How were these reviews NOT racist?
Comic book superheroes were only liked by basement dwelling nerds back then so it was perfectly acceptable to hate on Marvel movies.
Back in the day it was ok to dislike movies regardless of the race of the main actor, because people were very racist. Now we are more evolved and know minorities need to be treated differently, subjected to a different standard.
That was back when movies were judged based on quality of content instead of diversity quotas. Now if you write a bad review of a movie like Black Panther, you are labeled a hardcore racist and petitioned to be executed in a public forum
it's not Disney-powered MCU, so you can give it fair rating, no need to grolify it like eveny other Marvel crap now.
Why does Sup Forums keep pretending reviewers won't give bad reviews to black films?
Because tumblr and twitter has made a big deal out of BP, so /poltv/ has to
Racism used to mean hatred based on race or a belief in the superiority of one race over another.
Progressives have been dumbed down by social media and Obama politics into thinking it now means doing anything to offend or criticize women or minorities
>Home Alone
>The Mummy from the 90s
>all rotten
Why does anyone take RT seriously?
oh wow Black Panther is film of the decade now. At last I truly see.
Blade is a great movie
The foundation underlying the beliefs of all political/religious extremists is willful ignorance of all information which doesn't fit the narrative they're trying to push. You can point out objective falsehoods in the beliefs of someone from pol and they will NEVER, EVER incorporate that new information into their beliefs. At best, after being humiliated and caught lying enough times, they will pretend the point of contention doesn't exist at all, and move on to other points.
This. Sup Forumstards NEVER adjust their biases. Us liberal geniuses, however, have no biases; so, we fear no reprimand from the other side.
I implied the inclusion of SJWs when I typed "political extremists" you dumbass fuckstain professional victim.
Wesley Snipes was a terrible actor. Blade went to shit because the star actor was an egomaniac.
This isn't an all black movie like Black Panther, so you could critique it like any other movie.
Cape movies *shouldn’t* score near perfect from all critics. Why? Because it was never intended to have that broad an appeal. The ridiculously high scores that capeshit gets roughly 90% of the time is a solid indicator of just how watered down, homogenized, and focusxtested for mass consumption it really is.
Yes, there is the rare comic character or comics story that enjoys broader appeal, but who in their right mind would expect their 70yo grandmother would enjoy the kind of brainless spectacle you see in a movie like Ragnarok? There should always be some reviewers out there who don’t recommend a genre film like comics/sci-fi/fantasy for the simple reason that it indicates it doesn’t necessarily appeal to all possible demographics.
This is all still true today.
Mainstream Hollywood movies were better back then
it was a different time
fuck you I fucking want u dead. Dont make any more of these shitty fucking asshole threads
They just aren't
you're pretty delusional if you believe this.
>I make my own reality