>Jumpscares are so ugh.. scary movies should rely on lovecraftian and psychological horror
Jumpscares are so ugh.. scary movies should rely on lovecraftian and psychological horror
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But that's correct you fucking retard
expectations subverted
Said literally everyone who isn't watching a horror movie ironically (or a woman)
Hahaha fucking REKT
That's not a soyboy opinion, that's just an actual fact about horror. Jumpscares are cheap, they have their places sure, but when a movie relies on them then it's shit and lacks any subtlety or creativity.
If you're watching a horror movie as mindless popcorn entertainment, jumpscares are fine. But you can't convince me there are actual good movies out there that rely on jumpscares.
That’s a big bird
Tbh only cucks who enjoy the shock of Tyrone's dick hitting their face can truly appreciate a jumpscare
What are you talking about? Soyboys love screaming at jumpscares.
t.highschool drop out
Friday the 13th pt 1 motherfucker
cassowaries are wieners with like one recorded kill. Ostriches off way more ppl
watching horror for jumpscares
scarier than any film i have seen in the 2000s
Well, i agree
Warning: Lovecraftian horror.
Jump scares are supposed to be the director playing on the nerves of the audience, which are first to be primed by tension in the movie.
Not a substitute for scariness.
Jump scares are the reddit of horror movies
Horror movies need lots of violent deaths. And hot naked babes, I like to see some nice titties too bros
Friday the 13th did a much better job with building suspense than anything today does though. The entire near 2 minute shot of Alice in the cabin when Bill goes to the generator builds suspense and has nothing happen. It's unsettling in the sense that you expect a jumpscare to the point that you wish for one to cut the tension. There aren't a lot of horror movies today that do this right.
This. I really hope the Halloween movie coming out this year is successful so that it rejuvenates the slasher genre.
a movie having one iconic jumpscare at the end doesnt mean it relies solely on it
I don't have a problem with jumpscares per se... I have a problem with AUDIO jumpscares. Have a face suddenly appear in a window, have someone snatched through a doorway suddenly... don't accompany it with a fucking ear splitting audio cue.
Why do I want to punch this man in the face? I don't even know who he is.
>having thin curly hair that grows like shit
NOTHING is worse, it's better being bald
Because he's a filthy fucking kike and it is the natural instinct of any decent person to respond violently to their existence.
The problem with jumpscares is that they only work once, see the movie more than once and all the tension is gone. This is why it's bad to rely on jumpscares to make an effective horror movies.
They're fine in the kind of fun "one and done" horror movies you watch at Halloween and never watch again, but if the film wants to have any lasting appeal then they are best avoided.
>Kevin bacon in the bed
>Corpse through a window
>Jason in the water
>That guy in the yellow jacket falling from the tree
>The fucking title sequence
Jump scares, even the spring-loaded cat(tm) are
Valuable tools if used *sparingly* Ghost Story had some good things going for it, but righteously pissed me off by cramming jump scares Down everyone's throat.
>If you prefer The Thing to Paranormal Activity then you're a soyboy
This board is cancer
>falling for cheap tactics from people with no imaginative qualities makes one a soyboy
you don't know what a soyboy is do you?
Id like a film that promotes itself as generic film noir and it seems like a normal whodunnit mystery movie until the full on cosmic horror gets revealed at the end and twists everyone around. I feel it would make a pretty good cult classic, but knowing Hollywood today word would leak out and ruin the surprise.
Then you haven't watched Lake Mungo
Bloodborne was a treasure
>tfw that fucking fag probably has a gf
someone fwd this to Joe Rogan
what exactly does a lovecratfian horror scene entail?
There should be more religious horror! The Omen, Rosemary's baby, The Exorcist all kino
The patrician taste. A well-crafted, scary experience is fine, but the real great horror movies are simply fun to watch. The best way to watch a horror movie is with your boys while trying to make each other laugh. Black people watching movies in theater have the right idea in this case, you're supposed to interact with it.
Look at that thing, it could rip you to shreds.
>movie has a tentacle
>Instantly locecraftian
I hate this shit
Nah, I'm not racist (against Jews, anyway). I think I find his flamboyant smugness repugnant.
movies should be lovecraftian kaiju monster cosmic horroresque
Looks Cute
So based
>Shit opinions are good if they're contrarian
What a beautiful white american family.
