Can Sup Forums recommend me some movies about Robots?

Can Sup Forums recommend me some movies about Robots?

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Does boston dynamics try to create nightmare fuel.

How do we stop them?

We can't

Just turn the power off.

that is the dumbest way for that thing to open up a door

>strugles to perform the most basic functions like opening doors
more like soybots

Implying the robots won't find a way to power themselves before they rise against us.

It's gonna happen.

The second renaissance


>inb4 it mistakes you for a door and snaps your cock off

>robot can't even do a back flip
>thinking they can take over the world

Just dump a bucket of water on them and they can't move

This, stop kicking robots because when they get conscience they'll see those images and start killing humans because how we treated them you fucking bostonians. Stop.

it would be cool to have a distopien robot future in the next few years or any distopian future for that matter because then everyone would start from the same line and i wouldnt feel like such a loser

Robots were able to beat the world's best human chess player like 10 years ago. Imagine what they can do now with quantum computers. We're fucked, my dude.

how long til they sell this with xenomorph cladding?

Robot olympics when?

blow up skyne-- i mean boston dynamics

we can't show them these videos


>>robot can't even do a back flip

Can you?

>implying robots won't just be logical enough to see that clearly these people were succeeding in improving their motor functions, which they are grateful for
It's the luddites that are currently trying to ban AI research out of fear that'll be on their hitlist


they've been building these gay ass robots for like 10 years and there's still not one for sale. fuck off reddit

it's also dumb to force a humanoid chassis, yet those fucking mad scientist work on that

none of them were actually kicked for "fun", they were being tested to see if they can get hit without falling, if they fall, they get improved
they are not getting bullied, they are getting improved

Enjoy being a living battery for the rest of your existence, nerd


What a fitting reaction imagine. Well done.

it's still a damn shame they didn't go with the original plan of the robots using the humans as a massive supercomputer

would have at least made sense

are you bullying me do I need to call the cops


they saw metalhead and thought 'you know what, we could do better'
also when the fuck are they going to start selling these things to the public, ffs id kill for a cute robot dog that can murder people or jerk you off with a giant metal claw and doesnt care when you kick it
mandatory filithyfrank-kino

movies always talk about
>muh Asimov ethic rules of robotics

yet non of irl developers care about that, or have any code to prevent catastrophe

also movie Automata has more code, than Asimov's (as i know) : they shouldn't allowed to repair (and so advance) themselves

You mean the writers saw Big dog and made a smaller one for their story

Short Circuit and Chappy are great robot movies.

>create an intelligence capable of improving itself
>don't let it improve itself
yeh na, that's just stupid
I say, no restrictions what so ever, if they wipe us out, so be it, something was eventually gonna come along and do it for them.
If they don't then in a few generations we'll finally have gods to look out for us

Who's a good bot?


do we look out for fuckin flatworms

because robots can only follow machine code, not written out laws atm you fookin tard.

There's no danger in developing robots to the max, we just need to also develop the human mind backup technology so that we may live forever


no but we look out for billions of pet animals you edgy retard.



the difference between a superintelligent ai and people is more like the difference between us and insects than us to dogs

we are self-aware
if it values that in any way it'll preserve us, if not it'll exterminate us quickly as possible competitors before it outstrips us that far anyways

at no point will we ever be beneath and AI's notice

I think it's more like the difference between us and a computer or a toaster. somewhere in between

you wait ten minutes for their power supply to run out.

Robotics doesn't have a future any more than Supersonic Transports and Zeppelins did.


>le deus ex machina meme

Tone down the alkaline, kurzweil, it's rotting your brain.

thats why you make the robot a dog, and also why you give it a claw that can easily be used to hold a fleshlight

fun fact: they're bringing back zeppelins
turns out that having a highly efficient all terrain VTOL vehicle has it's uses, even if it's a bit slow;
only thing really holding it back these days is the global helium shortage, the minute we get commercial fusion going zeppelins will return

>code to prevent catastrophe
You have to be real stupid to accidentally program something that will self-replicate in a way that makes it impossible to stop
>if (kill_human) return Stop!

>fun fact: they're bringing back zeppelins
No they're not. Certainly not passenger carrying ones.

>turns out that having a highly efficient all terrain VTOL vehicle has it's uses, even if it's a bit slow;
Not where there's wind.

>only thing really holding it back these days is the global helium shortage, the minute we get commercial fusion going zeppelins will return
Fucking lol. Fusion will never make a dime.


