/DIS/ - Star Trek: Discovery

Autistic Aphrodite Edition


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why is this show SO fucking bad? everything from the writing to the casting and camerawork and directing, literally every aspect of the show aside from the modern cgi is so bad it almost seems intentional
how do people enjoy this shit? whats the appeal?


It needed a male lead like the mass effect series motherfucking commander shepard (AND THIS IS MY FAVORITE MOTHERFUCKING SHOP ON THE CITADEL YOU ALIEN CUNTS) or whatever he said basically he went around, made every nerd alien his friend and they all became buff as fuck alphas because of HE'S LEADERSHIP BITCHES, he fucked everyone, didnt give a fuck except on my one playthrough whwre I felt guilty I fucked mirana behind liaras back and she made me suffer, yes you know the part in mass effect 2 liara gives you the cold shoulder, blueberry bitch made me feel guilty af anyway watch this, youll love it you cunt


>See thats what I don't get. Why does she loose her empire like that other user say
Well the Discovery needed the energy from her flagship (ISS Charon) in order to go back into their universe but even if the flagship got destroyed, she was still the Emperor.


ive never played mass effect but is that video fan made or from gameplay?
>my opinion is the one that matters
>ive got nothing more to say to you *shepard pushes guy out of a skyscraper* ''How about, goodbye?''
>Walk away nicely, shepard *shepars snaps the guys neck calmly*

This can't be real, I thought sheperd was a good guy? it's like some Sith shit?

How does she keep getting fatter?

Maybe she switched with the mirror version in disguise and she's much fatter.

>never played mass effect
Jesus Christ. There is nothing better than playing renegade Shepard.

My friend mass effect 1 and 2 are masterpieces, go play them.

You could play shep as a paragon or renegade (evil as fuck) he's a spectre, he can do whatever he wants as long as the mission is successful.

I agree, that's why they got rid of it in ME:Androgyny.

i just watched the season finale

im so disappointed
everything felt rushed
storyline was garbage

>Hate humans for being weak and inferior
>Hate humans for religious reasons
>Humans kill your messiah
>Humans lock you up in isolation for months
>Humans make you kill your lover and new messiah
>Human captain comes in your cell to beat you to a bloody pulp
>An hour later humans set you free, give you the power to unite the Klingon clans and ask you to please pull the Klingon fleet away from their home world
How would you react?

the series is the most plot heavy of all treks but the story is lame as hell, and the characters are shit
it honestly couldn't have been any worse

STD makes ENT seem like Emmy material.

This. It was short, rushed, had a cheap no-fight ending, and then teased with some shit at the end knowing it'll be ages until they make more. Fuckers. I hope CBS Ass Access dies now that this is done. Is there even anything else on there that anyone cares about or are they dead in the water until they shit out more Discovery?

she could probably just sit on her enemies

>it makes the Orville seem very good.
That's because the Orville is a very good show. Don't listen to the RLM memes.

>Autistic Aphrodite
More like Section 31 superspy who even fooled the audience.

>Hate humans for being weak and inferior
>Hate humans for religious reasons
>Humans kill your messiah
>Entire belief system built upon preserving Klingon identity and not becoming like the humans / Federation
>An hour later your gf comes up with the idea to literally turn you into a human
How would you react?

That's accurate. It's a faithful Star Trek production right down to massive overlaps with the music, set design, cast, writers, and directors. And it just "coincidentally" aired simultaneously to a divisive non-traditional nu-trek.

The idea that it's a parody of trek and not a genuine trek IS the parody

I just finished watching it too and thought it was a shit ending.
I thought the story was alright up until the mid season finale if a bit whacky, but it flopped hard in the second half.
The whole final episode was shit though, the whole thing seemed totally ridiculous and Burnham's solution would have just been laughed at.
I can't imagine a Klingon invasion fleet turning back from a Federation world thousands of lightyears away because they got a call from someone telling them some Klingon woman was holding Kronos hostage with a bomb.

>Klingons are so xenophobic they'll attack the Federation that isn't doing anything to them because they find their idea of mixing different species together so offensive
>Literally sold a chunk of their home planet to one group of aliens who bring in even more aliens to mix around with Klingons

I'd probabley untie the Klingon clans and then immediately go back to killing them.

are we ever going to get a classic trek again? i suppose i wouldn't even mind something in the std format if the characters were enjoyable, the plot good, and the camera work less fucked

Welcome to the pants on head retarded writing of STD.

>are we ever going to get a classic trek again?
The Orville season 2

Wait a second, they basically took Herman Kahn's doomsday machine, an idea created to mock the idea of MAD, and unironically said "this is a great idea for planetary unity and will totally work"? And then pretended that embrasure of nuclear blackmail is upholding the ideals of Star Trek?

