Daniel Harris "Razorfist" absolutely BTFO'S Blade Runner 2049.
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Blade Runner 2049 BTFO
fuck off Dannyboy
shill your garbage on reddit
punished spoony
he's a prequel fag tho. I said it better
He hated the movie before it came out, and saw a camrip of it
What I'm I watching he's literally stroking his own dick as being a true "fan"
>I watched everyday during high school
>I bought an autograph script
>I bought memorabilia of the set
>Akiba is a Blade Runner RIP-off
how punished can he actually get?
is there literally any e-celeb less likeable than razorfist? even linkara would be less insufferable.
this is the transgender punishment phase he announced on twitter
He's the ultimate contrarian. The shit that made him a shitbag was muh Plagarism of the Witcher which he vowed to make a video soon that was a year ago
How can anyone dress up, decorate their rooms or take on a personality like post-2005 without being embarrassed by themselves?
>He's the ultimate contrarian
So why does this board have a problem with him?
I take Taserface was already taken?
Heh, that's how they called me in college.
absolutely based, unironically
I also subscribed, this man triggers the soy runner boys
>thing is X and you should feel Y
I make it a point to not watch anything with a title like that, sorry.
>Blade Runner 2049 hater
>complete soy boy
When even Jay from RLM makes fun of your name being ¨RAZORFIST¨ like it was one of the lamest jokes in a marvel movie, you can of loose empaty to the guy
He reminds of a guy in high school that was a "nerd" in freshman year and took up a heavy metal persona to harden their image, but you still see the nerd.
this guy is like a nostalgia critic who fell off the deep end
they have the same voice
the same whininess
the same fast talking, new-reference-every-second conversation style
it's uncanny
>soyboy making a bad joke makes you lose respect for someone
Fuck I remeber my frineds show ing me Spoony's Yor reveiw when I was a teenager. It's sad how he's fallen.
Good lord you're ugly as shit!
Haha what a slow, childish bear.
He doesn't realize that dystopias aren't meant to be ideal. I know it seems crazy, but there are a lot of movies that theme themselves around abuse of people, that are actually delivering the message of humanitarianism by depicting a sad world without it.
Hi Razorfist
Did this turbonerd time travel from the 80s?
I sub to Razor because I enjoy his rants and heavy metal videos, that doesn't mean I think he's 100% correct on everything.
For example, he thinks Oasis are trash which just means he has trash opinions when it comes to non-metal music.
>Watched the camrip and has game posters on his walls
Opinions discarded
RazorFist is my favorite Styx so far
I would unironically like RazorFish but
>he's too much of an 80s fag in references and Fashion. Too cringe
>He's not that smart while he may sound smart in his scripted video where he is grandiloquent out of script he's a moron watch his political debated where Kyle Kulinski made him look like a bitch
>The worse part that makes me drop him completely is he tries too hard to be Dennis Miller
Razorfist please.
jesus christ, how dumb can this guy get? Everytime I see something he said and it just keeps getting worse. Absolute shitforbrains
Jay is literally the most pathetic member of RLM with the worst jokes.
Just cringing looking at that image, is this the kind of person you should be wasting time listening to?
Yeah I’m sure in the first 5 minutes this dumbass guessed that Rachel was the mother of a replicant child that was not actually K which you wouldn’t even know in the first 5 minutes because it hasn’t even been revealed that Rachel is dead or that she was pregnant or that the bones were hers or that the child was alive. Why do people pretend so hard to be so smart? You didn’t guess any of that shit.
whatever you say razorfist. Dont let the door hit you in the vagina on you way out to plebbit
This is getting really sad razorfist, please stop.
Razorshit is American, he's probably in bed or at work.
he just gets worse and worse, I think it's an act
that's not nearly grandiloquent or pompous enough to be the real razorfist
>implying he has a job
oh is this the same guy that thinks that fallout new vegas is the worst fallout in the series?
>implying he has a bed
I just don't get it, someone so active on social media shouldn't be so out of touch with reality
>he just gets worse and worse, I think it's an act
Most men this pandering to progressive shit are acting, but not ironically, usually because they're hiding deep dark secrets about themselves.
