Who's gonna play him in the inevitable biopic?
I'm thinking DDL
Who's gonna play him in the inevitable biopic?
I'm thinking DDL
Why are liberal and female millennials so threatened by/obsessed with this guy?
you lol
kek this
Nazi larpers on Sup Forums hate him even more
The goose
Personal responsibility kills social liberalism.
If everyone was responsible for themselves there would be no need for liberal institutions in govt
That's because the go-to subversion techniques when it comes to JP is:
>accuse him of being controlled opposition because he isn't a neonazi
>make fun of him for crying
>say he's a bad parent because his daughter posted a picture of herself in a bikini
>say he's a cult leader
So those who keep spamming this guy here are libs and female millennials?
good to know
I can see it.
The climax will be Peterson's assassination, which I'm expecting to see any time now in the news.
American media landscape is so barren and controlled that anyone who's articulate, smart and even a little bit "controversial" (i.e. not a boring Resp/Dem/leftie) will automatically attract uhealthy amount of attention.
Probably because he's trying to make a quick buck by "educating" sheeple, while also simplifying complicated issues that people have into watered down problems like "YOU'RE NOT RESPONSIBLE ENOUGH" and "CLEAN UP YOUR ROOM"
I don't hate the guy, I just find it rather funny that he's put on some pedestal.
he insulted their rooms
jeremy irons
they aren't, you tell yourself they are so you can continue to not feel like an absolute simpleton when you find being told to clean your room awe-inspiring and life-changing
more like the climax will be about him becoming the Canadian PM in 2020
>Probably because he's trying to make a quick buck
All of his lectures available for free. His new book is literally the only material he charges money for
his audience is composed of millennials with a very poor grasp of philosophy.
Where did I say anything li that? You're getting a little emotional, user.
>JBP main tip to sort your life out is to actively take as much responsability in your life as you can manage
>do this at work
>1 month later I get high praise from everyone and a raise
why are people memeing him again? his shit fucking works if you at least try
Mel Gibson.
Make leftists ree for eternity.
I agree but it's easy to make fun of the cult of personality forming around him
>Clean you room, bucko
So then why are so many people threatened by him and his audience? If they're as uneducated and feckless as you "people" make them seem, why should you let them live in your head?
Because cleaning your room and taking personal responsibility in your life isn't "based" or something, I don't know
who should play Joe Rogan?
Ray wise.
Patreon dollars.
Because he dared to say that the pay gap has many variables playing into it and sexism isn't the end all explanation for it.
It's funny how the ethnonationalists hate him because he dared to say that race isn't the end all of culture and behaviour.
Many people in the US need to be killed off it seems.
because he's a white male who speaks clearly and eloquently about why they're wrong without personally attacking anyone
>a fucking leaf
>"Clean your room"
>I clean my room
>My room now it's clean and I can actually find what I want
Truly the modern Socrates
DDL is retired my man, sorry.
People donate to him voluntarily because they want to support him. No one's scamming anyone here
you don't have to donate to his patreon to access his lectures...
I agree but desu I dont see where his followers would be active and cult-like, is there a Sup Forums equivalent stuff for him?
i never said he was based, but as he says, he is basically the only famous figure giving old-fashion advice. No wonder no one is cleaning their room when the dominant message is "just be yourself".
>American media
So what you’re say is...
unironically Woody Harrelson
Why do you keep using this word? Is this the updated version of "you're mad/you're upset"?
Who is threatened? Why would he be?
back to rick and morty, redditor.
Retired for the second time. He still has one more in him.
>clean my room
>go out lift heavy shit
>start being assertive in life
>my life has 100% improved
I want to live in that timeline.
Yes, it's all Protestant culture.
John Malkovich
>people claim "clean your room" is shit advice that is obvious
>yet they dont do it
>complain that their life is shit
>complain that Peterson is retarded
wew lad
Tony Robbins
I can see this working.
what is the meaning behind this
lol 2020 isn't a canadian election year, also jagmeet is gonna be the next pm and it will be hilarious to see you people react to it
young peterson is lterally seinfeld
>tfw my life has meaning again all thanks to Jordan Peterson
What does the money go to?
