Anyone else really tired of the pathetic state of the film industry?

Anyone else really tired of the pathetic state of the film industry?
>giant companies like Disney owning more and more, going to eventually take over everything
>movies motivated by political agendas
>formulaic scripts are the norm, everything is the same, no soul or heart anymore
>reboots and remakes every year
>generic film scores
>movies are propaganda machines created to sell toys
>reviews are bought and going against the establishment gets you blacklisted
>REE racism/sexism/DRUMPF
>REE SJWs, niggers, jews
>hollywood being exposed, being full of corrupted pedos and rapists who pretend to be good guys
>movie awards like the Oscars are nothing more than a joke
I want to go back to the times when I was a kid who had a magical experience everytime he watched a movie and wanted to grow up and be a filmmaker. Both the gaming and music industries are similarly fucked up as well, but film is my passion. What happened, lads?

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>Anyone else really tired of the pathetic state of the film industry?
No it's just you.

Do I get a say in this?

I don't call them films anymore, i call the disneys.

>the pathetic state of the (((film industry)))
>(((owning more and more)))

It is tiring, i mostly watch old movies nowadays.

Same. I realized every media I consume are old stuff. Films, games, music. Everything.


It’s lost all art, you can tell more and more that films aren’t crafted by directors with a vision, but rather by corporate with a deadline.

It’s almost jarring watching a big movie from today next to a big movie from the past, go back even 15 years but more like 30 and it’s shocking how much meaning and depth we’ve lost. Really sad desu

This. A dumb blockbuster from the 80s or even the 90s has ten times the heart of a dumb blockbuster today

Yup. I'm having to rewatch old tv shows now because everything is just utter garbage.

>Release scheduled for 2018
>Releases scheduled for 2019
>Releases scheduled for 2020

>people go to all these movies because they don't know what to do with their days off and Rotten Tomatoes said it's good

Wall-E, while Disney shit, was right about where humanity is going.

>movies motivated by political agendas
how new are you?

there needs to be a HUGE wave of indie filmmaking. people thought it would come with the rise of kickstarter etc but that didn't really pan out.

Unfortunately its going to take mass amounts of people refusing to give money to the modern trash (Oscar bait included). We all know that isn't going to happen, considering 97% of the paying audience are bona fide philistines.

For example, I would need my toes to count the amount of people I've heard say "I don't know what those reviewers were talking about, The Last Jedi was AMAZING", when it should be plainly obvious to anybody thats ever seen a movie that TLJ was just plain incompetent.

Just by having seen TLJ you are just as bad as the people you complain about.

I watched The Terminator recently and lamented the fact they 'don't make them like they use to.'

>REE racism/sexism/DRUMPF
>REE SJWs, niggers, jews
It's a centrist claims to be above it all episode.

>literally launching a movie every year
everything from the newer SW feels premade to sell as much as possible. The movies feel cheap AF, the move to ad BB8 alone was enough of a warning for me.

There's still plenty of solid films every year but you have to look for them and they generally are lower budget or independent films. I'm fed up with how manufactured blockbusters have become

What was the political agenda of Superman in the 80s?

this or the indie stuff--even if they are somewhat hipster infested at least its quite original and still done for the passion for the craft

White supremacy.

get out

Care to prove me wrong?

I'm Sup Forums though, it's just even I get bored of the complaining sometimes and just want to enjoy a movie for once.

Can't prove something that isn't real

out, commie

>it's just even I get bored of the complaining
Then you're not pol, retard. You're literally that MSpaint comic character that carries a kekistani flag and wants to join the cool kids but he is to odumb

ya movies are pretty shit these days, and so is music, and it's been getting worse since before I was born, and will continue to get worse after I'm dead.

But I watched robocop last night with my gf and everything was right in the world.

Oscars were always a circle jerk to make the film industry more important than it actually was.


Indeed we were simply born into the wrong generation huh?

I'm sure there are some gems out there being made, I don't know about you. But the convenience of Netflix has ruined my drive to even look anymore

But hey, get ready for a star wars movie. Every year, until you die. Pic semi related

nah, I think if I grew up in the 60s I'd be bitching about how the beatles are ruining music with their teeny bop melodies. Or in the 70s/80s and bitch about how jaws is a dumb block buster, but compared to todays shit, goddamn. It's all relative. to a certain extent.

Not at all, if anything we are lucky to have lots of great stuff to dig in, it's just disheartening that the contemporaneous standards are so lackluster.

>"it's all relative"

Wrong. Humans are in a state of moral decay, and people have noticed it, but it always gets shouted down by people like you going, "B-BUT THAT'S WHAT THEY SAID 100 YEARS AGO"

Maybe, but I'm not convinced.

all relative to a point. If we're looking at society, it seems like things have been going to shit since the 60s, if you look at how crime rates, racial tensions, neighborhoods and social values have gone down the shitter. But some other things have gone up like gdp per captia and quality of life.

