This is just downright embarrassing

This is just downright embarrassing

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>It's real


JFK's portrait is pretty kino

It really is, LBJ's is very cinematic too

Sup Forums - Television & Film

For me? It's Ronald Reagan

Feels like DLC


>G. Cleveland obtained two
sneaky bastard

>the artist that did it literally has multiple paintings of white people being decapitated by strong black women
What did King Nigger mean by this?

Coolest Monkey in the Jungle.

I like this one

this is honestly pathetic. it looks like a high schooler made it

His hands are bigger than his forearms and his left ankle is broken.

that's a really fucking weird painting

I love this episode of Television & Film

>those fucking ears

>all these lazy fat asses that can´t be bothered to stand up

its my personal favorite, Theodore Roosevelt portrait is awesome.


>background is vector graphic
>it is repeating pattern
kill me

I'll look for a better quality one, but Michelle's is


>this degenerate is actually an acclaimed artist with lots of newspaper and wikipedia articles written about him and his """work""" of copying old painting and replacing the characters with his ghetto buddies
JUST my whole artform up desu senpai

martin van buren looks like a vampire


Michelle is honestly better having no background

>Obama has Yaoi hands.
It all makes sense.

For me? It's President Ford.

this is like a satirical caricature

Literally Fred Armisen.

black skin is way to contrasting to look good in a portrait

Obama be like: get me the artist that does the kill whitey paintings
Thank god this nigger is out of our lives

>There are small sperm cells “swimming” over the whole canvas

Taft looks like he doesnt want to be there

Why is it so grim looking?

Whoa, powerful.

It doesn't even look like her, looks like some random Latina.


Because he was murdered before he could sit down for it...

he looks like the grandpa from the munsters

>Sup Forums - Television & Film

they make those portraits years after the president leaves office, so that's why his wasn't very cheerful. And that's why Obama was just done now.


>my feet hurt

>he doesn't know

It's the future

>tfw no comfy moustachekino president in our lifetime

I... i can't. I'm not even american, but i've never seen political situations that disgusting.

I could show this to 30 people and not a single one of them would recognize Micheal Obama in that painting.

Oh - I presumed it was when they first took office.
That's rather sad actually.

>Now I'm the king of the swingers, oh the jungle VIP. I've reached the top and had to stop
And that's what botherin' me


unironically really like bush junior's

honestly looks like a hip hop album cover


is it me or he's thiccier than he should be?

top kek, the gift that keeps on giving, the more you look at it, the more you find to cringe

This is some /ic/ tier shit

What the fuck is going on with her hand? Looks it belongs to a damn xenomorph

>positioning her to hide her massive gorilla-like traps

Man, Sup Forums has no taste. That's a great painting.

ikr, Actually makes him look like something other than an America-hating traitor

what the fuck
fucking obongo

> the virgin warmonger democrat
> the chad peaceful republican

she's a dark elf from Morrowind

good catch, the hair is posed strategically

>unnatural lighting to give niggerskin some depth
>mixed boat load of white into black color to give ghostly look
is there any good black art?

well it was made after his death unlike all the other portrait so the author had the freedom to but themes into it instead of just making a normal portrait


Just wait till the Michelle episode

Bleak low quality shit. Watch me.



JFK's is the best, he looks tormented and tragic which is perfect for a guy who was later assassinated


looks like hes moments away from getting his cock gobbled by a thicc intern.

Literally plagiarism.

Is there a movie about the 1912 election? That would be kino

holy shit I'm dying

