I don't care who gets salty. Hit or flop I can't wait for the reactions.
2018 couldnt get any worse now.
Isn't this Ghostbusters 2016 again?
Yes, except that in this case entire schools are booking trips to see the movie. Marvel execs are laughing all the way to the bank on this one.
I was disappointed with this porn desu. So hard to find and it was mediocre.
Theyre the ones paying for it
20 million if it are white people paying for inner city youth to go to the movie and eat for free. Kind of like how democrats bus in negros to vote in elections.
Has there ever been a blaxploitation film with a bigger budget? How can anyone possibly think this won't be a massive flop?
>every dc movie is going to get blown out by a marvel movie with an all black cast
even if marvel is losing its winning
More like Last Jedi
How is it "tracking" to do that amount? What factors do they consider for this? Presales of tickets? That's no indicator if you look at The Last Jedi. It had amazing reviews and underperformed across the board.
First two results I found from a search were school or teacher funded - which are you thinking of?
>Fat ugly nigger
>"All white people are racist"
>Her fucking paypal listed underneath
So what's the liklihood of some yts getting the shit beat out of them at certain theatres?
how did they get away with that?
I think he means youtubers.
I think we can all agree youtubers get what they deserve
what happens when this movie is actually good, makes money, logically sets up avengers 3 and has a decent villain ? what will Sup Forums cry about then?
you faggots cry about any movie that isnt centered on white men
Has Sup Forums literally ever been right?
damn just think - this halloween there is a strong chance white kids will dress up as black panther.
i'd pay to see how some of you handle that
>when this movie is actually good
I'll be astonished because capeshit is shit, but I guess I'll be pleased as well.
>what will Sup Forums cry about then
Found the tourist - there's always something to bitch about, and Sup Forums isn't even really bitching about this movie
MCU movies are not good. They are bottom of the barrel, bland and forgettable.
If it's good, then that'll be a genuinely good thing for everybody: black people having an actually good film with good characters to emulate might encourage some of them to stop behaving like niggers.
This whole scenario is virtually impossible, however.
My prediction: it will be a massive success with ameriniggers and a flop everywhere else.
Overall it will do pretty well, around Thor Ragnarok, Guardians of the Galaxy 2 and Spiderman: Homecoming
>What if a superhero movie is good
And how we laughed
i wonder if it'll flop in africa
nogs can barely afford bananas
I think it will do about 300 domestic, and it will flop worldwide as you said, bringing in 150ish
When the movie is a blockbuster in Asia, will you post here about how wrong you were?
It's the opposite of JUSTice League. That went from tracking $150m all the way down to $100m, and it made less. This started at 90m now it's all the way up to $165m. If it does make that amount and has good legs it'll easily pass $400m domestic
how did this become a meme or 'thing'? Dark Knight with heath ledger is awesome. one exception to the rule breaks said rule
Don't all these movies make money from chinks and chinks are racist as fuck
I don't watch MCU anymore after how awful civil war
So I don't care. If it turns out to be actually good I'll be surprised (still not going to watch it)
>in Asia
I can't help but appreciate how the alt-right is trying to BTFO the lefties by helping out poor communities
you guys are going to be so butthurt soon
>Implying they actually care about the poor
You have no idea how racist China and Japan are m8
That's why it's funny.
The excuses will be great if it actually does well in China
improve your bait, please. you're lowering the standards
well done you were able to view the image
the nose is shooped, so is his name
which is why Coco was a super hit in those countries
I'll repeat, you'll soon be posting about how a massive box office draw doesn't mean anything instead of how BP is going to flop in Asia
lol. those fucking jews
I was merely expressing my disgust.
They outlawed hip Hop culture in China
The film won't even get a release
The film is not even out.
What is the release date for this film internationally?
>Sup Forums wrong yet again
What’s the score now
the age of apeshit
>MCU capeshit, specifically
I don't know why you think I'll be upset when it does well. Besides, it's pretty clear it's going to get some solid numbers.
But in terms of the racism, have you been to China or Japan? They seriously are amazingly racist.
>see a picture
>describe what's in it
>post anime
>people somehow has to undertand that's disgust
>what happens when this movie is actually good
Sup Forumsfags will never admit it
>I'm so autistic I can't read the expression of a reaction image of a character drawn in a style that is deliberately easy for autists and socially inept people to understand.
Just about everywhere between the 12th and 16th, then Russia the 22nd, Japan and China in early March.
If you're going to samefag you should mix up your punctuation a bit.
Coogler nigga
The teachers were paid by Disney. DUH.
Not saying that all of capeshit isn't shit, but DC is worse.
Dude you can't just make things up on the Internet.
THR/Deadline (same company) are terrible at guessing the over/under a movie will hit before the weekend is pretty much over. When Box Office Mojo makes a suggestion, it's closer to being on the money every time.
It's really odd watching one person (two, you'd have us believe) have an 'argument' against nobody.
>Embarrassing false flag
We're autistic here, but not autistic enough to type like that.
Amazing gold sneakers tho
>still won't beat Wonder Woman domestic
It's based on the Sam Raimi films. It was a different time.
>film opens to 220m
>somehow a flop
>RDJ moving out of cape soon, others will follow
>Marvel about to build phase two around Black Panther and that shitty Ms. Marvel
>a decade of WE WUZ and YOU GO GURRL movies
How is that bad for DC fans again?
Because the same thing happened to Star Wars and those movies keep making a billion damn dollars every time. Good luck catching up to that DC fag.
>he can't read a post
Please go compare and contrast "flop" and "underperformed."
Totally different. However for such a huge movie to underperform is strange. It's why I question these "tracking" things. Much like how I question polls at this point.
>tfw all black millionaries are giving their bucks just to pump out the film sucess
The Hollywood Reporter is not the same company as Deadline, you idiot.
Not during the opening weekend.
Your initial post was comparing BP's tracking to TLJ which might I add was accurate. If NO opens to 220m, I'm sure Sup Forums would find some way to say it flopped like how they said Spider-Man Homecoming was a flop. (It wasn't. )
Phase 4, not 2.
NO should say BP. Spell check.
What is 25% of $165,000,000?
Do you have any stakes at Marvel/Didney? Why how much it does at the box office matters? If anything Black Panther and Ms Marvel being a guaranteed success should have the opposite effect for you guys. That will set a new trend. The original Avengers will slowly be replaced by "diverse" characters.
WB mistakes won't amount to much. They will try to reboot the DCU and if that fails they will move to individual films again. But Batman, Superman and WW will still be the face of DC years from now. The MCU started by turning literal who's in popular icons because Marvel didn't have the rights to any of their moneymakers. And it will happen again. You can bet your ass they will let all your beloved characters accumulating dust as they pass the mantle and T'Challa will be the next big thing.
Go to bed, user.
I would smash her ass into oblivion
Perspective looks awful
I was trying to avoid disappointment by keeping expectations low-- I was hoping it would beat Ragnarok ($123M) and maybe beat Deadpool's February record ($135). This is beyond amazing!
>Inb4 "my wife's son/bf xDxD"
how 165 massive WTF