So this actually legit or is this just capitalistic virtue signalling?

So this actually legit or is this just capitalistic virtue signalling?

Considering the movie doesn't really look that...amazing? It's a bit surprising this movie is supposedly beating the records of previous marvel movies.

And so far the actual movie does look really average at best, mediocre at worst, I'm having issues believing this.

black panther thread 2000 for the week.

jesus christ you losers are fucking pathetic.

its saying its the most pre-sold February movie. The highest February opening weekend was deadpool and that was two years ago. Distant second being fifty shades of gray.

Breaking these records means less than dick. As ticket presales were barely a thing two years ago.

In the age of Trump it's identity politics all the way down

i'm sure disney has nothing to do with this

tons of people people don't buy advance tickets

>for the first time in history, this wednesday at 9am black panther slashes ticket sales over all movies in existence
>no other movie has ever had a wednesday 9am ticket sale such as this before!!!!

literally baseball tier stats lmao

the free advertising this movie gets through nigger virtue signalling is insane so it's probably legit

I dunno if it is legit really. Seems a bit far fetched.

all from the virtue signaling black panther challenge

>Sup Forums will never experience the kino that is black panther because it has a black cast

why even live

the movie is hands down the best capeshit since the Winter Soldier.


>virtue signalling?
Jesus, this phrase is so tumblr.


Black Panther has turned this site into Tumblr. I've never seen a movie cause so much butt hurt on this site.

It's over. We won.

It's not a movie, it's a movement.


>t-the movie doesn't really look that...amazing?
stop. sit down. you nazis have been put in your place by superior Black Film Making and you need to accept it

back panther more like nig nog negro nigger


Those are pretty nice, but have you seen these digits?

>It's a bit surprising this movie is supposedly beating the records of previous marvel movies.

It's beating the advance ticket sales because there are numerous charities and school districts buying them, to organise day trips for black kids who can't afford them.

Trump is just a symptom of identity politics

A lot of urban youth groups are buying tickets to see this besause its """important""""
So I'm not surprised .

We studied blade