “justice”, and then Hollywood celebrates and acts like they’re clean while raping all the same
quentin won an oscar?
2 Oscars.
de la Hoya and the Grouch?
The most important part:
What porn movie Tarantino directed for Showtime?
He never did direct anything tv related
>he showed me a soft porn movie he had made for Showtime, under a different name
Source of th emovie?
He literally directed a double episode in CSI and other one for ER, idiot
Except for CSI this one time that I know of
He did it under a different name.
She was in Grindhouse around 20 years later though, did she forgive Quantum Tarantula?
>He literally directed a double episode in CSI and other one for ER, idiot
aint showtime faggot
>He never did direct anything tv related ()
>i-i was just refering about Showtime only!
yeah, you were that specific. Fuck off retard.
Could someone tell me the source of that screencap?
I suppose she only discovered she was raped when Farrow told her that, and that was later on after doing Grindhouse.
Funny she also dies there as they were accusing Tarantula now of trying to kill Uma Thurman in Kill Bill 2 in that crash scene... Maybe he also has a fetish for car crashes like in pic related?
OP posted it from his personal home computer.
>yeah, you were that specific. Fuck off retard.
btw I wasn't that user. Just pointing out how dumb you are.
If not in Hollywood them elsewhere.
>nothing tv directed
>but he did
>no but I say Showtime huur duur
You are that pathetic, being the only dumb here. Keep replying trying to save your salt.
Mia Farrow trying to convince someone they were molested? Gee where's that coming from?
Probably not. She was butthurt that Rodriguez had sold the movie to Weinstein. And they shot features that were later edited down, so it's possible that while filming she didn't even know it'd become a double feature with death proof
It blows my mind they women can decide decades later that something was rape and its okay and people act like that's okay and not insane.
Tarantino was in Planet Terror though and she worked with him in Death Proof since they reused the actors for both movies
I'm surprised it hasn't come out that he did some non-consensual creepy foot shit to a girl.
But did he actually direct the porno or was just bullshitting like when he said he'd worked on Dawn of the Dead
What softcore porn movies came around that era in Showtime?
Jon Hamm thread?
is that an underbite
McGowan was 15 in 1988
it's not Tarantino, you dumbfucks
What kind asshole directs softcore porn? Especially when you're already a well known, professional filmmaker.
Tarantino was in Hollywood then writing scripts and directing softcore porn.
Disregard this question, I see now this happened BEFORE he was famous. I'm retarded.
Is rose the hitman for Disney now
>want to make Star Trek to compete against Disney's Star Wars
would have been more believable if they didn't just do that to Ben Affleck
He was working on a video store and being an extra in The Golden Girls around that time.
Until 1992 he didnt sell a script. He was a complete nobody back then.
>QT having sex and not just sucking on some toes while furiously jacking off
Is this a real picture? Who thought this was a good idea?
How do you go from having a
But then, does the world need another Manson movie?
Phil Collins' song In The Air Tonight is about Quentin Tarintino and how he watched a guy drown and wouldn't save him.
>made softcore porn for Showtime
doesn't that rule him out?
>You are that pathetic, being the only dumb here. Keep replying trying to save your salt.
Calm down kid what part of >btw I wasn't that user
Don't you understand?
If you stopped crying and raging you could read and comprehend.
>trying to save your salt.
>your salt.
And she claims in the interview that she was attracted to him. No female has ever been attracted to Tarantino.
the chad theory literally cannot be refuted
Why is there no porn yet of Rose McGowan being gangbanged by a bunch of circumcised Hollywood exec cocks?
It would make Hollywood look even worse. Although there's a 100% probability that such porn exists.
Nice headcanon LMAO
>Rose Mcgowan
The same women who after hearing news about how her former manager killed herself after Rose sent her attack dogs and the media after her for writing a supporting statement about Weinstein not raping Mcgowan responded by posting a selfie and going "thanks for supporting me this difficult time"?
Oh fuck that cunt.
>At one point, the investigation led to this B- list actress/entertainer who comes from an acting family. This actress had been with some men, including an actor who enjoys sleeping with men and women who bragged about the trove of kids they had access to for child porn. They named some names. Those names were not names known to the actress but she wanted to pass them along. So, she got in touch with the investigator who she had known for a long time and possibly could help with all of this. Within a month, the actress was dead.
>Our investigator decided to go to the location where the people named by the actress were located. The investigator kept backing up information and even though was out of the country, sent it to various family members for them to back up on the USB drives the investigator had been using. Shortly after the investigator began seriously digging around and asking questions, she was killed.
