No threads on the 2018 Olympics

>No threads on the 2018 Olympics
this is how I know Sup Forums is a bunch of fags
sucking on medias dick about nig panther

Does this look like Sup Forums to you? Retard.

I stopped caring about the olympics after media started writing about how those Olympiad villages are just giant orgies. All those pretty white girls you see got railed by the biggest blackest african the night before. Literally unwatchable.

I would do a triple nutz in the one on the right if you catch my drift.

I mean, do you catch my drift? Just curious.

can't afford cable newfag

>paying to be advertised to with short spurts of actual TV/movies

What cuck shit is this?

the huns and scandicucks are dominating, nothing exciting really

No one gives a fuck about boring winter Olympics.
Summer Olympics is where the hype is.


>No one gives a fuck about boring Olympics.

Hot take.

try /sp
also who the fuck gives a shit about olympics

>tfw some motherfucking homo who is too beta to post on the sports board and watches figure skating has the audacity to call me a fag

I will unironically heem you into the shadow realm you fucking soy latte drinking motherfucker. Get the fuck outta here.

>It's a snowcoon countries dominate for the first few days and then Ameriburgers rek everyone for the rest of the time and win the most medals episode

Oh great, a rerun of every single other winter Olympics. I'll pass.

>curling is boring
look at this fuckin' plebe

I'm worried guys. Did I make myself clear?

I said I would triple nutz in her. Like triple lutz? But for nutz? You see that I would like to have sexual relations with her on 3 occasions?

she's 15

Damn. Too old then

In Russia, she slips right under the age of consent. No worries.

so fuckable ...

Can't stand NBC's coverage. You could not do worse if you tried. I would like to watch, just not on NBC

Lot of spandex in the Winter Olympics. Very nice. Too many niggers in summer Olympics

If only there was a board that focused on sports...

you don't belong here.

the newfag exudes from you

Says the redditfugee that didn't know Olympics threads have ALWAYS gone on Sup Forums, and it's the reason they have flags. Fuck off.