We should totally make this big.
Imagine if Disney tried to say this is trolling.
We should totally make this big.
Imagine if Disney tried to say this is trolling.
I heard the actors wanted no part of this
the actors were quoted as saying "WE"
>actors dont want to fuck with producers
Wow, what an astute remark.
This shit fire is too funny.
>not wanting to help the rest of their people
wow, JUST LIKE wakanda
no wonder its a fucking fictional place
>blacks give money to disney
>call on disney to reinvest 25% of the money in black communites
Why don’t blacks just invest 100% of their money in their communites instead of giving 75% away to Disney?
Ahahahaha implying the mouse will ever give up profits to anybody let alone a bunch of pavement apes
If disney does give money to anyone it'll be to a charity owned by disney
blacks don't understand how jewish disney really is
I think Disney is going to realize they're in over their heads with this one
Fucking hell, is there any opportunity they don't take to scrounge money off other hard working people?
My desire to fuck with Disney is bigger than my hollow internet racism, so sure. I'll help spread the word
Of course Disney should donate 25% (or more!) of its profits to black communities.
This movie was made by appropiating black culture so they should think of it as simple reparations.
This shouldn't go only for blacks, every oppressed group that is represented in their movies should get their fair share. It's the humane thing to do.
Because math is the tool of the white devil or even worse, asians.
is this a Sup Forums operation?
And so we never had black leads again.
>thanks for the movie
>give us back the money you gave us to see the movie
The Eternal Gibsmedats
Who in his right mind thinks this super kike would give anything, let alone millions $$ to anybody, let alone black people. This motherfucker turned all the acquiqitions into schlock making assembly lines to make big profits fats. Disney does all their shooting and visual effects in UK because they don't have to pay taxes. This kike will grab the last shekel in your pocket even if you are homeless. This piece of shit is not a giver.
Yeah, because employing black people comes with an obligatory participation in some sort of welfare program.
I mean, it's the same shit as feminism: They somehow don't really want to be taken seriously.
>muh jooz run everything!
complete brainlet detected
Good thing these movies never make a "profit" thanks to Hollywood accounting
Nice try, falseflagger
They are niggers, but not "that" stupid.
Because 100% of blacks' money will be less than 25% of the total gross
They could give 100% of post accounting profits and not lose a dime.
We should make it 75 percent of the profits on ALL black dominant casted movies in the future
but it got co-opted by pol/tv
25% of the money? Hahahahahahahahaha ya'll niggas bout to find out how much black lives don't matter to (((Hollywood))).
>Disney was the exact same when run by Disney, Eisner, and Iger. Stop looking into it
Nigs about to get a taste of that Hollywood accounting
Gibmey Disney
It’s probably a loss post ‘accounting’
They are asking for 25% of revenue though
>movie breaks a billion worldwide
>Disney never donates any money because in the books it hasn't turned a profit yet
its funny because atleast 25% of the sales will come from blacks with lower income assuming they all dont sneak inside to watch it
This will be funny to watch play out. I mean giving black people free money is retarded, but it would be interesting to see Disney address it see how those Jews try to squirm out of it
3000 signatures is not big enough. Needs more.
>3000 signatures
How is that even noteworthy enough to write an article about?
They won't respond to it
Would Black Panther be a crip or a blood?
Lol if Disney refuses, time to get the actors to donate 25% of their pay from the movie to "black communities" . Also how utterly hilarious that American niggers request money from the movie showcasing Africans as if the anerican blacks are more impoverished
Clickbait user.
3000 is nothing, but it seems enough to trigger salt-right cunts, as shown in this thread.
But would it be to african black communities or american black communities?
>implying blacks don’t already get free money
>what is section 8
>what is food stamps
>what is welfare
>what are dem programz
In the movie the suit gets purple led glow sticks on it so he'd just get shot for wearing the wrong colors
nobody is salty here
>he doesnt want to help black communities
spoken like a true liberal racist
Theres a ton of gofundmes to help buy peoples tickets. How about instead we make it so that ANY person of color can see it for free. Meanwhile anybody not black has to pay double to see it.
Assuming they would have to squirm out of it they either donate the money to their own charity or just have a sacrificial lamb to take the fall and give out nothing.
Nice reverse psychology, cunt.
Not wanting to help black communities fuck off nazi
>literally racial discrimination
we've come full circle, lmao
god damn
What so you don't want to help? Then sit down, be humble, this isn't about you
By "black communities" they mean Africa, right?
I'd rather give out Gibsmedats then see Disney do well
Seriously dudes we could strike a blow against Disney here but we have to ramp it UP UP UP. We need to launch our own petition in which Disney pays a majority (75 percent) of its profits to the black community because they "apporiated black culture, exploited blackness for profit, blah blah blah". We could even add the caveat that they must be transparent in their accounting which would be a double whammy that brings to light their disgusting financial practices
how is it reverse psychology
the perdition -literally- asks for investment into black STEM programs to improve their education
>liberal wants to keep POC poor, trapped and forever needy for votes
>all these Disney shills trying to slide the thread from organized effort to an ideological shitfest
How else is your senpai on insta know you finna be lit and 100 emoji if you don’t live blog your theater experience on opening night?
Why is no one answering?
The goodwill of black people and their allies is 75% of the hype of this film. They should ask for more.
What would make you think that?
Apparently when Eisner took over, he literally drove the company into the ground, they replaced him with another kike because no gentile will ever be allowed to be CEO of Disney ever again. Bob Iger basically took loans to buy better companies, Pixar, Marvel and Lucasfilm. The old Disney was making animated films and it's dead forever. Bob will milk these 3 companies dry and then Disney will be have nothing else to buy because they practically own everything in the entertainment business.
Because 1x1 = 2
Either Disney caves and does it which is actually nice of them, or they pretty much show that all of this marketing was just to sell tickets and that they don't give a shit about minorities. they just care that moviegoers care about them.
african americans think they are basically perfectly in tune with africans when the whites in SA are more african than them.
Is Charlize Theron an African American
Ironic that Marvel/Disney telling people you should like this product because of forced diversity is what originally killed off their longtime loyal comic fans buying on the regular but now that it's infecting their movies. It's amazing how poetic the whole thing is.
how they see it? no.
culturally? yes a bit but she has spent enough time in America her cultural aspects have probably waned at this point.
Sup Forums wouldnt help blacks
Whites in SA are hard working hard motherfuckers. Nothing like Africans or African Americans.
Honestly, considering how much they're pushing social/political agendas for this movie, it would make a lot of sense for them to do this.
they have actually been pushing it because they want to see Disney suffer for their pandering.
blackanon here, holy shit
who do you think made the petition
This is a good reversal on the scam disney pulled where they had people donate to "let the kids see black panther" when they just could have made it admission free if it was such an important message.
nigger, you mean
>people work to make movie for general audiences
>negros coopt the movie as a meme cult film
>negros demand money returned to them
>wonder why racism will persist
>this is how you fuck up
i'm not a nigger
/biz/ is too busy having a bitcoin meltdown to help anyone
Dibney better gib me
perfect opportunity to get rid of the worst gibmedats, fuck whoever signed that shit, I hope at least their names are on there
Because it's hard to reinvest food stamps
Post your hand so we can see how much Melanigger you got in your body.
Niggers are idiots. It's the reason we have all these problems to begin with.
>he literally drove the company into the ground
best kinos were from eisner