This puppet form a 1984 children's movie looks more realistic than any CGI monster I've ever seen in my life.
This puppet form a 1984 children's movie looks more realistic than any CGI monster I've ever seen in my life
Jurassic Park has the best CGI I've ever seen.
Why does the older stuff look better?
Christ, I hated that fucker as a kid
why dont they use animatronics any more?
looks good but what the fuck is up with its eyes, it looks drugged
Most of what you think is CGI is actually puppets and models. Much like the Phantom Menace.
For me I think it's the textures and reflections of CGI surfaces that are out of place. They were just lucky with Jurassic Park I think. Maybe a combination of low res CGI looked good on film? But now high res CGI looks shit on digital films. Jurassic World was fucking dogshit for example.
Where´s that from? Dark Crystal/Labyrinth or whatever those were called?
Outsourcing CGI wasn’t a thought back then.
This scene was the most philosophically deep thing I'd seen as a child and could comprehend.
The NeverEnding Story.
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Then you need to get a new pair of glasses.
a combination of a lot of things, but an important thing to remember is that CGI looks more believable when it is intended to be "wet". so the t-rex in the rain scene was a bit easier to believe because there is rain, and i suppose also because there was a lot of great props throughout the movie before that which lent to the suspension of disbelief. it immersed you with good prop work and then it didn't totally botch the CG moments like modern movies do.
The NeverEnding Story.
The Rock Biter looked great too. Imagine what it would look like if it was made today. Some shiny CGI shit with overly reflecting surfaces.
I'm more curious as to why they can't do animations right.
They can have like a face that's indistinguishable from the real deal but as soon as it moves you instantly know it's CGI.
Like why does it always look so shit, aren't they using motion tracking anyways?
it looks like shit
Thats not CGI its animatronics
Jurassic park WASNT CGI
The T-Rex I think was, but as said it was realistic because it was wet.
>A real object look more real than a rendered one
I'm just guessing, but maybe they can't get the refresh rate right? I mean, what's mostly off putting about CGI is that they're too smooth, smoother than the movie itself. It's like a movie in a movie or something. That, and the problem with texture and reflections.
I was 3-4 years old and had been brought to a relatives house to be babysat. This is back in the mid-80s, so people in general didn't give much of a shit about child safety, so I was strapped into a high chair in one room while the babysitter was on the other side of the house cooking or taking a nap or something. They put this movie on to keep me occupied. I was stuck in this chair, 5 feet from the TV, unable for it to escape my gaze no matter how far I turned my neck. It was like the eye apparatus in Clockwork Orange.
The Gmorg scenes are forever scarred in my brain, and I'm fairly certain that I passed out from screaming before the babysitter came back to see what was wrong.
Yeah OP the Wolf looks like complete shite, has not aged well. The Rock Biter and Falcor on the other hand still look incredible
>practical effect looks more realistic than CGI effect
woah... really makes you think
Is the joke that it looks like ass?
why do u think the rain was CG?
I don't think the Argentinosaurus was animatronics
I wish it was a talking sock instead. All those nightmares.
1. Good direction: Spielberg was a master at making it seem like the monster was there even when it wasn't (see: Jaws).
2. As others have mentioned they knew the limits of the technology. For instance CG skin still had a glossy, shiny look to it. So they set the classic T-Rex scene in the pouring rain, meaning there was a reason for the T-Rex to look shiny and wet.
3. Most of Jurassic Park's dinosaurs are Stan Winston's animatronics/puppets. I can't remember the exact quote but there are only about 13 (I think) minutes of screen-time where you actually see the dinosaurs and about 7 of those minutes are the animatronics.
4. Phil Tippet. The guys a stop-motion animation legend and was originally going to do the dinosaur effects with stop-motion. Then CGI came. Luckily Phil was kept on as he was a massive dinosaur expert and knew how they probably moved, whereas the new computer animators did not. In fact most of the animation was created by using rudimentary stop-motion models for the dinosaurs which Phil would animate (the guys a stop-motion pro so he knew how to convey something was heavy through stop-motion movement). The rudimentary models had points all over them which were being read and recorded by a computer. Thus, most of the CG dinosaur work in the first Jurrasic Park was actually initially done as stop-motion animation, and then rendered and given skin and shit in the computer.
Just like everything else, it'd either be a pale orc thing or the thing from fant4stic
I dont remember
the Gallimimus were CG tho
most things weren't