Wow. Just wow

Wow. Just wow.

is he a 3rd weekender?

Powerful stuff

>blocking the handle

this isnt red dit,you tourist

If I had to deal with black people screaming in my theater when I went to see any white superhero movie then black people have to deal with my proper manners sucking the fun out of black panther.

I did the same thing except I’m not buying tickets ever

They censor twitter names? That's pathetic

>white person sucking Black-

Fake news

So i carefully did not prohibit my wife from inviting her boyfriend because I did not want to be the white person sucking black joy out of our bedroom. What's the appropriate date for me to have sex with my wife? Is next year ok?

you should encourage this you dumb shit

if white people don't buy tickets then the movie will flop


Liberalism just makes zero sense at this point. It's not even liberalism, it's like hyperantioffensivism - to the point of intellectual paralysis.

I can only imagine how upset some studio execs will be if opening weekend bombs because of dumb race politics like this

That sounds like a subtle jab to me. It’s basically saying, “Oh, so this is YOUR movie? With this character you’d never even fucking heard of before three years ago? Oh, OK, then. The theaters all yours.”

In Europe there is a difference between liberals and progressives.
Liberals = Classic liberals, everyone should be able to do as he pleases.
Progressives = feminazi's, greens, emancipation etc. Prepare to be assimilated.

>white person sucking Black joy out
What was meant by this

That's newspeak for "I don't want to see rowdy black hollering and hootering at the theatre"

It should seem like it but there are actual people who do believe that unironically

OP’s a faggot

Also, she looks like she doesn’t mind sucking a lot of Black joy, if ya gomesaiyan

>protecting the identity of some worthless cuck who should die

It's okay. People pushing this petition for Disney to give profits back to black communities will scare production companies away from hiring black leads. It's a win win

It's leftism. What used to be liberals are more like centrists now.

>as a white person

>capitalizing "black"

She definitely has that older female (((college)))-graduate look.

she's appropriating a black-ish sounding name there

It's clearly OP screencapping his own post. That's the easiest way to farm for bait.

she's a jew isn't she? i can tell from that profile pic

>tfw even the kinoplex cucks you

Imagine suddenly bursting out laughing in a nigger filled theatre
Someone is going to die isn't it?

I don't know what part of Europe you are from but Western European liberals are exactly the same as their American counterparts.

>pic related shows up
>user can't help but laugh
>gets fucking merked
>nobody noticed he was dead
>all the sneaked in food masked the smell
>they find his body six weeks later when another movie starts showing on that screen

Modern liberalism is not an ideology

It's a hollow state of being where you consent to internet collective (which can easily be influenced through censorship, fake trending, bots, shills, etc.)

It's why you read a tweet like in the OP and it just comes across as weird, these people are just...empty.

Is there a chance she's trolling?

I’m waiting because if I went to a screening of it with black people they’ll make so much noise I wouldn’t be able to hear the movie

>knowing nod to my fellow third-weekenders

It's a sneaky way for liberals to avoid having to watch negro capeshit without losing SJW points in the process.

What's that principle or whatever that says extremism, and parody of extremism are indistinguishable?


but also

post the responses

Blacks, sjws, and feminists just keep pushing normies to us. I love it.

How long before they announce black-only screenings like Wonder Woman?

Poe’s law.

>What's the appropriate date for me to buy tickets?

Do I have to say it?

>posted this
>everyone started retweeting me, giving me likes and chanting my name
>I became a popular voice on the internet and a twitter trend setter
>I also ended racism

Formerly Godwin's

me and a friend got tickets for opening night at 8:15pm in a mostly black neighborhood south of chicago

are we going to die?

well first you'll be raped but yes then you'll die

>blocks your movie

sucking black joy

no it's not, they dont care if they offend asians

it's literally just scared nerds afraid of blacks and worshipping them (ie cucks)

>everyone should be able to do as he pleases.
unless you're right wing of course

Europeans are just as bad as americans. The future of the world relies on Australia.

lets do this

She can suck my *black joy* any time she wants!

I seriously hope that isn't you, you're too white for this website

>don't want to be the white person sucking "black joy" out
yeah right

>traduzir do inglês

I guess it's because Asian cultures are very prideful in general (to the point where it's kind of absurd) and don't look positively towards notions of victimhood. They see it as a form of weakness (which it is) and so are determined not to be seen in that light. At the same time they hold notions of self-sacrifice and struggle as strengthening characteristics and prefer to achieve things against all odds rather than be helped - they internalise blame , "i failed because i didn't work hard enough". But like i said, Asian cultures tend to take this too far, to the point where cruelty becomes normalized.

Blacks on the other hand are far too willing to accept victimhood and pass on responsibility for as long as they can and with the help of leftist influence they now actually feel entitled to it. Their excuse is of course always "colonisation". At the same time they see their supposed opponents (whites) as privileged, i.e., they have more than me, not because they worked harder, but because of some conspiracy that's outside of their control which selects 'whitey' to prosper unequally. That's also western individualist culture at work too, in which we always externalise blame of failure, rather than internalise it - "I failed because the system is broken" or "I failed because im not privileged"

I guess this is my explanation for why the left doesn't care about offending Asians. Because there is no victimhood complex there and this is because they don't externalise blame for failure.

t. Commissar Wang Zhou

you can't never be too proud, cuck