AvED hype thread
is the second season worth watching? got mixed feelings for the first one
It's good, practical effects get a massive upgrade.
Ending is shit, though.
It's pretty good/fun, you just have to like the idea of a several hour long Evil Dead II/Army of Darkness movie.
I wanna know how they're gonna explain the Season 2 ending. I know they'll probably ignore it, but I want to know what was the deal with the way they portrayed Professor Knowby. With what little we do know about him from the movies, video games, and comics, he doesn't seem like the kinda guy who would get a innocent student involved with that shit.
None of the Evil Dead movies sync up with each other and each installment requires massive retcons to form a cohesive storyline. So stuff like that doesn't bug me a whole heck of a lot. Knowby was still portrayed as a loving husband who reluctantly killed co-eds, which was close enough to fit in with his brief appearance in EDII where he tries to warn everyone to save their souls.
What I DON'T want to see in season 3 is the fucking cabin again. Two seasons in a row is enough.
>None of the Evil Dead movies sync up with each other
they do though
with use of imagination it does yea, but looking at it objectively it doesnt.
Where are Ash's friends in ED2? What happened to Deadites in AOD?
EDII requires you to pretend that 3 characters from EDI never existed. AoD requires you to pretend like the last few seconds of EDII where Ash kills a Deadite bat and is hailed as a hero by the knights never happened. AvsED requires you to accept that everything in all 3 movies happened, even when they contradict each other.
Is Army of Darkness still non-canon? I haven't watched season 2 yet.
>Where are Ash's friends in ED2?
>What happened to Deadites in AOD?
they are banished after the events of ED2
>AoD requires you to pretend like the last few seconds of EDII where Ash kills a Deadite bat and is hailed as a hero by the knights never happened
it literally happens 5 minutes later in AoD except its a sewer bitch instead of a bat, same shit just redone
>>Where are Ash's friends in ED2?
oh god please tell me that anoying cunt die in a painfull way, i fucking droped the first season because of those two
the films form a perfect continuous story, they just had to reshoot the "recaps" because they didnt have the rights to reuse footage of the previous movies
were talkinga bout the friends from evil dead 1
pablo is based
>oh god please tell me that anoying cunt die in a painfull way,
No, and she's even more annoying in season 2. The only part of the show I dislike is her. Unlike Pablo and Ash, she doesn't add anything substantial or plot driven to the story and could die without impacting anything.
I hated the first season bar the first and last two episodes. Second season is a big step up.
Army of Darkness has always been canon, the show just couldn't talk about it in season one (like how the recaps in the movies couldn't use footage from the earlier installments). In the second season, Ash makes a few references to AoD.
>Unlike Pablo and Ash, she doesn't add anything substantial or plot driven to the story
get a load of this guy
I think season 3 might be true kino now that they've established this new world and have done away with everything from the past such as the cabin. It's all OC from here on out.
Holy christ this is a sad read:
Now that they can start directly referencing AoD, they need to dig up some of the cast and use them as descendants of the AoD characters. Or visit the post-Apocalypse universe from the alternate ending to AoD. ED1 and 2 could only contribute so much, but adding AoD opens things up a whole lot wider.
>A microcosm of the relationship would be like—you know that morgue scene where he battles a colon monster? That, to me, was one of the most fun, the most Evil Dead scenes you could have in the show—I loved it.
So with Digregorio gone, there might be less juvenile poo poo pee pee jokes in the show? Sounds like a good deal.
Tell me what's happened since the end of season one?
literally nothing
reminder that the season 2 finale was going to be fucking incredible until Rob Tapert stepped in and shat all over it and we ended up with what we got.
>Now that they can start directly referencing AoD
They still can't directly reference AoD. Notice how Ash just said "I did it before, I went to the middle ages!", he doesn't say any specifics on what he did while in the middle ages.
They want Fede Alvarez to his "Evil Dead 2" before they have a Ash/Mia team-up.
What was it?
still better than what the showfucker wanted
>Ash just ran in the cabin, grabbed the book, fought Henrietta and left.
>Before leaving the 80s, Ash bangs a depressed woman in a bar.
>Go back to the present
>Pablo is alive again
>Kelly is feeling weird
>Turns out the woman Ash banged in the 80s is Kelly's mom, making Kelly's new biological dad Ash.
A lot of people say "I wish they did that instead of what we got", but I think the woman should have been somebody else, not Kelly's mom.
>I did it before, I went to the middle ages in a movie called evil dead 3: army of darkness 1 where i fought a deadite captain played by bill moseley, which i launched to the moon in the end
is that what you wanted to hear?
>at last i finally defeated the Army of Darkness© (all rights reserved)
They shelved that when the show premiered
They're introducing a daughter now anyway right? Might as well give that chick something to do
Watch ED to the end then start ED2 from the point where Ash wakes up in the puddle and the only real problem is Linda's actress changing.
shes the next jefe in case you somehow missed the obvious parallels to ash
that episode was pure kino, only thing that ruined it for me is when baal was revealed to be the doctor at the beginning
>and the only real problem is Linda's actress changing.
And Linda still being buried even though she crawled out of the dirt in ED1. And the Necronomicon not being burned up. And no trace of the dead bodies or destruction to the cabin from ED1. And the Kandarian dagger having a different blade.
But that's not such a big deal, that's all aesthetic. The discrepancy between the end of ED2 and the beginning of AoD is harder to rectify.
If AoD is canon with AvsED then how the fuck did he get his Oldsmobile out of the Middle Ages and back to the present? It's stated in the show to be the same car from ED1 and 2.
he slept in the car after he drank that potion
>And the Necronomicon not being burned up.
