Why is there a recent obsession with replacing beautiful people in film and TV with ugly dumpy (realistic) people

why is there a recent obsession with replacing beautiful people in film and TV with ugly dumpy (realistic) people

the entire point of film (at least fictional) is for an escapist fantasy. for example, star trek is about an adventure through the stars with unrealistic technology and contrived plots. why should the people look "realistic"?

the entire premise of our society is that people should do what they are best at for the benefit of the whole. if your job is to just appear for entertainment, why should ugly people get this job? it's like saying that the worst carpenter will make all the furniture in the village.

>the entire point of film (at least fictional) is for an escapist fantasy.
I agree with you for most films, but please don't make such a wide generalization. Some movies are supposed to be realistic. Some require immersion for emotional power.


good god very single aspect of std aside from the modern cgi is so unbelievably bad
literally everything from the writing to casting to camera work and directing, literally everything is just fucking awful and thoroughly unenjoyable

They're trying to make you hate white people and be more accepting of minoriies.

Whoa it must be some evil agenda by jews. You're so smart for noticing it. You should tell Sup Forums ASAP.

Is there seriously not a weight limit in Starfleet? She just keeps getting fatter and fatter.

ugly brit

>implying anything holds more emotional weight than idealization and transcendence of the filthy, disgusting satanic shithole we are trapped in

>the entire point of film (at least fictional) is for an escapist fantasy
Says who?

was kirk not allowed to be fat and get inexplicably fatter with each film?

I was thinking about it earlier, i'm surprised star fleet isn't full of fat heffers like Tilly, I mean they have access to machines that can literally conjure up any food, what's to stop some mad man/woman from making endless tendies.

He was an Admiral though, not literally the lowest rung of the ladder a Cadet.

So that ugly dumpy SJWs on tumblr feel represented because beauty standards are unrealistic and it's ok to be fat.

>ever unattractive

as if they needed help doing that, all they need to do is spend 5 minutes on the internet

She's probably an industry daughter

probably routine checkups via doctor visits.
if you're out of shape they probably make you work it out

Because they want us to be gay

Think about this... Scotty was

OP, yeah, they're hiring some real ugly motherfuckers these days in both Star Trek and Star Wars!!!FACT!!!



>why is there a recent obsession with replacing beautiful people in film and TV with ugly dumpy (realistic) people
They work for less, your imagined political agenda is merely market forces at work.

Despite not wanting to believe it, I learned that body positivity is a real thing. We live in the age of outrage and demanded representation. Everyone is allowed to see themselves on screen, including ugly people

Oh and ugly people can't get by with looks, so they have to work harder, especially true witch acting, which might make some better

old retired man vs young cadet

yes totally fair comparison

Star Fleet is a military organization.

Unironically this.

Hi Bill

>the entire point of film (at least fictional) is for an escapist fantasy
t. braindead retard

that thing on her forehead. Cant unsee.

Because women are intimidated by attractive women

Mary Wiseman is a qtpi. You're just homosexual.