>better than Drive
>almost better than Neon Demon
Jesus Christ, why was this panned. Its feverish.
>better than Drive
>almost better than Neon Demon
Jesus Christ, why was this panned. Its feverish.
less accessible probably
subject matter isnt the same as the semi-relatable topics of Drive and Neon Demon
>Gosling isnt even the main protagonist
>better than Drive
Because its not actually better than either of those you retarded asshole.
While i personally like this film, it's not as good as drive and admittedly, it can be pretty boring at times. Didn't deserve anywhere near the hate it received though
this is one of the worst films I've ever seen you guys really need to get your heads out of your asses
>the LA virgin
>the Bangkok Chad
>bad guys wins in the end (except he isnt the bad guy)
Refn is unmatched. He casually checks all my fetishes regularly.
You know watched outside the intoxication of the feels era I actually have started like OGF more than Drive. Its got more interesting shit going on and visually much more appealing.
1. The Tree of Life (Malick)
2. Only God Forgives (Refn)
3. The Social Network (Fincher)
4. Drive (Refn)
5. The Master (PTA)
While i have a bias towards Drive because i read both of the novels, i must say Refn really knows how to pick a soundtrack for a film and nail ambiance. Really enjoyed the Karaoke in OGF.
>The Master
>1. The Tree of Life (Malick)
>3. The Social Network (Fincher)
Great film and one of the best pleb filters desu senpai
go back to r/truefilm
Master trumps everything else on your list. Its probably PTA most important work.
Don't bother defending your point or anything.
Because it's awful. He tried to do Drive again and fucked up
Except its nothing like Drive. The tone and atmosphere are entirely different. At times it even nods at 70s kungfuploitation.
It completely dismantles Gosling as the leading man, which is absolutely genius in itself after Drive. Refn was lightyears ahead of everyone while doing this.