Space movie

>space movie
>someone mentions something related to a wormhole
>"HA! I know how to visually explain a wormhole to a general audience!"
>paper is space
>fold it and poke with pen
>"ye this is a worm hole bro"

OP is fucking retarded.

Fanks Frenf, I ged id now

Your mother should have aborted you.

>it's a Sup Forums cliché thread
>OP posts a boring tired cliché we've already joked about a million times
>Doesn't even post a frog

How cliché

>space movie
>someone mentions something related to a wormhole
>"HA! I know how to visually explain a wormhole to a general audience!"
>bend over and spread cheeks
>"ye this is a worm hole bro"

>directors need to show people how wormholes work because the average normie can't form a basic abstract image in their head



I've seen this thing too! wow, you're really observant and so am i

>worm hole
more like sperm hole heh

the average person is stupid, user.


Only thing missing from this twatpost is the obligatory "muricans" slam


>sci-fi movie
>"how can there be so many identical universes?
>makes Möbius strip
>pushes 2 pencils through it
>I had 5 brothers

kek good one

A sheet of paper as a representative of space makes total sense. Not confusing at all.

>Well see there are giants in space with giant hands that can just bend it

>space movie
>young black genius has to explain the slingshot maneuver to the director of NASA

Name 90000000000000000000000001 kinos

The movie where the guy is lost on mars does this

>space movie
>5 minutes in a nigger blames Russia for fucking up the world

I said kinos not reddit joints

name 10 flicks where this happens

/sci/ here. Wormholes are not real. Neither are blackholes.

I'd probably piss myself laughing if someone did this in a movie.

But Star Trek are always factual documentaries right?

>movie set in space with an international crew
>mandatory american, russian, chinese
>then they add some literally space-who like the irish or brazilians instead of french or japanese

fuck you netflix

>Uh, excuse me. That's Vanessa, and that's mine

>You know dat pro wrestling is staged right?

>computer science jobs
what did he mean by this?

>Neither are blackholes.
Let me guess, a bad faith reading of the out-of-context statement of Hawking or just a complete lack of understanding when it comes to astronomy?

its the future, china is going to annex all asian countries in 2023


Yeah but who would unironically send an irish to space?

yeah, event horizon did it first, then interstellar had to copy it
so pretty much just the two

>/sci/ memes

triple brainlet detected

Maybe the hydroponic potato farm needs a farmer?

WHy would you send an Irish?

They are notoriously bad at farming potatoes.

But isn't potato farming all they ever do?

They need them in case they got stranded on Mars so they can farm potatoes there and survive

aliens are real?

i think a better description would be starving because they suck at farming potatoes

>wakes up out of hyper sleep
>wwhat do you mean worm holes?
>well jimmy you see we poke a hole in space and time timmy pass me the paper and pencil
> shut up faggot unless you want major beatdowns you nerdy fag
*uppercuts them back into hypersleep chamber
>you should have listened jimmy
>jumps back in time through the wormhole created during the demo
>*uppercuts them back into hyper sleep chamber pod
>wormholes jimmy
>knocks self out

Name 6 movies where they did this.

I'll wait.

how does wormholed formed?

Half of Ireland starved to death due to their poor ability at growing potatoes.

I don't know why they didn't just eat other things like rice or pasta but I guess the Irish just love their chips

>in space
>the ship is broken so some crew members have to go outside to fix it
>shit hits the fan and one of them dies

Bonus points if it was the leader

It's an island nation, couldn't they just have fished?

Why didn't they order a pizza or something like that? Dont they have McDonalds in Direland?

Armageddon, bitch.
>we've got better rockets than the coyote

>blackholes are not real
t.never been to harlem poster

>space movie
>"Houston, we have a problem..."

>Lab scientists has epiphany

More like chucks suck and fuck hole hehe

Name 7

I"LL wait.

whoa in english please pointdexter

Event Horizon

Why couldn’t they just eat their own shit?

t. has never been to new york at all faggot

Harlem's full of super fucking expensive soul food restaurants and yuppies. The only people who live there are wealthy, just like pretty much all of Manhattan (yes, including "the heights"). Manhattan is a goddamn police state. If you want to see shitty niggerdom, you go to the south bronx, bed-stuy or brownsville, you stupid out of towner cunt

And this guy is why New York is a shithole no matter where you are.

>hard science fiction
>"Hey what if love was a particle that let you travel through time?"

Only I'm not Jewish. Kikes are hands down the worst part about NY. Any apartment that's even remotely close to affordable is most likely owned by a shifty coked-out heeb.

>in english hakase
*proceed to cut a paper*


I don’t think any movie has ever gotten black holes right, because they always pretend that there’s more to them than instant death.
Anytime someone mentions “entering a black hole” I shit myself. There’s nothing inside a black hole besides a gravitational pull that’s so strong you collapse on yourself and instantly get crushed to death.

People think that just because something is mathematically possible, that it must also be physically possible. Just because you draw an x-y graph on a piece of paper and fold it over the z-axis, doesn’t mean that the same is physically possible over some 4th axis.

From the 2D perspective, nothing has changed when the paper is folded over because they can’t perceive or reach outside of their 2 dimensions, they still see a straight line from one end to the other, they can’t just look up and see the other end of the paper because there is no “up” to them. So if a wormhole did exist, we would have no way of knowing or interacting with it. Something existing in the 4th dimension would have to pull us through it.

nolan ran out of budget