*ruins your tv show*

*ruins your tv show*

holy fuck was that a bad character. I totally forgot she existed until I just google image searched the picture

>ruins your movie

>*runs* your tv show*

>Gets shot in the head
>Doesn't die

Why even have her get shot then?

*ruins your career*

>punisher season 2: the adventures of frank castle and madani

>*ruins your tv show*
Thats not Foggy or Karen

You could say that about every major female character in every show like this

>my favorite marvel hero has his own stand alone show. WOOHOO!
>first episode shows this muslim, feminist, pro afgan and iraki cunt.

Couldn't watch pass episode 1

is that the *-sight roll eyes-* "that was both sexist and machist" femalelead from the pussysher?

Foggy was just terrible and awkward. I found myself cringing every time he hit on Karen.

Also the Defenders themselves kind of sucked, their powers had too much overlap. Basically you had two tanks and two fighter dudes. Daredevil teamed with Jessica Jones or Luke Cage paired with Iron Fist would have been good. But all four together didn't really flow well.

If anything, Bill chose her so I doesnt die alone. Bill is his own idiot on this one.

Unironically she was never hotter to me then when she was recovering in bed after getting shot in the head. She uttered like two sentences of dialogue that EVERYONE in the room ignored and it was her best performance.

>tv show called The Punisher
>like half of it is about stong woman DHS agent

actually forgot she was muslim too in order to tick every box on the diversity chart

Show should have been 6 great episodes instead of however many they shoveled onto me

The rest is Frank trying to cuck Micro with his wife.

Karen is based and somehow functioned as pro-gun propaganda in the 10th episode I'm not sure how the fuck they managed to slip in

I love Frank but he pretty much needs a supporting cast to balance him out.

>Foggy was just terrible and awkward
He came off more like a girlfriend than a concerned bro. I couldn't believe for an instant that a man would have that level of reaction to finding out his friend kicked ass nightly and did heroic shit.

>their powers had too much overlap
Not to mention the choreography was pretty shit. Jessica Jones had super strength but can't apply it to any use in a fucking fight, they have to tip toe around Luke Cage being able to rip through everyone by having him job and punch concrete to people fall over and stupid shit like that, Iron Fist can still only make only one part of his body glow instead of having his entire body be a living weapon where he can kick and headbutt and shit. Anyone that doesn't job to the glowy fist is just going to eat up time with another poorly choreographed fight.

DareDevil is still the star of the fucking thing. The only guy that came out clean and with people wanting to see more of.

I blame the PTSD kid. His shit went on for way too fucking long.

>Netflix is the #1 choice for young couples.
>Netflix need to sell their shit cause it's a business after all
>Can't sell a punisher tv show to couples if it's just about Frank Castle throwing thugs of the empire state
>Has to add a sjw, independant, strong, hijabless muslim, anti american, anti war, pro iraki, the the LAY DAY can watch it too.

He does. Frank can't do what Frank does without having his mentality bounce off of other people. I hope Micro returns. Karen is clearly going to be in this shit until she gets her head blown off for offing Wesley [as she should] so their dynamic is going to be a thing. I just hope it does't rely too heavily on Karen. She already does way too much as it is.

>look up actors
>she’s Jewish
>punisher is Jewish
>micro is Jewish


*ruins your tv show*

no clue who that is

And how you do this without it being boring as fuck is have the supporting cast be the criminals he's hunting, but that takes good writing to make your villains sympathetic and fleshed out enough to be main characters you know are most likely going to die and for the show about a vigilante to actually feature vigilantism.

she's a huge step up over OPs

Police officer from Altered Carbon. Basically the same type of character, but on a different show.

wow didnt recognise her i only remember her tits and her swearing in southern californian.

Total qt tho.
Hope she's back for the next season,

Also, much less attractive

There is Karen for that. Madani and that veteran subplot stretched it out for no reason and there is just not enough actual punishing in between aswell

no she isn't
she is way worse.
Even her sex scene is worse

more like ruins my dick

she was a good actress and sexy as fuck. it's not her fault the story was subpar.

>What I wanted
Frank gunning down black and Mexican gangs
>What I got
Jason Bourne-lite plot and the only people gunned down are white government agents (with added feminism)

She was way better desu

Sup Forums btfo again

>another Sup Forums thread
why can't you people stay in your shithole

>tfw you get a boner listening to Bill Burr's podcast when she strips in front of him to try on a pair of MeUndies

Pun S2 is going to be muthafuckin' Barracuda apparently. Should be fun. He and Frank do the nastiest shit to one another.

i agree
its awful
im gonna go back to rabbit where i can discuss this tv show without the misogyny and racism
you wanna come with?

Nicer bod though.

Ruins your movie

Every MCU netflix series after the original Daredevil has had big problems. They start off well but either wander aimlessly in the middle before rising to a mediorce ending, or jsut plain suck throughout the second half.

From watching them all I think they blow all their budget early to get the viewers in and then try to coast the rest on scraps of production value they have left. JJ meandered after the first 5 eps. The Defenders had such a disgustingly low budget finale that it all but tanked the series as a whole. Iron Fist felt like it was done on loose change left over from all the other shows. I think the big problem is Ike the Kike is tightening the purse strings with each new production: "You've done really well! Now go do it again, this time with only 80% of the budget..."

The Punisher was a bit of a relief from this - it at least stayed coherent and consistent throughout.

That's actually a really good point. Like it's not even what they did with Russo where they say he could be comatose basically until the actor is free to take the role again, she's totally going to be in the next season

Had I only been so wise

To be fair her family were secular Royalists who fled after the Ayatollah took power

That was all really unintentionally funny

Pls god more brown mommy shirtless scenes

>I blame the PTSD kid. His shit went on for way too fucking long.
This was the worst part of the season. I get the muslim cop, she's the lawful person that crosses paths with the anti-hero character, in the process possibly bending her own sense of justice.
But the kid was just because she show just HAD to have something to say. It couldn't have been just Frank fighting his own demons and killing people, they just had to shove the PTSD storyline in there.

fuck off retard

At least she had that scene where she uploads her grandma into a body of a fuckhueg skinhead for Dia de los Muertos. That dude's acting was great.

Shes Punisher 2.0.

y-yeah. I don't hate her but why the fuck did we need to focus on her so much? None of what she did was interesting and it brought down the pace to a grinder halt.


They should have changed her character to an ATF agent. Then let her loose on the city of New York killing Dogs left and right

>fucked men that were not me

Haru Okumura?

How will they ever recover?

*gets creampied*

It was also a pretty fucking horrible, cliched way of portraying PTSD.

Punisher was trash. Maybe two good episodes. Riddled with subtle PC bullshit. Bernthal is a shit actor manlet.

I want to paint it white

...hair? What am i supposed to see?

>literally fucks up everything she tries to do
>escapes any repercussions

she hot tho