Aren't the only pages they use after that already ripped out of the book and put in a glass case?
>And Linda still being buried even though she crawled out of the dirt in ED1.
>And no trace of the dead bodies or destruction to the cabin from ED1
the bodies melted and the cabin is and always was fucked up, did you count the bullet holes?
>And the Kandarian dagger having a different blade.
yeah and ashs actor is also older, who cares about miniscule details like that
>And the Necronomicon not being burned up
Skip to 3:10
Maybe he had the Wise Man send it back via-time portal while Ash slept his way back to the future. The comics offer the explanation that every time the Delta goes through the time vortex, it's magically fixed.
>Kill off Bruce Cambell
>Keep going with the chicks and Pablo
>Cancelled after once season
>cant write english
>cant understand stories
poetry i guess
Never seen those before. Kinda wish they'd get reinserted. Army of Darkness has some extended and deleted scenes that help with the pacing/coherency of the movie that weren't even in the Director's/European cut.
Like the extended scene where the invisible force chases Ash into the windmill. It's shown possessing the mirror, which eventually births the Mini Ashes, one of which grows into Bad Ash, so the implication is that Bad Ash is the invisible evil from ED1 and 2, making their rivalry and hatred of one another a little deeper. The way the movie cuts it, it isn't as clear that the invisible evil is the one that brings the mirror to life.
Since I have no idea how to spoiler text MAJOR FUCKING SPOILERS FOR SEASON 3
Before Ash leaves town again, he tells Pablo that "you're the jefe now".
If we're pissing about discontinuity, how come the Roaming Force or whatever its called was invisible again in AoD when it was turned flesh at the end of ED2?
because evil is fluid and doesnt have any defining rules other than being evil
>how come the Roaming Force or whatever its called was invisible again in AoD when it was turned flesh at the end of ED2?
The Force that chased Ash into the windmill in AoD and became Evil Ash was the contemporary Middle Ages incarnation of the Force. The present day incarnation of the Force that got turned into a giant monster is still out there, just stuck in the Middle Ages and having to wait shit out.
Then again, if the Middle Ages Force that became Evil Ash was destroyed by the gunpowder bomb, then the Present Day Force that got turned flesh should no longer exist. But I dunno. Paradoxes n shit.
>so the implication is that Bad Ash is the invisible evil from ED1 and 2
I never got that impression. Evil Ash is just a Deadite trick, not the Kandaran Demon itself.
The evil has always visible (Ash vs Evil Dead and Evil Dead II implies that it's a smokey-fog like being when it doesn't have flesh).
I got the impression that Bad Ash was just an extension of the Kandarian Demon, not the entire entity. And even if it were, I don't think a bomb could destroy it (and it doesn't, since it comes back to get revenge on Ash at the S-Mart).
They finally got the rights to show Army of Darkness' stuff on that season so worth a watch
>I don't think a bomb could destroy it
It's not possible to completely destroy the evil, AvED Season 3 will go into this a bit according to the spoilers.
>(and it doesn't, since it comes back to get revenge on Ash at the S-Mart)
That was on Ash, he said the words wrong when returning home, which caused the demon to show up at S-Mart
>They finally got the rights to show Army of Darkness' stuff
No, they use the Evil Dead II loophole. Everything you see in AvED that alludes to Army of Darkness actually comes from EDII.
>The page in the book with Ash in front of the castle
>Time Travel
>Evil Ash
ALL the Deadites are extensions of the Kandarian Demon. Sometimes they have individual personalities and sometimes they're just mouthpieces for the Demon to speak through, but they're all just extensions of its evil. Bad Ash was a vessel created by the Demon to lead its Deadite army, but not a singular manifestation of the Demon-itself (not anymore than Henrietta, the rape tree or the winged bat-monster were).
>how come the Roaming Force or whatever its called was invisible again in AoD when it was turned flesh at the end of ED2?
because AoD is in the past?
he should have tons of kids tho, and not oly in parallel timelines
Then what happened to the demon that got turned into a giant head? Didn't it get sent back to the past, too?
pls stop spoiling the new season with fucking leaks
i assume it died. thats why after Army of Darkness till the beginning of VS Evil Dead there are no deadite shenannigans at all
(not counting the end credit scene of Army of Darkness which was shot after the movie finished and showed to test audiences)
I like the idea that this unimaginable, timeless entity of pure evil has such a petty, frustrating grudge against Ash. But I guess if you're a godlike creature and you keep getting foiled by a lucky retard that makes fun of you while he does it, you'd lose your shit, too.
The guy asked a question, I gave an answer. I'm trying to be as vague as possible since I know people don't want stuff spoiled for them. I don't care about spoilers since I won't see it until it's on DVD.
Why the fuck is it so hard to make a deal with Lionsgate to get the AoD rights?
>you keep getting foiled by a lucky retard
*the jefe
I think the reason Ash keeps getting "lucky" in how he defeats the evil is BECAUSE he's the jefe. He's destined to beat the evil NO MATTER WHAT so regardless of how much he fucks up nonstop, fate has to work doubletime to ensure he comes out on top.
The thing about the S-Mart ending is, the original script for the pilot episode of Ash vs Evil Dead stated that Ash never really "put a lid" on the evil force roaming the woods after the S-Mart encounter, he just kept hiding from it for 30 years.
MGM Studios has the rights to Army of Darkness, they just want a huge amount of money from Lionsgate.
You're so close. There will be an answer to "why does Ash luck out when it comes to fighting evil" in Season 3.