What went wrong?
What went wrong?
he's half jewish
Hati is fine prove me wrong
He became a cunt liberal socialist in college.
Fine, maybe. Great, doubtful.
If it's so great why are so many darkies leaving it?
*stays in a hotel where the rooms cost half a haitian's yearly salary per night*
>go to an expensive luxury resort on the coast of a shithole country
What did he mean by this?
Is that literal trash pile on the beach tothe right?
liberalism is a sickness
their HDI is at the bottom of the list
check it
you dont get that low being "fine"
lol at conan triggering pol faggots. he's still the best.
Somalia is already great,too! I mean just look at this pic!
This is not even his final form
You don't have to be a Sup Forums faggot to call out celebrities for obvious bullshitting. A lot of normies criticized him too
He was always a giant faggot. You just grew up.
Ah yes, the beautiful utopia of Haiti!
i wish he would just stick to visiting ireland or whatever
haiti is definitely a "shit" country if you go by infrastructure standards, same as romania for example. using norway as a standard is pretty good actually, i don't think people know how well people have it in nordic europe.
>he said sitting alone at his computer about a Harvard graduate multi-millionaire
>there are no shithole countries, every country is wonderful
>forcing people here illegally to return to their own country is a crime against humanity tantamount to murder
How do talk show hosts believe both of these things at the same time?
Why are leftist faggots trying so hard to pretend Haiti isn't a gigantic shithole? It's not even up for debate
Trump could say its bad to kill your self and these late night talk show fags will talk about how glorious and noble suicide is, and all the retarded libshits will believe it and drive their car off of cliffs because fuck drumpf or whatever
he saw Colbert's ratings for nightly drumpf hissy fits. sad
Sup Forumsacks and their ignorance on full display. Wonderful
they are just doing anything they can to make Trump look bad. they are even defending North Korea and trying to make them look good just to stick it to Trump.
yes, truly the country that gave the world mud cookies and mosquito burgers is already great
Sup Forumstards still cant grasp that no one was ever claiming that Haiti isn't a third world nation. It's factually one of the poorest. People were pissed that the leader of the free world, the representative of Americans decided to call a country a shithole. If Obama had called Mississippi a shithole (because statistically it is) you all would have had shit frothing from your mouths.
i absolutely think the leader of a nation shouldn't be making those remarks, but people were literally upset about someone calling haiti a third world country as well.
>Sup Forumstards still cant grasp that no one was ever claiming that Haiti isn't a third world nation
I mean it's not like Conan is taking pictures of himself with shirts with slogans like Haiti is already great or anything.
shitholes are a real thing, and Haiti is one
He handled that well. Kid says a racial slur against him, still helps him out. Conan is a cool bro.
din din ready massah
>shitholes are a real thing
lol at leftists faggots whiteknighting for Haiti
>someone elected to represent you says something you disagree with
>you publicly say the opposite
>this is wrong
but you guys totally aren't fascist or anything
check out all that white privilege though, fuck whitey amirite?
>calling shitholes that have a majority white population shitholes is fine
>calling shitholes that have a majority black population shitholes is evil racism and untrue
Because leftists are delusional scum that hate reality.
back to reddít cunt
>look at crime rates for the poorest area of 95%+ white appalachia vs crime rates for any nignog area regardless of affluence
And yet leftist faggots have no issues with demonizing the U.S., or any of its citizens that don't practice their political beliefs.
kys, you hypocritical piece of garbage.
I remember when this news and those videos hit.
>See they're not starving, there's food everywhere!
you stupid faggots get offended by words, the US is an absolute shithole because of the demographic makeup let alone all the other shithole countries that suffer from the same malignancy as well.
daily reminder that the shithole comment in the first place has NEVER BEEN CONFIRMED but you salacious faggots just rolled with it
whats the crime rate though?
They feel comfortable doing it because they share the skin color so they think they can do it. It's like the white version of saying nigga,I can say people are redneck and white trash,I am white!
What Sup Forums and anyone smart realizes is that Trump's question was valid and hyperventilating about his choice of language is just a faggot way of trying to change the subject and avoid the real issue.
>People were pissed that the leader of the free world, the representative of Americans decided to call a country a shithole
Still waiting for evidence this even happened other than "media says so, just take their word for it"
>that trailer park is objectively safer to walk through than a Baltimore suburb with an average income of $70,000
>I can say people are redneck and white trash,I am white!
expect libshits have no problem promoting this and letting other races say it as well, in fact they encourage it. They would also call a black person saying that black nations are shitholes an uncle Tom
They give them permission,dummy. That's the least they can do,after what their ancestors did to them.
really boggles my noggles
I honestly hope these cunts double, triple and quadruple down on "FUUUUCK WHITE PEOPLE" as a political movement.
