Who do you cast? Who directs? Mini-series or film?
Blood Meridian
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This book was so gay it ended with two dudes bumming in an outhouse. When will itfags understand that Mcarthy is just edge for edges sake. Adapt the best literature western ever written already for fucks sake....
This is now a Flashman thread, excerpts inbound. Counter with McCarthy wank if you dare
>episode of the most ruthless violence ever on TV
>next episode is a couple dialog exchanges and 40 minutes of beautiful landscapes and the Glanton group passing by the remains of violent events
>next episode is 45 minutes of Judge Holden telling them a story while they sit doing nothing
unironically the only way to do it right
>two dudes bumming
Idk how people cant understand the ending its so fucking obvious just reread the last pages and keep in mind the bear girl holy shit why does everyone think the kid gets raped
This book even contains a more accurate fictionalization of the Glanton gang ffs and no self described "lit" fag has ever even heard of it. I weep for you poor fuckers
I feel like if you're going for that style 30 minute runtimes would work better. As much as I love the campfire bits, I don't think they could last 30 minutes
Cormac wanted Malick to do it and I think that'd be interesting if he held back to Thin Red Line/New World tier instead of his more recent stuff
Tommy Lee Jones is trying to get a five hour movie made of it, but so far studios have rejected it for being "Too violent"
James Franco is pursuing the rights because it's his "dream movie" despite having ruined faulkner and damn near everything else he's had a hand in producing
Cameron Britton as the Judge
Cary Fukunaga directs
>keep in mind the bear girl
Redpill me. I figured the Judge raped and killed the bear girl for a quickie, then did the same to the kid
Cary is too cold and not visceral enough, nor picturesque enough
The Kid's the one thats been raping and murdering children
>Typical western tripe
>better than the beautifully written Blood Meridian
Fuck off and stop derailing these threads. Also, it was written by a fucking bong, what the fuck's it gotta say about an American event
Because they want their fat ugly man fucks nubile young lad shota fantasy because they're degenerates
The kid is like in his 30s at that point in the book
The judge murders him because he "betrayed" the gang by not participating in the wholesale slaughter, as he did Toadvine
sounds a little bit reddit nolan le mindfuck, but interesting
I don't see why he wouldn't rape the kid (man) before killing him just because he's an adult at that point. McCarthy didn't have him ambush the guy naked in an outhouse for no reason after a whole book of sexual depravity. And what does this have to do with the bear girl?
The judge takes the bear girl and its implied that the kid knew the bear girl was in the jake. He arrives to rape her as well. It makes no sense for the kid to seek out the person he's spent his whole life avoiding unless he had come to terms with the judge's whole philosophy. The jugde knew this and his "embrace" wasn't some kind of euphamism. It was a literal embrace.
Do you think he gave Glanton and Black Jackson his BWC?
PTA could pull it off. Would love to see what he does with it.
Fukunaga lacks the grit for a proper adaptation. Still a good director, but he's too clean, his stuff looks too good. Blood Meridian needs a kind of gritty, off-kilter style that still looks nice. I feel like the guy who did the Proposition or Mallick could pull it off well with the right budget
Where is implied the kid knew the girl was in the Jakes or the kid succumbed to the Judge's rhetoric
best Flashman?
1. Great Game
2. Mountain of Light
3. at the Charge
Can anyone recommend me any other works as brutal as Blood Meridian?
forgot pic
S. Craig Zahler with Big Vince as Judge Holden.
The Road
Go away James
He couldn't even make a good movie out of The Disaster Artist. Guy probably spent more time bullying Tommy than trying to make a good movie
How'd I do Sup Forums?
Directed by Justin Kurzel
12 part miniseries
DOP Adam Arkapaw
Unknown as the kid
Dave Bautista drenched in white makeup as the Judge
Josh Brolin as Glanton
Jeremy Davies as Tobin
Sam Rockwell as Toadvine
Isaac C. Singleton Jr as Black Jackson
Sid Haiges as Davy Brown
Jeff Bridges as Grannyrat
Nick Cave as Bathcat and OST
Woody Harrelson as Captain White
The score should be minimal, mostly for ambience
Make the opening credits an ultra close up of someone getting scalloped followed by shots of open landscape with Ben Nichols' The Judge playing over it
Idk about Vince as judge, but good choice in director, certainly got the grit for it. Can't wait to see how he does with melly g in dragged across concretes
PTA can't pull anything off
I found our Judge Holden...
>JUST Holden
>Justin Kurzel
Thoughts on the cast?
Bautista's too short. They need an actual 7 footer to play the judge
John Goodman with his face pulled back as the judge. Never film him from the chest down just like Brando in apocalypse now.
You say that like good ol' ChamCham can't pull it off.
Like whom
Goodman looks too old at this point
But how many decent actors are near that height.
Even he's only 6'5"
Find an unknown
That's why you pull his face back.
You'd need someone with a really strong screen presence to do Holden justice. I'd be willing to sacrifice some height for it
Its the greatest american novel of all time.
And yes Moby Dick is a very close second but it was surpassed.
Director: Malick
Producer: Alejandro
Director of Photography: Lubezki
The Judge: Daniel Day Lewis
Glanton: Joaquin Phoenix
The ex-priest: Liam Neeson
Toadvine: Jake Gyllenhaal
The Kid: Will Poulter
tell me you wouldn't watch it
>wanting that hack Inaritu to have anything to do with the project
>Daniel Meme-Lewis
>Joaquin Memix
Kid's alright, but you've populated the movie with too many character actor big-name memes
Also DDL has nowhere near the body, voice or presence to do it
Shouldn't be adapted.
Why not?
>voice or presence to do it
ok moron
and physical appearance is easily handled with prosthetics/CGI. Just like in most movies now a days you absolute retard.
Drink up. This night thy soul may be required of thee.
DDL is just too goofy.
This guy is in the new reboot of Girl With The Dragon Tattoo: en.wikipedia.org
Rooney Mara BTFO
so you're saying the Judge captured the bear and had a threeway with the bear and the girl in the outhouse while the kid played the fiddle
truly an example of great american literature
>. It makes no sense for the kid to seek out the person he's spent his whole life avoiding unless he had come to terms with the judge's whole philosophy
>Glanton: Joaquin Phoenix
>The ex-priest: Liam Neeson
i like this
not the rest
the kid definitely needs to be an unknown actor
maybe the judge too
Your heart's desire is to be told some mystery. The mystery is that there is no mystery.
jesus christ someone unironically made that poster
never read flashman but camped safe out here or whatever it's called is very good
>better take this ludicrous cartoonist actor and cover him in bad cgi to make him taller and bigger
The line that always sticks with me is along the lines of
>Fate is the preoccupation of men in rash undertakings
Also, the scene where the kid sees the ocean for the first time is mine dream to adapt
I want to read this book badly, but I can't get past McCarthy's autistic writing style. Why can't he just use quotation marks like a normal person?
i can only ever seen the judge being played by bearmode marlon brando
Clancy Brown as the Judge
maybe a fat and thick billy zane
Listen to the audio book then read the physical copy. It helps
Why is the author is this book incapable of using commas?