Guys. Stay away from actors

Guys. Stay away from actors.

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wtf is this?

just cult things irl

She branded her sex slaves.

A cult. Some dude has actresses recruit new sex slaves for him. I'm not making this up.

>Be an actor
>Drug-fueled parties start getting boring
>Summon a lesser demon

This isn't normal!

giv cult leader gf

i wish would Allison brand my balls

I wonder if any jews were behind this...


I wonder if she seduced them and then slowly broke their wills until they were willing to do anything for her. haha.


Who will be the next actress revealed to have a secret harem of pusy slaves?

Shame there wasn't anyone famous in her sex cult.


Feminism means women get the right to choose how they live their lives. Any man or woman who judges her is a fascist.

I need porn of allison mack branding and dominating female cult members

Can I get a quick rundown?

How did two people with the personalities of a cardboard manage to start a sex cult?

A new report claims His Holiness the Dalai Lama was paid $1 million by an Upstate New York "sex cult" that brands women to speak at their event.

According to The Daily Mail, the Dalai Lama received the fee to speak in front of 3,000 members of NXIVM (pronounced "nexium"), which has recently come under fire from former members. The Buddhist leader is seen in a photograph placing a khata, a traditional ceremonial Tibetan scarf, around the neck of the group's founder, Keith Raniere, in Albany.

NXIVM describes itself as a self-help organization, but former member Sarah Edmondson filed a complaint in July against a member who branded her. She said female members are required to be branded with Raniere's initials, "KR," and also must give their "master," or recruiter, naked photos or other compromising materials of themselves; Ranier allegedly manipulates women with sex and intimidates people who try to leave the group, threatening to expose those materials.

The New York Times reported last year that DOS, a women's only group within NXIVM, has been described as a "secret sorority" that also brainwashes members, puts them on starvation diets and beats them if they don't recruit enough "slaves." DOS, led by former "Smallville" actress Allison Mack, allegedly stands for "dominus obsequious sororium," Latin for "master over the slave women."

Members also reportedly include former "Dallas" star Catherine Oxenberg's daughter India Oxenberg, and wealthy Seagram's heiresses Sara and Clare Bronfman.

The Daily Mail reports Sara Bronfman helped book the Dalai Lama to speak at the Albany event in 2009 while in a relationship with his "personal emissary of peace" to the U.S., Lama Tenzin Dhonden. Bronfman can be seen on stage next to the Dalai Lama during the event in a YouTube video.

Allison Mack was leader of a sex cult and branded her initials into women's flesh to mark her ownership of them

>babies first discovery that how people behave in public isn't how they have to behave in private

I take this for an ulcer, I'm scared guys.

I can only hope the dropboxes filled with collateral get found and hacked into

That's hot...

Me too...

i live in albany where the sex cult is based.

should i try to get her to "recruit" me? don't know if i want to get branded though desu.

Why would they recruit a dude?

well obviously not for his harem, but it's a cult. they want to get weak minded people in there so they can take advantage of their assets and shit. typical cult 101 shit.

I need pictures of that...

if its so easy why dont you do it faggot

i bet not one poster itt has a sex slave harem of volunteer submissives

its a chick's cult

i didn't say it was easy, and i'm not a sociopath with tons of charisma. all i meant is that it's not like he only wants females in his cult. he probably spends the most time with the hot chicks like any other dude with a dick but if you can afford to keep paying for his bullshit "classes" i'm pretty sure he'd be fine with you being in his cult.

no it's not. he gives leadership classes and seminars and shit to men and women in albany. he just fucks the women though obviously.

why? they all did it voluntarily. those degenerate sluts should be hanged not defended

Why has no sex story leaked yet? I get it, it's a sex cult yadda yadda, but what kind of sex was it? MFF? MMF? MM? FF? BD? BDSM? BDSMX? GB? ORG? CP? CPP? RP? C'mon give me something.

So if Allison Mack and Kristen Kreuk are some kind of nympho dom sluts, how the fuck is it there's no fappening pics of either of them as of yet?! Seriously, where the fuck are they? You just KNOW they are freaks in front of their cameras.

guys stay away from koreans

1. Not reading
2. Why is it so hard for autistic faggots to make an easy to read/parse/navigate infographic?
3. Have an index/contents that labels the information, then show the information in each picture.


the south korean president has been outed for literally being controlled by a cult. Read more bb

>Kristen Kreuk
>nympho dom slut

That was incredibly painful to read through because of the retarded cropping. It needs a massive TL;DR version without the extra fluff.


I doubt they are taking male applicants but where do I sign up.

This is hot as fuck

Cults gonna cult.

They'll never go away, they'll always be a nutjob with a power complex. Just sit back and watch the fireworks.

Not her cult, but there’s a video of Angelina Jolie talking about some sex ritual; real crazy Illuminati stuff.