How do you live with yourself?
>people calling it lovecraftian horror instead of cosmic horror
Is that a distant De Gaulle I see?
why not both?
Jumpscares are literally for children, it's why the Five Nights at Freddy's games became so popular. Every movie that relies on jumpscares is a glorified haunted house at the county fair that has to trick your body because it has nothing better up its sleeves.
The other kind of Frogposter
Mulholland drive sort of does that
Why did Lovecraft have to get roped into this soyboy business, bros?
Shills paid by Stephen King
>Sup Forumseddit crossposter
>not a soyboy
pick 1
Jump scares to scare you are like tickles to make you laugh.
This was how I reacted to the Midnight Meat Train. I hadn't read the original story and just put it on in the background while I was doing some work. The ending totally flipped me out.
Halloween 78 has jump scares, and most people consider it a slow burn classic.
It's just about using them properly and sparingly. If you can't create some tension and mood and you only rely on jumps scares and loud noises (looking at you IT) than you can't make a horror movie.
Pretty fucking accurate if you ask me.
Personally i enjoy Cabin in the Woods because its so stupid it becomes fun to watch.
got any good examples of psycological horror for me to watch op?
>look at me i'm such a contrarian alpha male xD
>hey r/theredpill i'm alpha r-right?!
yeah, I watched Cabin blind and really enjoyed it because it just kept getting more and more ridiculous, when I was expecting a generic horror movie.
I don't have an opinion about jump scares in horror movies, but I love it when non-horror movies throw in a jump scare just for the fuck of it
>that rat popping out of meeks' body in LA Confidential
how is green room a horror movie? by that standard, die hard or assault on precinct 13 are horror movies
Horror is a meme genre
Jacob's Ladder
Just cause it's soy doesn't mean it can't be kino
IT hurt my ears
I mean True Detective does it to some extent as well
tfw no At The Mountains of Madness movie.
Personally, I love The Babadook. Sue me.
I just don't really understand the complaint against jump scares considering everyone still worships the old slashers which were literally just jump scares and creative murders. Just feels like it's bad when new movies do it because they're new. There's literally never been anything wrong with jump scares they're almost the definition of terror + horror.
Was kinda a racist hack desu. His abuse of adjectives is borderline embarrassing throughout most of his stories and there's really only that small handful of stories that he's remembered for that are any good. Even then you read stuff like Call of Cthulhu and it's...not great. Lovecraft is the quintessential idea guy. The mythos that grew out of Lovecraft is better than anything he's ever written.
Honestly, Lovecraft is the most soyboy horror appeal of all, especially with what a soyboy he was himself.
Try watching The Box. It's terrible.
Lovecraftian sexy time coming right up.
You can like all three.
>not psychological horror in a Lovecraftian setting peppered with properly timed and constructed jumpscares
nigga no
Wait, does this explain Amerimutt morality?
Are they scared by breasts but aroused by violence because they instinctively associate the two thanks to all those slasher films back in the 1970s?
did she ded
I see two young men just figured out a belief was popular today.
Racism is the truest horror soys can think of.
What does racism have to do with being a hack, user? I bet you're just as racist yet couldn't write your way out of a paper bag.
Galaxy of Terror. Old Roger Corman flick.
Yep, She got sexy time Lovecraftied to death by her own fear of giant rapey space maggots.
Fuck off nigger.
This was at a time when the president held screenings of Birth of a Nation, he was just a normal nigger hating person.
>ghost jumps out of a bush by the campfire
>nobody moves
the four millenial americans shriek in unison:
>Ay dios mio!
>Black lives matter!
>Allahu Ackbar!
>The Legend of Zelda!
I'm just telling you what typical liberal kid thinks of racists, stupid goy.
The fact that if you read him it permeates nearly every one of his stories. He pathetically idolized people like Nietzsche and his own brand of "indifferent nihilism" yet was obsessed with being genteel and muh bloodlines despite being a nobody so he went full retard into social darwinism and hamhandedly injected it into his writing.
Honestly, it's kinda hilarious how somebody could simultaneously write about cosmic gods that render the entire universe trivial, and talk about how everything is trivial, but hate brown people so much. And I mean legitimately hilarious. The racism in his stories are so over the top it's actually comical.