Nah. I like being around now. I can access any movie or television show I want in minutes thanks to the internet. There are PDF's of just about every novel I could ever want there too. Sure, people don't talk to each other now and most films made today are mediocre due to the lack of ideas in Hollywood, but I don't ever really think that I wish I'd been born in another time period.

you sound like a shut in cuck so yeah of course you don't want to live in any other time period, since you would have to actually get out of your cuckshed in any other era.

Go support some good movies with good messages, good values, and no pretense then.
Paddington 2 is still in theatres.

I'm saving money for Black Panther. Sorry. Gonna wait for the bluray for that one

Really? I like reading physical books, even having to read scientific papers on my work computer kills me after awhile.

If I like a band/album I'll buy it too, playlists are cancer. In reality though, most people are casual listeners of music, just like most are casual watchers of tv and movies. That's why most entertainment caters to them

Nah. I genuinely enjoy life. If I were born 20 years earlier or later, I still probably would. If you're miserable, it isn't society making you that way. You probably have some shit that's bothering you inside.

>You probably have some shit that's bothering you inside.
Its called society.

It's really got to do with ease of access that I'm referring to, rather than preference. I prefer physical copies of books, films, etc. too, but if I want to read a book late in the evening or if I don't have a shitload of spare cash lying around to buy something, I can still access it in mere seconds.

you're very lazy

Don't get me wrong, I understand where you're coming from here. I avoid society, but I most likely would in any other period anyways. I think it's very easy to romanticize how our lives would be in another time, but it's all just an idealized picture.

>but I most likely would in any other period anyways
Because you're a shut-in!
Being a literal nerd with no friends doesn't mean you hate life. Modern life is literally catered to people like you.

Probably. But I'm not going to get in my car and drive to a video store for every film I wanna watch when I have far more selections available without leaving my chair that I don't have to pay for. That may make me lazy, or a thief for not paying for every movie I watch or book I read, but I'll never lose sleep over either accusation.

There have always been political films but it does seem like theres been an oversaturation of hyper-liberal sjw films in recent years and it's not like they've been balanced out by right-wing films since the cinema industry is dominated by Liberals.

well you should, I prefer the times I would rent movies on Blockbuster than now
I get no joy from any of the stuff you said like about our times. I don't even like modern Sup Forums with this auto-update and quick reply shit. So web 2.0, ugly.

But then have there ever really been an era of films with right wing themes?

>crime rates
I was with you until this. Do you think it’s still the 70s and 80s? Crime is extremely low

Meh. If you can't get past the idea that I spend my days in a basement talking to nobody then everything I'm saying to you is gonna keep going in one ear and out the other. I live a much more fulfilling life than you because I don't waste every day bitching about my situation. Try it out some time.

I'm not talking about GDP or QOL. In fact, there comes a point where it's too much of a good thing. No one is noble any more. We are all fat, lazy, and/or compromised into this lifestyle in some other way. Myself more than anyone. No one stands for what is truly right any more. Did anyone ever? Was I fooled, then, too?

yet here you are talking to me
if you are living life so much better than me, you wouldn't be here
not just on Sup Forums, but you wouldn't be here on a Monday talking to me for nearly an hour
clearly you enjoy the shut-in style because you're literally here

Honourable mention: Mariette
The last Jedi, despite Sup Forums's REEEEEing, is not a bad movie. Certainly not worse than the prequels.

there was a huge wave of indie filmmaking. it sucked. we need the studio system back. and a huge cultural shift back to telling actual stories that mean something to the people telling them


I mean those shithole gettos in chicago, detroit, philly, new york, they actually used to be decent in the 40s and 50s. They were still poor, but women and kids could take the subway home at midnight, and black kids raised their were actually taught shit in school and went on to post secondary.


lt's all Disney's fault


No argument. You lose, faggot.

you don't win by claiming imaginary things are real, you lost fagget

What a standard pleb
None of the bitches in that movie is worth a damn and the prequel are vastly superior that disney product #4622

where is the shithole ghetto in nyc? i spent a few weeks there and didn't find anyplace like that, just your occasional disgusting subhumans on the subway. then again i hardly even scratched the surface. big place. but i thought it was pretty chill these days in general. the others definitely have shit parts, in fact it's more like detroit has a few decent parts in the sea of shit. i still maintain Chicago's the most/best city for your buck in NA though. not hard to avoid the bad parts and it doesn't really bleed over.

