Why did Always Sunny get so obsessed with pushing Mac as a faggot in season 9?

It felt like the show didn't like the Fat Mac angle so they took his character towards closet-fag instead. Which was a shame because Fat Mac was way superior to Fag Mac.

And, yeah they hinted at it a little in the earlier seasons but it felt so forced in S9.

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It’s called Flanderization


Frank becomes more jewish.
Dennis becomes more of a sociopath.
Charlie becomes more of an idiot.
Mac becomes more of a faggot.
Dee becomes more of a fuck-up.

Huh, never though of that.

Fat Mac wasn't a body suit, he actually got fat and surprised everybody, but they thought it was gross and were worried for his health.
Aside from that, like the other user said, flanderization. But unlike most shows, where flanderization happens because writers reduce characters to their main trait, in Sunny there is the component that all the fucked up stuff they do piles up and that's why they become worse as time goes by.

True. While it does suffer from flanderization, it never really stops being a good show. They do a good job of remembering every episode and even small details in each episode which leads them down the path they're going.

Charlie's getting dumber because he huffs glue/paint/gasoline through the entire show, for instance.

called a character arc dummy

Mac was in the closet and banging trannys in season 1. Now he's gay. That's just character progression.

They are all huge liberals. They do it to deal with progressive issues in a subtle way.

dee is hot

I would rather masturbate alone for the rest of my life than put my dick in Dee.

yeah plus all the moments of him trying to kiss dennis

When the hinted at Mac being gay, it was funny. Because the audience knew something that the characters didn't.
Now, where's the joke? He's gay. He knows it. We know it. What's funny about that?

>What's funny about that?
That he's in denial. It's funny because he keeps talking about banging chicks and how wrong homosexuality is.

you guys have such little imagination
the hate speech episode was pretty excellent

They've been hinting at it for 10 years. How long can they hint before it's completely out in the open? The jokes about him being in denial are done to death, now they have a new outlet.

Patrician taste

>Pardon, I'm too fucking dumb to google a word I don't recognize.

go to bed autism boy

You're a retard.

because 10 fucking season went by and their characters had to become more extreme
see which makes sense since a decade of alcoholism went by

>glenn and kaitlin are both doing their own new sitcoms
>rob is directing the minecraft movie
>charlie is doing shitty comedies and pacific rim

So where does the show go from here?

Sit coms don't take long to shot. A lot of tv actors will do movies between seasons. If they are still actually interested in keeping it going they could figure out the schedule.

They probably just all know it's circling the drain. I'm sure it's still better than a lot of sitcoms even still, but it's just so much worse than it used to be

I found the show to be getting progressively worse as it goes on. The last quality episode that I remember was The Maureen Ponderosa Wedding Massacre. That episode cracked me up. I feel like their writing has actually gotten a lot worse over the years, it's a damn shame.

mac is a devout christian so obviously he likes dick


I thought it was over.

Didn't Dennis move away from philly? I thought that was a series finale, that is why they finished all the long running plot points in that final few episodes.

This. Only a fag wouldn't want to go balls deep in Dee.

According to IMDb there's gonna be a 13th and 14th season

Rumor is Dennis won’t be in the show anymore, I think. Not that the show is ending. I don’t see how they can save the show without him though, especially since the current season sucked balls.

Two more seasons have been commissioned.

So I guess traps are gay

>~10 seasons of being closeted
>comes out, plenty of laughs
>decides he actually doesn't like being gay after all
>tries to go back to being straight
>the Gang doesn't believe him, more laughs
I thought this would have been better, but they're going a different route
whenever I drink and watch Sunny, I get these strange Dee boners. it's unsettling.

They're out of ideas.

My guess is Dennis will be gone for a season or half a season, and then show up out of the blue

>Charlie becomes more of an idiot.
charlie actually gets smarter. mac gets dumber and gayer

he's a savant

Well then buddy, do I have good news for you!

This. His family will die and he will have to come back because everyone in his new life thinks he killed them. Just like AP Bio will die and he will be back on Sunny. Pottery, my friends.

>tfw you realize you are fatter than Fat Mac

>It felt like the show didn't like the Fat Mac angle so they took his character towards closet-fag instead.
The absolute state of the plebs on this board, I swear to god. Can't even follow a goddamn sitcom correctly. Go back to TVtropes and watch cartoons while you eat pig shit or whatever it is you fucking retards are supposed to be doing

Didn't he quit?

Frank's called him out for doing gay shit all the time, he wanted to oil up a bunch muscle men, then you had the Project Badass which Charlie and Dennis thought was him trying to impress them so they'd have sex.

There's actually more evidence that Mac is a closet homo than him being straight.

Not that they went anywhere with it but in the vert first episode they introduced one of his cousins as being gay, then in a future episode another cousin was also gay, so it could have always been a thing.

Don't understand people hating on him actually being out the closet as if it was still a secret and the rest didn't know.

The episode when they collect trash he leans in too try kiss Dennis when they are celebrating and then just walks off when rejected, Dennis & Charlie react like it's a common thing.