Movies Disney says are important
kek literally nobody is excited for this
>more blacks
not keen on these American films.
black panther is capeshit from a studio that delivers quality capeshit
nobody gives a fuck about this movie
I don't understand how this shit got the green light. Does Disney have so much money they can do little experiments like this?
When did this word get thrown around so casually when describing movies? I honestly can't remember an "important" movie before 2018 in the articles/marketing leading up to a release. Django? 12 years a slave? Neither were described as important from what I can remember.
It looks like capeshit for girls, they want that female audience so bad.
I'm a movie critic. I wrote good reviews for Black Panther and Wrinkle in Time before even watching the movies. It's called job security. I get paid to sit on my fat liberal ass all day and watch movies. I don't want that to end. The angry mobs will come after me if I write a negative review for one of these black pandering movies and they will try to get me fired. It's not worth it and too easy just to say it was good and move on
>a wrinkle in time
>everyone is black
...and that's a good thing.
hollywood is dying, this is desperate grabbing for marketshare.
it's all good, hope normies realise all Disney movies criticism is worth nothing and stop paying attention
Bored already. Some white man unretarded by "liberalism" should buy Disney back from the Jewish globalist subversives that are destroying it.
will Blacks get 25% of the profits from this film as well?
>the only way to interest people in realities of being a black person is to make a blockbuster fantasy movie with lots of explosions and fighting
That's sad
No one was black in the book. All white.
>Oprah in film
>immersion ruined
>The brothers are one white and the other a negress
>The angel is now Oprah
>Selma director, a woman with no talent for movie rythm
jesus christ is gonna be awful with a 97% at RT
almost got me there
It's important because it has Oprah in it..right
And do you think soyboy males would watch a young adult lit film?
I've been in a coma for two years, why is Oprah starring in a movie about the evils of communism and why is Disney comparing it to Black Panther?
I wonder if this will be the new women franchise that’s fucked
>twilight kicks things off with dumb-as-fuck vampire fan fiction, women eat it up for like 5 movies and billions of dollars
> hunger games is next, with the love triangle and the badassery of jlaw’s moonface. Women eat it up
> 50 shades of grey, a fantasy about a girl being swept away and dominated by a rich attractive guy, but this somehow empowers her
Women have no taste. None. Zip. Nada. Zilch
It’s why everything they make sucks
Made for them*
At least the white boi is cute.
>Who is a good boy?
It's important to make back their $200 Million investment so buy it up goy
I read AWiT as a kid. I enjoyed the setting, and various locations they went to, and the fantasy was fun - but god damn did I not give a shit about any of the characters.
The only people interested in watching this would be the white kids that read it as children. And they're not going to watch a nigger reimagining of a childhood classic. And niggers don't read so they have no special connection to the source material to give a fuck in the first place.
It was a pretty popular book for kids like a decade ago. They're probablky trying to bank on the millenials who read the book and the current generation for going. I think it's hilarious that they're doing this and blatantly race swapping the characters. It's not even about making movies they like anymore, it's all about making something profitable that appeals to a large number of people.
holy fuck that trailer was bad
they literally have one movie coming out a quarter which typically see 2-3 times a return on their investment
do they really think movies will sway people to like black people more? is that what they mean by "important"?
if that were the case, it happened already a long time ago.
Let's predict the RT reviews:
"A Wrinkle in Time" matters. - David Goldbergstein.
I hate Disney so much
Are these wrinkle in time books any good? Never heard of them before announcement of the adaptation.
>yes goy this movie has black people and is also very important, give us your money again!
>by supporting these films you are directly impeaching Trump!
Movies are very important! They are dreams that we share collectively. They are the experiences that we draw on in creating tomorrow's dream. They are our attempts at finding meaning in a chaotic and seemingly purposeless universe. They are our history and our future.
Also they're a multibillion dollar industry that employs thousands of people and whose advertising we experience in day-to-day living.
In this particular case, they gave a $100 million project to shut Ava Duvernay the fuck up after they fired her from Black Panther because of this shit.
The movie is straight-up a "dat's raycis" tax they're paying.
more people are excited for it than any WB piece of shit this year
Looks like perfect casting to me
white dude looks like he regrets going lmao
It's just the kids and Oprah, the other characters aren't black
>I can't breathe
Lay off the coco butter and afro sheen then, damn
>comic sans
>that white guy
>that thing in the back
I can't breathe either
What kills me is that Mrs. Whatsit could easily be black since she's just a centaur alien that pretends to be a crazy old woman
but Oprah looks like complete garbage even compared to the decade old ABC Family Channel version
ugly brits
literally no one knows, or cares (which is more likely) this movie is coming out
i mean fuck they cast oprah in it
Man black people are ugly
Looks like an overbudget mess.
>no one knows or cares about the movie starring the next President of the United States
>neo liberals still playing the same game that made them lose the election in the first place
>only want oprah because she's black AND a woman
she checks TWO diversity boxes!
if we count obesity as a disability, she checks THREE!
Dunno, aren't the billionare tv-celebrities with no qualifications the go-to nowadays in American politics?
It makes no sense for them to be black if they keep the original setting, which is essential for informing characterization. it's important that these people come from a time and place where the internet doesn't exist, the term "wormhole" hasn't been coined yet, and where kids dream small. take that away and it loses everything that made the story impactful.
that said, if you are gonna set it in modern times like a fucking idiot, then absolutely make them minorities. this book was important because it cast a young female as the protagonist in a sci-fi/fantasy role, which straight up did not happen back then. we're not hurting for genre fiction starring white girls in 2018. we don't need to encourage white girls to read fantasy anymore. they're doing it. but a little black/mixed girl watching this might feel fucking empowered seeing someone like herself on screen, and that's beautiful.
the movie looks like dog shit though. costumes wearing the actors, what-the-fuck levels of tonal problems, strong cloud atlas vibes in the worst way. this will fail financially.
Fuxk off with this gayy shit
>I can't breav
Are these black celebrities, I can't even tell. is that bunk to the left of the white guy?
It's the cast and crew of the Academy Award winning Martin Luther King biopic "Selma"
>(and that's beautiful)
get off your phone, kid.
Not american here, what is a wrinkle in time?
oh how nice, looks like they had fun
A boring book that some kids were forced to read in school.
>that girl is supposed to consider herself a "monster"
Fuck you, come back when you have atopic dermatitis, then you can feel like a monster.
IIRC it has something to do with aliens. I never read the book, and only a couple people at my school did.
I didnt pay attention during book report day, for various reasons, he big one being
>I read Harry Potter #5321
>I also read the hearry faggot
Repeats for several girls
>a decade ago
only patrician post itt
You could say they are comic sans breath
A professor invents teleportation by folding space (the titular wrinkle in time) and is immediately kidnapped by an alien brain monster when he visits it's homeworld. His children set out to rescue him with the aid of the crazy old woman from down the road, who reveals herself to be a shape shifting alien centaur thing and one of a handful of survivors of a species the brain monster destroyed in the past.
If all that sounds kind of derivative keep in mind the book is from 1962 which means most later young adult sci-fi is ripped off of it
Just that paragraph sounds like they could have sued the Animorphs people into the ground