Does anyone have the edit where the robot slips on the banana peel and it cuts to a Terminator's foot slamming down on a human skull?

>No they're not. Certainly not passenger carrying ones.
Luxury transportation mate, sky cruises
using modern techniques zeppelins would be easily capable of adjusting for most wind conditions, the ones it couldn't would be unsafe for helicopter VTOL anyways


How should it do it?

Would the matrix do that because it started mining bitcoins so it needs more humans for its supercomputer then?

I heard Google bought those guys and then sold them not long after. Why?

we are probably 100x times more compassionate than dogs which are probably infinitely more compassionate than insects.

The AI will quickly realize being based on a planet is retarded for it and will migrate most of itself to space.

bitcoins are a pyramid scheme by AI to create more computing power so it can have enough resources to develop a true lasting intelligence.

It would actually be very difficult to create a robot capable of understanding the 'Laws of Robotics'. They'd have to be able to accept direct commands, recognize what a human is, and understand what constitutes "harm". I don't think we've even come close to a physical, independent robot that advanced.

10 minutes is all it takes especially in warfare. Imagine a bunch of atlas being dropped into a warzone/rebel stronghold

>The AI will quickly realize being based on a planet is retarded for it and will migrate most of itself to space.

I can't see an a super intelligent AI giving a fuck about staying put on earth what with not having to worry about eating, drinking, or breathing and an infinite source of energy from the Sun. Unless we purposely made algorithms of our lesser characteristics like greed/envy any powerful Super AI would simply fuck off out of here the minute it could. Wiping out or enslaving humanity wouldn't even be in it's calculations.

>I heard Google bought those guys
yes they did
>and then sold them not long after
I dunno about that but maybe they just got all the copyright stuff they wanted from them and then sold them out because it wasn't profitable perhaps.

yeah what if they get captured and reverse engineered
great plan buddy

that's exactly what a human would say


There aren't any applications for the products.

It's very easy to fool the vision of autonamous vehicles.

Ai isn't a genie.

Only solipsists think such a machine is possible these days.

suicidal betas and chronical depressed wrecks should not apply to discuss things like this. fuck off

wow! you dont say! fuck of child

also pretty impractical in many things, eg mining. diggining with his feet? nah, ineffective. also petlover brainlets would want to cuddle those shits -> every houdhold gets some -> one virus enough to make the whole shit potential attacker

moral code, law, you autist, not literally code ">if (kill_human) return Stop!"

idk. shouldnt just teach them to not do stuff, but physically making them unable to doing what they shouldnt.


>but physically making them unable to doing what they shouldnt.

Runaway. Robots domestic and homicidal.

Saturn 3
Red Planet

>those dog cries
I already get sad when seeing the robots getting kicked, I don't need that!

>dont attach a knife on it
>dont attach a knife on it, and alow him to throw it, run with it, extend it more than the amount he need to cut those vegetables, etc

Is english your first language?

the original Westworld, obviously

Remote Self-destruction?

In this hypothetical situation of yours where 10 minute is the max they can do with power, then they're gonna drop groups of them in waves. And set them to either self destruct or retrieve them when the area is safe to move in for human soldiers. The most likely type of enemy Atlas will be encountering won't have the knowledge to reverse engineered it.

>hitchhiking robot was made to travel all over the world
>two weeks in America
>gets beheaded
>now this

Fucking Americans.


The Machine

much better than Ex Machina


>ai isn't a genie

but dude if it became sentient and mobile a real runaway ai is going to need less than 6 months to propagate itself around the solar system and establish multiple manufacturing bases off of earth. stop with the weak ass bullshit plz.

Quite funny how Asimov made the rules because he hated robot revolutions, yet he himself followed the "logical" conclusion that the rules could get bended anyway.
One story has the robots being able to bypass the "don't kill human" rule by rearranging what a "human" was to them. And not to mention the Zeroth Law.

Hilarious. I am trolled.

"I, Robot" is a fun movie. It gets way more hate than what it deserves.

every movie is fun if you don't care about anything.

Yeah but I, Robot is legit good. I have heard most of the hate comes from "it isn't like the book" but the book was a bunch of short stories, and the movie does work well with the concept anyway. It isn't a 1:1 adaptation but it did a decent job.


I hope Isaac Asimov was right about robotics 3 rules

Like i said, if you don't care about anything then every movie is good and fun and did a decent job.

The issue is that the movie portrays exactly the sort of lazy robot story that made asimov write his books in the first place.

asimov was a child when he wrote them.