Do you remember Filmore
We ain't got shit

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It's a cop drama
For kids
Always found that premise dull but they executed it rather well, propably one of my more favourite cop dramas

>All dem Egyptians movies need dem black men



Holy shit, I do now! Used to love this show.

regal folk

when it was new I didn't "get" it and all I saw was a black guy and asian girl main characters and I thought Disney was just making shows with token minorities for the sake of getting PC points

I'm surprise people do given that it premiered on ABC Kids instead of the vastly more popular One Saturday Morning. It was another gimmicky show like Recess and Weekenders only I'm not so sure if kids got it as much as they did the previous shows since it completely alienated them and played up the cop drama aspect to a tee so it came off as boring to me back then and upon rewatching it as an adult I think I respect it more so for its concept rather than say enjoy it.

They great thing about it was that it was all kiddy crimes but they kept the serious tone and atmosphere (though not content) of adult crime dramas. By playing it so straight they made it absurd. It's one of those cartoons you don't appreciate until you look back at it as an adult. At least for me.

Ingrid isn't asian

Hilarious precisely because of how seriously it took itself. I mean this in an extemely positive way. Even the slightest bit of "self-awareness" would have made it feel stupid and forced.

Favorite Saturday Morning Disney Show.

Safety Patrol. X middle school. Is that a problem?


>adult swim
I'll pass
also, what do this video have to do with Fillmore?

>implying you actually thought that

I feel the same way. I love how instead of a case about a mafia boss handing someone an envelope, there would be a conspiracy about cheating on the SAT. Or instead of catching someone with a brick of cocaine, they'd find someone smuggling pixie dust sticks into the cafeteria to other students who sold them for profit and shit like that.

And the theme was fucking dope.
Honestly I didn't watch the show that much though cause I was always watching PBS like a poor child.

Tyler the Creator referenced it in a Q&A about his new show. He was listing off cartoons with Black leads.

>cheating on the SAT.
To be fair, that would have some major scholastic repercussions.

Alright. You can go be kangs in detention.

This is show is criminally overlooked by Sup Forums


I know it's the premise but he took his job WAY to seriously.

Also when did anyone take time to actually learn shit?

Other days
The kids probably have special schedules or something.

They learn on the job.

I hate what Tyler's become

also these people are unbearable holy shit
