I just watched the new Orient Express

I just watched the new Orient Express.
>niggers in the Yugoslav army


Niggers rule the world, be humble.


Did you never know about snow niggers?

Looks looks like your average Croat to me.

I don't understand, all I see is an average serbian?

the Finns?
but they're descendants from the mongols, not niggers

Well they also changed the indian doctor to a nigger. And this is the same guy who made a nordic god black.

so...what did you expect?

bože mili, tito se okreče u grobu




When will you Serbs and Croats unite against you common enemy: the dirty Bosnians?

I haven't seen this, but there have always been niggers present. They're just few and far between. What did this show make it 50/50 nigger to whitey ratio like everything else does these days?



Ok, so when?


and ask that question there.


This movie sucked but the cinematography was pretty damn good at least. Some really great shots.

Sup Forums is Sup Forums now blackboi now sit down and be humble

We're gonna change the perception that slavs are white by showing that there has always been a big large population of blacks in there, even though no one in their right minds seriously believe that.

average prople in republika šumska

Everybody hates the serbs tho, don't forget slovenia. Bosnians are just kinda stupid, not really a threat to anyone, meanwhile you've got serbs failing terribly at larping as whites


Look like Montenegroes to me, accurate enough.

>no Desert Eagle or any IWI weapons anywhere
Step it fucking up.

But slavs are niggers, what's the problem?

Mount niggers are literally the only part of the balkans that didn't get turk raped out of existence though?

But I thought slavs are asians. Is there a single race slavs aren't?

serbs are the only ex-Yugo people we like in Slovenia, dude. serbs are bro-tier. fuck the rest.

Unga bunga dungle-dee-doo
I've got a perfect puzzle for you
Unga bunga dungle-doo-dee
If you are wise you'll listen to me

What do you get when you trigger dumb NEETS
Posting on Sup Forums and looking at feets
What are you at, getting terribly fat
What do you think will come of that
I don't like the look of it

Slavs are just a clusterfuck of every race in the eastern hemisphere

lmao why are hacks always so insistent on diversity

The guy you're replying to has most likely never been to Europe anyway.

I know they worked really hard to make negro dr. work but come on

This murder mystery didnt need a forbidden race mixing subplot

Slavs migrated in the 6th century from the Scythian region near Central Asia, where they traded and had contact with Germanic remnants from the 2nd century Germanic migrations that managed to stretch all the way there, the Turkic tribes in Central Asia, the Persian/Parthian people, the Mongols, and the Northern Indians. So that's all the people they had contact with before the great migration.

There are some niggers here, but I doubt any of them would be allowed in the army.


I'm an American and the only Yugoslavs I know is my Croatian girlfriend and her family. As a Slovenian, can you tell what the deal is? Is it because Croats are a bunch of Vatican loving bootlicking fascists?

>shittalking nationalistic patriots who stand up to the degeneracy of the west

slavs are non-ironcially more white than "le 56%" amerimutts, or the pathetic-ness that is western europe now

slavs and russians will be the final bastion of the white man

>slavs and russians will be the final bastion of the white man

It's already clear its going to be the Czechs and the Poles. The Hungarians will help out but they arn't really white so they don't count

Russians are slavs you imbecile.

>Not White
Well memed Bolek.

they have backbone. The west doesnt.

So do the Chinese, still doesn't make 'em white.

What's weirder is that some American millenial aftereffect'd Himalayas in the fucking Slavonia countryside.

Hungarians came from the Western Gokturk regions in Asia, under a leader called Attila, clad and always represented in Turkic/Mongol armor, so of course they aren't white.

>pink skin
>blue eyes
>pronounced orbital ridge
>presence of neanderthal blood

>not white

whiter than you, burger

>Believing in propaganda
Spoken like a true slav.


>Kenneth Branagh directed Thor
what the fuck, I actually liked the guy, I didn't know he already sank that low

Nah, just documentation of both Romans, and all the people in-between the Hungarian migrations, including Hungarian preserved tracing itself, including genetic tracing.

Hungarians aren't related to Huns bro

>the 56% thinks he can speak

poland is literally like 95% native polish

>lepropaganda XD
Sure, and half the Hungarian dictionary being almost identical to Bati Gok Turk dictionaries is probably le propaganda too, no?

Yeah, hell, I can't even remember, was the doctor indian in the book, or did he just change it from white to black for race baiting?

For some reason in my head it was a indian doctor in the novel/movie, but I could just be remembering wrongly.

Where does this 56% meme come from?

Still not white my little pierogi munching friend.


So albino niggers with white skin and light eyes are white according to you then?


You're a busy kyke! You should rest and take a little shower.

>not white

yeah im sure this random russian man
is an example of a chinese

we wuz Irish n shiet

from america

Did you never see an albanian before?

No, but he's a slav.

>albino niggers

they dont have neanderthal blood, a feature exclusive to whites and asians (but asians have a different form)

exact fucking second

and that's a good thing

official stats from burgerland

counter measure shilling against the "it's ok to be white" slogan and posters


the delusion is real

I understand it about americans, who are annoying as shit. was just wondering where "56% white" came from, as the number is higher. (mid 60's)

why are 56%ers so fragile?


They don't have a different form, they have a bigger % + denisovan

>I haven't seen this, but there have always been niggers present.
The blacks in the Balkans (even today) have always been something like 0,0001% of the population.
There's a story about the Bulgarian army in WWI and they had an encounter with a French platoon from Senegal(?) on the front and their amazement, because they haven't seen a black person before.

Bugerland is 60%+ non-hispanic white. But not 70% in all the stats thrown out.

But hey, give it 10 years and it will be 56%

I dont know, its just some forced meme butthurt euros though of when Ahmed fucks their women, Im 100% Italian btw.

Remember when they didn't pretend blacks where everywhere?

Russians are unironically subhumans. Any "culture" or "civilization" that they """save""" is not worth it.
They singlehandedly made the linguistic group "Slavs" be associated with second-class people.

Yeah, its all good, we are going full Asian here in Canada.

this whole movie was

fuck sake is that going to be in every hollymutt movie that comes out from now it

Outside of the prologue where did you see references to Jews?

Have you watched it?

I have an extreme fondness for the Magyar because i used to date one and spent a great deal of time there. I'm Brtish btw. I was only bantering a little. Theres plenty of Magyars who look like ayran supermen but there's also a great many who have a distinctive Asiatic twist. Your're still Euro's through and through

>but there have always been niggers present

no there fucking well have not been niggers in the balkans until recent times

I am from Serbia and I've never seen anyone black apart from outside of my country. Literally never

>but there have always been niggers present

I went in 1992.

They where very poor At that time, but I really liked it. And still very European.

yeah, I'm sure in the 40's they totally had affirmative action hiring practices in Yugoslavia and made sure all races were represented.

You stupid fucking brainwashed moron

Kara boga is coming for you again slaveshitters

African blacks used to be accepted into the JNA Academies (Yugoslav National Army) during post-WW2 Communist Yugoslavia, as a peace-keeping deal between the non-aligned countries, the numbers were minor and we mainly trained officers. They were never part of the Yugoslav army, they were cadets for training and release.
Before WW2 though, during the Monarchy, there were no blacks whatsoever in the Balkans.

Sup Forums

kikes aim to erase every culture and ethnicity but their own

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