The only thing that confuses me is how they do this shit constantly and then go "wtf why are white people too stupid to vote for us"
how do you disagree that haiti isn't a shithole? no seriously, give some evidence to rebuke the label, the country has been pilfered by the CF for years, there was just a massive bust of "aid workers" molesting/trafficking children, the infrastructure is nonexistent, tourists are essentially barred from leaving their gated/patrolled resorts, gangs roam the streets and control the supply of food/medical aid that is so generously donated by dozens of other countries, the average haitian salary for a year is $400 american, stds are rampant, the list goes fucking on
prove how the country isn't an absolute shithole
It's very diverse and the entire population are royalty
>That's the least they can do,after what their ancestors did to them
Trump never publicly said Haiti was a shithole. It was a private conversation with some politicians about whether it was right to have people immigrating to the US that would be a net drain on US finances or not.
those are some angry fucking kids
she can start by killing herself
and it still is nothing but rumor because there has been no evidence presented other than some he said she said tripe, it's literally "my dad works at nintendo"
It's the most politically suicidal movement I've ever seen, their refusal to drop it has to be some kind of oligarch false flag.
>We want higher wages!
Yeah, that's right, common workers should be paid more!
>We want universal healthcare!
Sure! The commercial healthcare system is hopelessly corrupt and exploitative.
>We want strong environmental laws!
That's right, nobody wants to live in a polluted wasteland.
>And we want to get rid of whitey!
...Yeah I'm gonna have to go vote for the oil company/investment banker asshole, sorry.
They eat dirt there.
>The only thing that confuses me is how they do this shit constantly and then go "wtf why are white people too stupid to vote for us"
Because that kind of people is baffled that there are opposing views and they are surrounded by like minded people who circlejerk the same opinions creating some feeling of certainty. While they thought that America wants what they want,they ignored what rest of America really wants (they still do,by calling people idiots and telling that russian bots voted because there is no way they are in the wrong). It's like being a theater kid in Appalachia who loves musicals and hangs out with other kids like himself and then tries to organize a musical and expects the whole town to show up.
It was never proven he said that and if he did he said it behind closed doors and was 100% spot on. Mississippi is a shithole for the same reason Haiti is, niggers.
Fine is bit of an exaggeration. Deforested, crime ridden shithole is more accurate.
Still nicer than your average nigger Nation
your ability to decipher media for its ideological leanings
Nothing wrong with facism.
Notice the lack of trees on that mountain
Who the fuck watches horseshit like that? How does it get good enough ratings to stay on the air?
Gave the. Civilization
>Sup Forums loves Conan since the dawn of time
>Suddenly /nupol/ doubles website traffic
>Extremely obvious this traffic pours over into Sup Forums
>Late Night is entirely anti Trump (gee whizz I wonder why guys)
>"Sup Forums" now hates Conan
Hmmmmm what could be happening here
Yeah, look at how much overlap there is between every state with an above median black population and every state with an above median murder rate.
Why did he only talk to the people if he wanted to disprove the shithole thing? No one said the people of Haiti suck.
>tfw you disagree with everything your elected representative says just to be contrarian
>this somehow doesn’t make you a faggot
But you guys aren’t retards or anything
Sure is sound in here. Maybe you should head over plebbit.
>Sup Forums loves Conan since the dawn of time
>no food
>buy volcanic dirt to make dirt biscuits
>go into debt to eat shit
so this... is a GREAT country......
Newsflash retard: most of the world is a shithole
When has this ever not been true? Conan is the one Late Night host Sup Forums actually likes
>my state is in the top 5 for manslaughter rate
>even though it has less than half the % of african americans of the others
based, punching above our weight class
why would you try to so brazenly make shit up
Ruth (((Reardon)))
You must be new I guess. Don't know how you can deny this.
>like late night hosts
>in any year since the Earth as we know it first formed
Samefaggu triggered trumptardo desu
people are abusing drugs and beat each other senseless, it's just that the police is never called
>White people, this is the worst thing we've ever
>completely forgot about slavery
>and then jim crow
>and the lynchings
>and the judicial dismantling of the constitution
>but no, we elected a guy who says things I don't like
The hotel next to Conans was busted for child trafficking.
yeah, and I'm sure the black people abusing drugs and beating each other senseless are all about calling the police
because poor black people love calling the police and talking to them
>No one said the people of Haiti suck.
Are you new here?
I went to the Domican Republic last year and they warned everyone not to fuck anyone because 80% of Haiti had HIV not to mention Haiti is the sole place that Mormons from BYU go to for mission trips. Boom.
quick, guess which side is Hati and which side is the Dominican Republic
grug like ginger rock show man, dat means everyone like ginger rock show man.
Why everyone no like ginger rock show man no more?
grug think everyone is newhomo from pol tribe
grug hate pol tribe
>ITT limousine liberals get btfo when confronted with objective truths of countries they are ignorant about