And now she has no tits so nobody cares.

are you a woman? it's a woman only cult, apart from the male cult leader

wew lad


>Its clients have included Richard Branson as well as actresses Linda Evans, Allison Mack, Kristin Kreuk and Nicki Clyne.[14] According to Forbes magazine, 3,700 people had taken part in its Executive Success Program as of 2003, including Sheila Johnson, co-founder of BET; Antonia Novello, former Surgeon General of the United States; Stephen Cooper of Enron; and Ana Cristina Fox, daughter of former Mexican president Vicente Fox.[18]

Emiliano Salinas (son of former Mexican president Carlos Salinas), has been identified by Proceso magazine as "director" in Mexico for NXIVM.[19]

The way this guy obfuscates his point is absolutely incredible. We're reaching levels of sociopath that shouldn't even be possible.

When someones in love with you, or basically just admires you, you can say anything and they'll go with it. You've seen this in politics or talk shows.

Why? She's number two in a sex cult. It doesn't suck to run a cult. It only sucks if you're further down the totem pole.

Literally millions of people have BDSM submissive fetishes. Why would they care they're at the bottom?

See: Humiliation fetish; degradation fetish.

Been looking for this for ages. thanks user. don't let these low attention span retards get you down


For example this slut was literally mindbroken by dyke dommes. Cut hair, tattoo brands, lock necklace.

again, no it's not. yes i probably won't get sex from this girl but that was half joking.

NXIVM is not a female only cult the guy does seminars and classes for men and women.

He's a master bullshitter and she was just a tool to recruit young stupid impressible women.


If his cult is for sex he's not taking any dudes except maybe traps.

I would let traps into my cult.

Can someone explain to me why cults are bad? If you somehow made it out of this hole, managed to get into a position a power, establish that power, and have your children reign in that power for generations, you wouldn't want to start your own cult, let alone a sex cult where all modern vices can be fulfilled?

>Kristen Kreuk

There's nothing wrong with cults if you are in control.


>Allison Mack & Kristin Kreuk
the NXIVM headquarters need to be destroyed with passenger planes like the twin towers on (((9/11))), if these fucks even have headquarters. If not, all clients must be executed.

inb4 their shit all falls down and she claims she's an innocent victim manipulated by the big mean main guy.
Don't get me wrong, what she's doing is pretty hot and great but when shit hits the fan she won't do any prison time or anything.

>You join this guy's church and he tells you he'll fuck you in the ass if you want
What do?


spread butt cheeks
>having numerous sexual liaisons with both men and women. Jones insisted that all men were gay and all women lesbian, and that he was the only true heterosexual
What a mad lad

Terrifying. How did I not come across any of this in 2016?


Wait. So Chloe and Lana probably scissored until they pissed themselves irl. That was my fucking fap dream throughout middle school.

>While Jones banned sex among Temple members outside of marriage, he voraciously engaged in sexual relations with both male and female Temple members.[100][101] Jones, however, claimed that he detested engaging in homosexual activity and did so only for the male temple adherents' own good, purportedly to connect them symbolically with him (Jones).[100]

I don't think the nut job aspect is as interesting as the fact that there are so many people so braindead as to follow them. And not just follow them but worship an devote their lives to them.


>tom and rosenbaum do a podcst for roseys channel
>bring up everything from smallville expect for Mack
Was pretty fucking funny to see them skate around the subject with it being the huge elephant in the room.

Its more a meditation and help group. But the Guru likes sex and has some women that follow him, give him money and sex. And these women recruit more followers.
As far as i understand it, not everyone is in this cult or inner circle. But the disturbing part is, you dont know what qualifies them to be worthy. But i guess either rich, influencal, beautyfull, bdsm or easy to manipulate are key factors. I blame 50 Shades of Grey for enabling that golddigger guru.

Maybe they want that? Guess if they have a bdsm fetish, they like that.

you mean #metoo

You might join, but as far as i read, you would just be an employee in a self-help organization. Only the inner circle has orgies and sexslaves. And only chicks are allowed to enter the inner circle. I think thats why one in the accounting talked to a newspaper. He just got salary with blue balls, but no invitation.

I guess its more of a sex club for a small group. And the leader scams them money. For me it looks like they all like these bdsm and orgy thing.

>you will never partake in or even witness crazy drug fuelled rich Hollywood nympho orgies

Life's not fair desu

That's only the tip of the iceberg my lad.

astra veneca may be able to help

I guess because they roleplay more and many are dedicated to that kink. Till we hear otherwise it sounds more like a swinger group with the guru stealing their money so he dont have to work.
And these "confessions" i bet are just "i stole money from daddy" or "i said he destroyed my car, he paid for it, but it was just scratch in the door" kind of things. All will be lame and underwhelming if uncovered.

>when I grow up, I want to be master of a sex cult

>ywn join a sex cult run by celebrity nymphomaniacs.


everything in hollywood and washington is connected. when will the bigger picture be revealed?

Only if you wear a vest of peace to the meetings.

that's fucked, lol

top lel . they are talking like first year philosophy majors

very disgusting