Janny pls save us

janny pls save us

shut the fuck up pussy and head back to reddît/Sup Forums

fuck off

meanwhile I got banned for spamming the first time I made a "It ain't me" thread

You deserved it

based. fuck back off now lowlife cunt

I got banned from making a thread about Welcome to Leith
looks like they don't know it is a movie

This. This board should burn.

waaaah Sup Forumseddit babby cant spam memes

>Implying the jannies aren't trying their hardest to ban this spammer and failing miserably

Just nuke /poltv/ already

>Sup Forums is being spammed
>"It ain't me starts" playing

whos the bear cutie
asking for my wife


If you're genuinely white (not 56% white) I'd recommend to leave Sup Forums till at least a month after the Black Panther release. This is just your average nigger posters chimping out.

>what is a filter

why do you people complain about threads you don't want to see when you can make sure you never see them yourself?

That's what happens when you "hire" employees that are offered no compensation for their time. You get the absolute lowest common denominator as far as an employer is concerned they aren't worth a fuck.

enlighten me on this new meme

>using filters
Hola Reddit

I got banned for replying to the cunny poster.

itt /q/ry babbys having asspain

I've hidden like 25 threads.

Please. Only thing you can do against a proxy/vpn spamming faggot is range banning whole country like moot once did against ausies.

have fun seeing things you don't like, idiot

>The janitor recoils when accused.
That's why cunny/feet/waifu/AYY YOO HOL UP/Twitter bait/ etc threads are allowed to exist until 250 replies, while simple funposting threads are vigorously pruned.

He's from /sg/ every time we annoy a Turk on /sg/ he goes and does this.

If it were me, I'd close the fucking board, these faggots don't deserve Sup Forums.

why shouldn't you have?

because every other it ain't me thread doesn't get deleted

scared, wh*Te boi?

>recoils when accused
Nice Sup Forums maymay. I was also always curious why some threads float around while others are gone in matter of seconds. This place is either understaffed or mods are just faggots who instead of monitoring the catalog browse k-pop webms on /wsg/.

>this butthurt tur*k is doing it every few days

Nice to know that he cant change his ip

he's an Sup Forumsoid
when ever you bring up that he's a butthurt Sup Forumsoid he gets even more asspained

>wahh i wanna spam memes, capeshit trash, and star wars shit!! hellllp!!!!!

>Sup Forums memes
You do realize jew/nigger memes have been a thing on Sup Forums since before you graduated high school, right user?

Mods are entilted retards somedays you have 5 waifu threads going on, somedays you will get banned because of a simple t.reddit.

You'll run out eventually, fag.

Friendly reminder that ironic nigger with complexes shitposting brough in actual butthurt niggers with complexes.


>those preferred boards
Now I understand so many things

I warned zerosugar that I would make the 2013 spam come back if he didn't do his job
Just you fucking wait for what's next you Sup Forumseddit janitor piece of shit

Sup Forums wasn't even a thing when I graduated high school :(

WHO NEED A HERO!? Uh uh uh yeah! WHO NEED A HERO!?

>most of the current boards didnt exist when you graduated high school

I j-just l-like the memes, I swear!


Nah read through the /sg/ thread now just before it started Turkey was getting roasted.

anyone been here long enough to remember the :3 spam? and the various stills from star trek and other films/shows. and the waifu thread spam. and the sitewide spam that instructed users to save a file as .js or some shit I can't remember which I believe was the catalyst for implementing captcha

Why are turks so pathetic and easily butthurt?

I am range banned from Sup Forums for some reason

cry more wh*Te subhuman

Rookie move. Better luck next time

>waifu thread spam
false flagging that got you the Sup Forums of today

Janny subhuman banning me won't do shit. I'll just switch another proxy that I have by hundreds. Know your place, bow down

>rangeban an entire country because can't handle the banter
>u-u butthurt not me
ax wh*Te boy axx

what country are you from

More like why are some turks so based and buying several vpns for shitposting ( Sup Forums is banned in turkey)

>tfw cant find proxies


Buy a pass then

The Turk is using American proxies to spam BBC

that's why you're banned i guess

You reveal yourself just like the roach you are. Too easy.

Get the fuck out, son.

I can post on literally every other board though. Not giving jackie Sup Forums my precious dollars yet

Thanks a lot turk

If you're a TÜRK you would know where to find them. I told TÜRKs on reddit how to find and use proxies

Pre-captcha Sup Forums was really dogshit. Nothing but forced memes. If I remember correctly the straw that broke the camel's back was the site wide the.surgeron spam and the cp spam from that one autistic pedo owner of a rivaling chan.

The BLACK man always reveals himself. The BLACK man is nothing like the sneaky wh*Te subhuman. 1v1 me faggot.

np amerimutt subhuman. It's my duty to cleanse amerimutts from this site

>be a jackass
>get banned
>"n-no, let me post its not fair"
I think you need this site more than the jannies

based. what are tour thoughts on ypg/ypj?

yup. the Green Oval was a regular spam post

Abatap, an infamous tripfag on the board was a big spammer and a reason for captacha as well

Why are shitskins so obsessed with americans?

soyboy commies and k*Rds which is worst combination ever

Neck yourself.

but if you get rid of us you get rid of more than 2/3 of the site traffic, then it will die

typical mudslime misguided martyrdom syndrome I guess

We respect the black man here you need to visit Sup Forums they are not fearing KARA BOGA enough you need the show them the way


Why should I care about Sup Forums lmao. hiro banned us anyway so the site can go to hell

Not really the best times are on non american times

Why are turks so easily triggered?

Abatap was just a Sup Forums shitposter defending Avatar with zealous passion. I don't remember the fucker's name but there was this one sick pedo who owned another shitty chan and had a hatchet to bury with moot. He was literally flooding blue boards with actual cp (and I don't mean the tame cunny posting of today) he got exposed back in 2010, as in anons leaked his address, photo etc. I imagine he is being raped in some federal prison atm.

>Why should I care about Sup Forums lmao
then why are you here lmao
you obviously care enough to waste precious minutes of your life

based kara boga poster making the jannies take their job that they do for free LMAO very seriously

Imagine being from that shithole. Also on the receiving side of jokes. Its got to give you a complex.

Whenever I read a post made by an Amerimutt my IQ level plummet into zero.
I really don't care niqqa. Also I spent more time on Reddit and vidya than I spent time on Sup Forums

why did this make me laugh out loud

god bless you user

>hiro banned us anyway
What did I miss?

>I really don't care niqqa
kek but you do, you're still replying to me
with each heart beat you get close to death, and you spend the time replying to me when I'm going to forget this moment tomorrow

is this the new paid /reylo/ thread

Hiro+Government completely blocked Turkey from Sup Forums a month ago. We can only access Sup Forums with VPN's now.

>being so deluded that you think shitposting on Sup Forums has any impact at all

People see the spam and go "wow, that dude is 100% a virgin" and then they go about their day and completely forget about it 2 seconds later

but are any of the women worthy of BBC

Best of luck to you getting rid of Erdogan

The sort of spamming changed Sup Forums into what it is today, redditor

>Hiro+Government completely blocked Turkey from Sup Forums a month ago. We can only access Sup Forums with VPN's now.

nah I aint :^)

itt a cuntmod/jannicunt posts anonymously

Bro can you sonunda salmak bizi ve gitmek pola orayi spamlamak? Teskürler zaaten bokun icinde tv

Honestly it's embarrassing to think that a country like Turkey with its rich history and ability to fuck shit up in Europe so badly that they turned Balkans into an ethnic melting pot of rape babies has bigger complexes than actual niggers.

are you mad your country is named after a bird we eat in November?

t. reddit