What is Sup Forums consensus on this sci-fi classic?
>jennifer connelly is always mindblowing
What is Sup Forums consensus on this sci-fi classic?
the acting was really bad
i watched this
but i don't remember it
other than it was different
Great movie. Can't think of anything quite like it. Only things I didn't like are that the soundtrack is a bit too prominent, and the ending is a rushed boss fight. But I love the haunting Shell Beach theme and the ruminations on memory and identity.
Total ripoff of the matrix desu
week bate
It was good, if not a little grating. It's issue was that it had a tendency to insist upon itself.
Hmm, I agree, shallow and pedantic.
Were they aliens? How did they build a city in space?
Giv neo-noir torch singer qt...
They're some kind of alien parasites, they mention that "we use your dead as vessels". And presumably they built it the same way anyone builds anything in space, one step at a time.
So is the matrix pretty much a mash between ghost in the shell,dark city and the action of old john woo movies?
a glib facsimile
Dark City and the Matrix came out in the same year, so I don't think that one influenced the core concepts of the other.
The Matrix, I think, was heavily influenced by Neuromancer. Also probably ghost in the shell, but I'm not well acquainted with it.
Both movies came out too close to each other to really influence one or the other.
I guess the matrix script was floating around for awhile because the studio was hesitant to give Washsoskksksi "brothers" a job directing
It was more of just the zeitgeist of the 90s
it fucking sucks
The vibe of the movie is fantastic and the pacing is tight, yet has enough space to let the characters and themes breathe. It's a well-made film for the most part.
entertaining, well-made, highly derivative, and very empty-headed
it's sort of like the '90s Hollywood version of anime. cool looking trash divorced from all meaning.
I don't like the whole stupid fight ending. It was a cool scifi noir then it goes from that to some stupid kungfu/telepathy battle? Am I pleb for holding this opinion?
According to imdb,the original rooftoop set on the matrix was bought directly from the production of dark city
dude, what does that even mean?
extremely boring and bad
Meh, solid 7.
I don't know which of the following ripped of which, but event horizon and the matrix are almost identical in the "real world" style.
It's very good as long as you watch the version where Kiefer Sutherland doesn't give away the entire plot in the introductory monologue. The only part which has aged very badly is the climactic confrontation with the aliens.
The Matrix had over double the budget, but it still blows my mind what the Wachowskis accomplished with $63 million (especially when you consider how Dark City looks).
>It's very good as long as you watch the version where Kiefer Sutherland doesn't give away the entire plot in the introductory monologue
I take it that's the theatrical cut? I've been wanting to get the Blu Ray of the Director's cut but it's ridiculously expensive for some reason.
Read this in Kiefer Sutherland's voice