ITT: films that Sup Forums doesn't want to admit are kino, because reddit also happens to like tem
ITT: films that Sup Forums doesn't want to admit are kino, because reddit also happens to like tem
OP confirmed newfag
This is one of my favorite movies. I’ve been defending it on Sup Forums for years.
More like majority of Sup Forums confirmed newfags
no OP, you're a newfag and need to return to reddit
This. Although most criticisms of it I see are of the fanbase and people quoting it constantly, instead of the film itself, yet they still hate it anyways.
nice projection
I'm not projecting, you know reddit's tastes in movies therefore you're a redditor
That's pretty accurate. Whenver I see anyone hate on The Big Lebowski, it almost never has anything to do with the movie itself, and when it does, it's always the dumbest things like "the plot doesn't make sense" or "nothing happens."
It's super fucking weird for me, beause I've loved the movie since it came out and no one had seen it. Now it's trendy to hate the movie because so many people like it.
That's Sup Forums for you. This place bends over backwards trying to be contrarian.
BR 2049
Holy fuck you are daft. You don't even know what "reddit" means when used as an insult on Sup Forums, you just parrot everyone else.
Excellent film, anyone who says otherwise is just wanting (You)s
No I don't, you're just a retarded redditor
>"nothing happens."
God I fucking hate how normies use this every fucking time
How do people even know what reddit likes?
Why don't you two queers fucking kiss already
Call me a brainlet but I didn't understand the plot when watching for the first time, I thought it was all random and unconnected
>sees two anons arguing
>immediately imagines them kissing
No John, you are the gay
If everyone loved each other, the world would be a better place to live.
Let me love you
the only people that can't admit the big lebowski is a great film are either tired ass contrarians or absolute mongs who can't into something that's working on multiple levels.
>ITT: films that Sup Forums doesn't want to admit are kino, because reddit also happens to like tem
Does Fight Club count?
This movie is on the exact same level as Pulp Fiction for me: pretentious and overrated.
how is big lebowski pretentious?
neither is pulp fiction, sounds like that guy doesn't understand simple movies