>None of the bitches in that movie is worth a damn
this, anons got me all hyped for waifus and they were all shit. the one attractive one is a fucking hologram. real let down

>I want to go back to the times when I was a kid who had a magical experience everytime he watched a movie and wanted to grow up and be a filmmaker. Both the gaming and music industries are similarly fucked up as well, but film is my passion. What happened, lads?
If you do ever meet the people involved in the film industry, it all becomes very clear. You get the most extreme left-wing, arrogant white trust fund kiddies at every sub-level, slowly bleeding into the budding new producers, writers and directors.
They're so out of touch with reality, but worse, they don't know good films. I was on a film set where, no joke, they were all talking about what a monumental cinematic achievement the mcu was. And these weren't random filmschool kids or a zero budget shoot, these were established actors and a crew with a decent budget, considering.
These fucks won't be happy until film has burned to the ground and everyone knows they were responsible. They don't actually care about equality or tolerance or any of that shit. They just care about feeding their own egos.

There's a constant huge wave. What's needed is for one of the big studios to fund these indie films and give them proper exposure and distribution so that people go and see them


It is kind of cool that it's 20+ movies that all exist in the same universe at the same time, too bad it had to be Disney capeshit summer blockbuster schlock at every turn.

I'd probably respect the mcu a hell of a lot more if it actually succeeded at doing what people claim it does. Ie, if the films didn't constantly contradict each and serve as having just enough connection that the films can't stand alone, but not enough connection for the films to actually feel like a pay-off (ie, if the franchise was more like the first Avengers, and less like Civil War).
But as is, it's a narrative clusterfuck that only works because its audience is too fucking stupid/apathetic/distracted to notice

no as i only watch old arthouse and old good popular films

>reboot Girl With The Dragon Tattoo after one film
>fire Rooney Mara and Daniel Craig
>recast literal whos

all jews must hang

>protest movements in the 60s radicalize upper class boomer kids
>thanks to a hilariously privileged, amerocentric perspective on history and current events, come to see western culture and morality as evil
>go back to academia and the cushy cultural jobs they're predestined for by daddy's money/connections
>reject western canon as problematic, so they don't bother to study/understand it any more than what they got in their youth
>fall into self-imposed philistinism
>successor generations are even worse because they have to grow up in completely boomer-dominated culture

the class that has always been the arbiter of high/middle culture has totally dropped the ball. all artistic fields are totally bankrupt, slave to the most banal and shallow social trends. it's cultural heat death. we won't survive if we don't get a substantive new wave soon

How long till Disney gets trust busted?

To be fair that was entirely on Fincher, everybody involved including the executives wanted to make more but he just kept refusing.
oh user

>implying a hermit's bareback life is equally visually offensive to an alien farting for the sake of farting
where do you think YOUR milk comes from you idiot

anybody who says
>meh i actually like being alive now
>thats what they were saying 50 years ago!
>le wrong generation xD
>things arent worse! its just u!
is an enemy of culture and is explicitly admitting to halting progress
it's a coping mindset borne of pure denial and most likely political bias for the idpol sprinkles handed out by the ruling class in our advertising/capeshit/"indie" scene/and any other media
they must be killed, i mean literally we must take their lives and put them either in the ground or maybe even vaporization

yeah, but what about NASA?

sounded pretty important yesterday

I agree, all the talent that went around begging on kickstarter really should regroup and start courting financiers and studios etc, crowdfunding lacks all the infrastructure and resources needed to reach a wide audience. mentioned drawing crowds away, but I don't even think moviegoers need to STOP going to big budget movies, they just need to be made aware that there are other options, and if that happens it *should* only be a matter of time before a smash hit will arrive and studios will start to bend. It may be, ironically, a Disney view of things, but that's the path I would predict for getting good cinema back into movie theatres

I dont think its just the corporatism thats at fault, but people are also just dumb as fuck these days and have no appreciation for deep themes, parallelism, basic characterization, etc (if they can even recognize it). Just look at pic related: this is the average flickman in the 21st century.

>It's a centrist claims to be above it all episode.
Don't see whats wrong with this idea. I'm sick of SJWism and propaganda in the media. But it seems like every single thread on Sup Forums for the last few years has some sort of Sup Forums edge to it.It's just tiring. So yes I am a centrist

Its just all propaganda, stop watchjing anything made after 2001

Sup Forumstards get mad when they can't refute centrists by calling them SJWs so their new logical fallacy is to project indecisiveness onto people in the centre as if they're just people who don't have any values

Reviewers were all shilling hard for TLJ, unless they meant user reviews.


Yes, I revel in the smell of my man musk

I don't think many blockbusters have ever been overtly right-wing, but back in the 50s and prior a lot of the big actors and directors would have been pretty conservative especially by today's standards, and their films reinforced those values of traditionalism, patriotism, family values, pulling yourself up by the bootstraps etc. There are still some films like that today but they only really come from Clint Eastwood or when Hollywood needs to meet it's military propaganda quota.

Mel Gibson too.



Do you have any more juicy info on current movies to share?

Thats cos R Rated movies are no longer made much. Disney even said they will not allow R Rated films on their streaming service meaning after Deadpool 2, its just kid friendly stuff.

Remember the Doc Oc Hospital scene in Spiderman 2? Never again will we get art like that.

Wasnt there articles about a kids movie being too shocking?