movies, hbo series or his EVOLUTIONARY vision of YouTube
What does tv think of Casey?
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grugstein make good moving drawing. grugstein like youtube. grugstein love green paper
how can anyone be this jewish?
Is he Jewish though?
I'm fairly certain I remember reading he was, may be wrong though. If I had to guess, he is.
la creatura...
he is certainly one of the ugliest motherfuckers alive
never heard of him
Youtube vlogger. Got really popular 2 years ago because (((connections))).
Is Sean Penn his father?
i like his editing
he posted a video of emirates first class which went viral.
he later revealed it was a free upgrade so thats the questionable part
he was getting popular before that.
people got to stop investing money on this guy.
HBO, CNN got fucked in the ass
he doesn't know whats he doing, he is just talented enough to look like he's good at is job
only boosted board and Samsung won
his true form
I don't get the appeal. Seems like another youtube ""culture"" retard making videos for children and manchildren.
That's the ugliest kike I've ever seen.
Closeup of that fuckedup goblin telling the unwashed masses to vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton
Jews have no shame. He needs to be stopped. I'm surprised so many normies watch him.
Whats wrong with your faaaace?
Oh boy, yes. He’s a Jew
He's good in the sense that he actually elevated the vlogging form (though vlogs are still cancer)
He should stay away from politics though, his MUH HILLARY vid was awful
Not that I really give a shit, but yes.
I like him, he makes nice videos, and seems like a pretty nice dude.
>mention who you'll be voting for once
>alt right mongs hound you for it
lol thought you americans live in a democracy?
Jesus those are the sorriest pancake tits I've ever seen