I'm not joking either, there's been a fucking cavalcade of these cunts shown to be rapists, molestors, pedophiles - far more than just random chance, usually the loudest voices too. They're desperately signalling how "good" they are to bury the truth.
blown the fuck out by a skinnyfat manlet. LOL
I got into an argument with this guy about battletech and he is a flaming autist.
>george luca raped my childhood
the absolute state of star wars fans.
He blocked me on twitter for calling him out for lying about not talking shit about 2049 before it came out.
sounds about par for him.
Post your twitter account
It's my shitposting account, but here's the tweet nonetheless.
What was your second choice by chosing that name??
true, and a lot of rapists go the opposite route too and get gay for god and talk about how the mile long conga-lines of women and girls they've molested and raped can't be trusted. kind of like roy moore or trump
Real name: Daniel Harris
Age: 32
Bands: Ex Machina, Mortiferus
Music video (him as lead singer): youtube.com
Picture of him jerking off: images.encyclopediadramatica.rs
(he posted a video of himself jerking off on cam to a porn site with his phone number attached to try and get a gf)
>"It's my shitposting account"
Stay there underage scum
Because I'm not stupid enough to shitpost on my actual account I'm underage?
You sure are seething today, Razorfist
How many women frequent porn sites looking through videos of guys jerking off to find a bf?
You know he was trolling for gay sex.
He claims an ex bf of a girl he was dating at the time "hacked" his email and posted that video (that he sent to her) and his phone number there.
If you're not this faggot then don't fall for it. He was a fan of the original and so reasonably felt trepidation on hearing of a new one as anyone would but because he has to keep up the facade of knowing what he's talking about he couldn't just admit he was wrong like everyone else and watched a shitty camrip then declared he was right all along as if his judgement had any value. He's a fucking idiot, I subbed to him and unsubbed within a week because of his forced sanctimonious attempts at stirring up drama.
Oh and I saged your thread.
I like to this Razorfist denies his real name after Encyclopedia Dramatica BTFO'D him so hard.
>Fakes his video game reviews
>Got cucked out of a gf went back with ex
>groomed a Canadian for a wife
Got caught being a cam whore
Because you have two twitter accounts you underage meme hustling parasite
Post your real one or stay there
>he couldn't just admit he was wrong
A similar thing happened with that Punisher on Netflix. For weeks, he was bitching about the guy playing the Punisher on twitter and how he was going to suck as the character, then he ended up liking him, so he started saying "I-I never said this guy was going to suck. I just said I was unsure!"
What were you expecting, pushback? Sure they do. You're baiting hard with those specific examples though.
>haha ur name dumb
So.. this is the power of.. manlets.
please...stop Razorfist, this is getting sad...
>tfw you thought it was just some contrarian shills but you realize Razur is actually here
Hey, Faggotfister. How's it going? How many accounts have you blocked today?
rubber list
smother gist
grubber mist
I like Razorfist
I do too, but there are many, many times where he is just flat out wrong.
He dresses like that unironically? How old is he, 15?
He'll be 33 in May
But every main male character except two (Deckard and Wallace) die by the end. What's his point?
did he get the idea from Omega?
It's weird he says that because he seems so bitter and angry at the world. Guy seems like has zero empathy.
Are they even friends anymore? Razorcunt seems to cut people off out of the blue.
i wonder how it feels to get BTFO on a daily basis like this guy
This honestly doesn't surprise me. He doesn't even play the video games he "reviews." He only just wants to bitch about things he doesn't like and how he hates people that do and how they have shit taste for it.
And a complete honest to god contrarian. He'll bitch and moan about Witcher 3 because "Muh Moorcock Elwin!" or "Every anime is Bladerunner", but lap up George Lucas' Soy Wars shit which his whole career is built on ripping on Kurosawa and French Comics.
Dobson's into inflation porn. We already know what his secrets are.
>Making fun of Zelda Williams after her dad died
What the fuck is wrong with this asshole? Isn´t he supposed to be a gay feminist or some shit like that?
>The worse part that makes me drop him completely is he tries too hard to be Dennis Miller
The faggot thinks that Miller is the greatest comedian of all time. It's so fucking bizarre. When someone called him out on being a wannabe Miller he took it as a compliment. Fucking deluded retard.
So he's a lolcow
Danny is 32 he was barely conscious during the 80s and he can't stop dick sucking pathetic