>Fast forward a few months. This A list singer has been in touch with a woman who says that one of the last things the investigator wrote was related to the singer. This woman has no idea what half the stuff on the USB drive has to do with anything, but would the singer be interested. The woman is in the town where the investigator was living prior to her trip and death. Yes, the singer would be interested and is going to be in that town in a couple of weeks and they can get together. A few days before the singer arrives in town, he is killed.
Investigator: Monica Peterson (Assistant Director at the Human Trafficking Center in Colorado, died in November of 2016 while doing research on child trafficking in Haiti)
B- list actress: Alexis Arquette
Actor: Jared Leto
A list singer: Chris Cornell
No. His "Manson" movie will be cancelled by Sony, 100% due to mounting rumors, pun intended. Perhaps Netflix scoops it up, but Hollywood Jews want QT to pay for the sins of the father, Weinstein. Sucks. He'll go crazy.
>The same women who after hearing news about how her former manager killed herself after Rose sent her attack dogs and the media after her for writing a supporting statement
He's walking on thin, thin, thin ice by making a movie about Polanski. It has all the pinnings of a fall from grace. Almost like its destined. His first movie about specific IRL violence, involving women. He's got targets all over him now.
it's a black male thing
>Be Hollywood director
>Have sex with an actress
>20 years later she decides it's rape
>mfw my career is over because a roastie changed her mind 2 decades afterwards
this, 15 is totally legal in my country
>In January 1997, Jill was an entry level manager at Addis Wechsler. One of her first clients was Rose McGowan, and one of Jill’s first duties was to set up a breakfast meeting with Harvey Weinstein during the Sundance Film Festival. Following the meeting, Rose told Jill what had happened – that she made the decision to remove her clothes and get in the hot tub with him — a mistake which Rose immediately regretted. Rose never once used the word rape in that conversation. Despite this, Jill recognized that Harvey had done something untoward to Rose, if not illegal. She immediately went to her bosses, the partners of Addis Wechsler, to recount Rose’s story and to insist that they address the situation. They told Jill that they would take care of it. The ensuing arrangements between Rose and Harvey were then negotiated, completely without Jill’s knowledge. At that time, all Jill knew was that the matter was settled and that Rose continued making films with the Weinsteins. She never knew any details until recently, when Rose elected to make them public.
Kevin Spacey
Star of Netflix's flagship original show, arguably THE show that put Netflix on people's radar
>Lous CK
Deal with Netflix for stand-up specials, star of The Secret Life of Pets a massively successful animated non Disney/Pixar movie
>Harvey Weinstein
Head of one of the most important "independent" Hollywood studios
>Joss Whedon
Hired by WB to take over JL after Snyder was booted
>Ben Affleck
One of the biggest draws of the DCEU
>Max Landis
Screenwriter for Netflix's first big budget movie
>Aziz Ansari
Star of Master of None, critically acclaimed Netflix show
>Quentin Tarantino
In the process of making a Star Trek film to rival Disney's Star Wars
>Charlie Rose
Host of CBS This Morning, flagship morning show of CBS, ABC's (owned by Disney) biggest competitor
>Andrew Kreisberg
Cocreator of the CW's Arrowverse
>Bryan Singer
Mastermind behind Fox's X-Men universe. Rumored for years to be a sexual predator of young boys, lots of buzz about incoming onslaught of accusations... which mysteriously banished after Disney decided to buy Fox
The veil has been lifted. How can we stop The Mouse?
Seems Dan Schneider is the only one who can keep getting away with it.
Reminder that Netflix fired Kevin Spacey and Max Landis when their allegations began. If Sony cancels QT's movie due to sexual assault claims Netflix won't be likely to pick it up
Sony gave him 200 million dollars they ain't cancelling shit.
No way
Dan is in pedowood. So far no one from pedowood has been caught.
Why? Why are they more powerful than Weinstein or Taramtino?
Honestly if this nigga doesn't get to his 10th I'm gonna unironically cry
And even if he makes it, you know he's going to be mentally affected by all this shit and it'll fuck up his movies. Get ready for the end of the road anons. Quentin is done.
Sure. They have support from a lot of major Hollywood players. The largest is probably Geffen.
At least he got to make some good flicks along the way.
Hope he BTFO of hollywood with this Manson movie, the manson murders are the best showcase of their bloodthirsty incestuous culture you could ask for.
MC Ride better get a cameo too.
Geffen? I'm curious. Elaborate on this.
women were a mistake.
Feminists should be ripping her apart for blatantly using a rape accusation to promote her memoir.
His greatest role was as an Elvis impersonator in an episode of Golden Girls.
punished quentin's manson movie will be the biggest pedowood reveal since EWS
screencap this
Stop posting this. Keep your mouth fucking shut for you if you know what's good for you.
Wtf that's not qt