>Conan! What is best in life?
Conan! What is best in life?
To crush my enemies, see them driven before me and to hear the lamentations of their women.
Fresh paczki. They're in season at the grocery store right now.
chunks fuck and suck
How many you ate during fat Thursday bro? 8 here. They were bombastic with custard and jam.
could Conan beat the Kurgan tho?
Commando is best. Pure Arnold in 90 minutes
That is good! That is good.
Damn straight.
benis in bagina XD
A poo where I don't have to wipe
Ah, beat me to it,I hope to hear somehow Arnold say those words before I/he dies.
Hot water, good dentishtry and shoft lavatory paper.
Holy shit that's awesome.
I'd watch that for a dollar
To each his own
To sue my enemies, see them indebted before me, and to collect the loan payments of their women.
Is the blu ray any good or should I buy a DVD?
I know it's dumb to buy movies and whatnot but I want to do it anyways
Giving me Jagged Alliance flashbacks, user.
t. Conan Hyborianberg the ((((Cimmerian))))
Rank them Sup Forums
10/10 GOAT adventure movie.
Doesn't exist.
Shitty remake.
1 > 2 > 3
and i haven't even seen them all
On a second thought, isn't even a shitty remake, just a shitty cashgrab based on nostalgia and brand recognition.
>sword held high
>sword lowered a bit
>im not even in this
arnold rates them on the cover