I've clicked on some of his videos and they look like they were shot on a potato in a closet.
People who get upset by how much he makes should rethink their lives.
Envy gets you no where.
>>people claim "clean your room" is shit advice that is obvious
>>yet they dont do it
how many people who make fun of jordan peterson have you seen the bedrooms of, exactly?
>start being assertive in life
Holy shit this. It took me a week of acting like a Chad to find a gf and a group of friends to hang out with.
He lays it all out on his page. You'd know this if you would have bothered to check instead of just talking shit
projecting lad
Crispin Glover
How straight is your back right now bros?
Pic related is me
did you guys not like, have a dad growing up? from what I've seen of his youtube shit this is day one stuff here.
I'm not sure why people would get envious of what he says, a lot of it is pretty basic, I'm more impressed as to how much influence the guy has than I am jealous.
I did all of this and my life is the same.
Lol, he's just a show-philosophy faggot. He will never be relevant because his topics and subjects are 200 years old. It's just a little sohw for feminists and people who hate feminists.
Don't you all get how all this is irrelevant ?
my chair is a piece of shit
dont forget the makeup photo
Yeah everyone knows about Jungian archetypes, day one stuff here
check out the divorce rate in the United States from the 1990s onwards
Not talking about that stuff, obviously, but rather things like "if you take responsibility for your life, you'll feel more accomplished for it"
It's like, no shit sherlock
>Shitposting on Sup Forums all day makes you miserable.
It honestly doesn't make me feel bad.
Joseph Fiennes with fake eyebrows. It would depend on his ability to do the voice though.
Jim Carrey might also be a good pick.
if you went to college it is lol. who doesn't take a philosophy class in gen ed?
Nice of you to admit you're strawmanning
That's why you wanted to make the thread
>Yeah everyone knows about Jungian archetypes,
does he understand Jung like he does "understand" Derrida?
Jung is psychology not philosophy
>The ToraDora sleeves
Fucking homo even has a Musashi tat on one of his arms. He is legit. I love him. Mind you, if i saw this shit on a random dude somewhere I would want to punch his lights out.
also, kill yourself you hyperbolic dipshit
Do his fanboys understand them?
what's the difference?
how is he strawmanning? peterson stans don't go around blathering about how jungian archetypes helped them out, it's always shit like "ACTING LIKE A CHAD HAS CHANGED MY LIFE, BASED PETERSON!"
Never met my father.
title should be "The Sociologist"
Someone sufficiently creepy.
What is wrong with cleaning your room? It is a metaphor for your life.
>reads Nietzsche once
nothing, but something is wrong with you if you needed youtube philosophy man to tell you, in your 20s or older, that it is something you should consider
>people getting their lives improved
I've never heard of anything so disgusting and icky.....wow....like just lol
Made a piece for my room out of his new book (yes, bought a second copy just for this)
Dwight David Liesenhower?
probably after they watched the free lectures
now whats retarded is you borrowing money you didn't have to get told the same thing
I find it hilarious when people don't read JBP's book and criticize it for "watering down" things into simple concepts because all they know about the book is a few of the chapter titles.
So is Peterson supposed to be bad for helping alienated young men fix their lives?
"BoogaBoogaButthole" or as it was previously misnomed "homophobia" otherwise known as fear of sodomy fear of sinning against God. A reasonable concern for a being with eyes on the front of its face and not on its rear.
BoogaboogaButthole sort of like justice but for a system that uses minorities taught a religion of honesty and poverty to stow its guild in ancient looking castle like prisons.
When Indentured Servitude wont to imprison your own populous . When slavery has been outlawed and your farm labor scares your young people because they have heard stories of 3rd world traumatized tribal literal trolls.
When a whole world oppresseses you remember your good deeds can and will be used against you. Go live in a cave.