That speech at the end of the episode was just unbearable. She's standing there in front of all of Starfleet lecturing them about how they're wrong and how she solved yet another one of the galaxies greatest problems by the glory of her infallible greatness.

It was all just a bit too contrived. But I did squeal when I saw the Enterprise.

is that seriously how it ends? with the stong black woman who can do everything and is never wrong lecturing starfleet about how shes a strong black woman who cant do wrong and is always right?

The bas casting and bad acting I can still understand. That just happens if you are more concerned with the diversity of your cast rather than their acting talent. But how on earth do these writers land a gig like that? Literally nothing makes sense in this show, The characters contardict themselves, the story is basically uncoherent. There are people who get paid to come up with this shit and they make a living off it. Is it really enough to be jewish and then you will be set for life? This is insane.

Yes in the end her one flaw (the mutiny against her captain from the pilot) turns out to be what saves the ideals of starfleet and the entire human race. She literally tells the admiral that she will mutiny again and kick all y'all white boi asses if the admiral doesn't do as she commands. It's quite surreal.

Is this real? Serious question, heard of mass effect of course but never really seen gameplay of it, and this looks amazing to me?

>alt-right are white supremacists
>all want asian gfs

Negro, that isn't a flaw, that's other characters telling her not to do things because they're biased against her for whatever reason.

Well, don't forget that all the bridge crew 'stand up' to show their physical support of Michale during this ultimatum being given to Admiral Wrongtooth. I started to giggle when I saw this because I was remembering the picture the cast put up of them all 'taking a knee'....a shame they didn't take a knee to Burnham at the moment...

Notice how at the end of the episode there was not a single straight white man on the bridge of the Discovery. Same with random crew members walking somewhere, just white and black chicks and black dudes. Not a single white male anywhere.

Yes it's real? youtube.com/watch?v=5Fw5MHB1SN4

Best girl right here.

Yes it's real. You always have multiple choices when talking to NPCs and the more evil shit you say the more evil threats you unlock. It has been one of the best game serieses out there until they ruined it.

no kidding, cringe levels of autism. even if the one giving the speech was not black and not a woman it would still be cringe worthy.

Of course STD gave the Tumblr autists the speech they wanted to get from le stronk black womyn to make GIFs of, they are loving it

Yeah ME1 and 2 are amazing, 3 was bad because the ending was rushed but need to play the series (with all dlc) they're still a blast.

If all you need to do to take control of the Klingon Empire is put a bomb in a volcano, why hasn't anyone done it before?
If all the Federation needed to do to pacify the Klingon Empire was put a bomb in a volcano, why didn't they do it before they'd lost 20% of their territory?

All that intel came from the Mirror Universe. Were you not paying attention, friend?

All of the USEFUL intel came from the Klingon they had on board.

my question is, if theyre so high and mighty good starfleet ppl why the fuck did they let evil phillipuu-san escape. shes like the epitome of evil in their universe...

no you fool it came from the whores the asian bitch fucked in the brothel, then michael got it from that klingon/human fag that got it from two random klingons outside said whorehouse

>It needed a male lead like the mass effect series
uh, i'm sorry but my shepard is a black female

This was the last straw for me with this episode. Like really? beating someone else over asking? REALLY?

so she can come back. also shes a special case because for some reason idfk youre not meant to think with this type of shit youre just supposed to go woahhh coool the enterprise season 2 is HYPEEEEE af 100 100 100

or as we called it at the time, W in Space

Yeah, the intel they got on Kronos could have come from anyone. The process of getting there and the idea of bombing the volcano didn't need anyone from the MU at all. They had the Discovery for literally the entire season.

They weren't so high and mighty when they recruited her to destroy the Klingon homeworld. They made a desperate bargain with her. She was allowed to go free as part of the bargain.

well it doesnt seem to crazy, they're probably trying to aim for a new target audience as its evident with many other franchises taking similar approaches. im keen to see how well they do without the OG trekkies support.

>But I did squeal when I saw the Enterprise.
I rate the season a 6 or so but I gotta admit the moment at the end when NCC...17..... showed up I did mark the fuck out. Could really turn the show around if Pike is well cast (no way we see Spock) and the new Discovery captain is a solid actor.

yes, seems like the terms were null and void when she didnt complete her part of the deal by blowing the damn planet up, though.

My sister is obsessed with this show. Every weekend she gets drunk and rewatches the entire show up to the latest episode.

She thinks it's THE best star trek.

thats right, they just needed her for the actual follow through so they can play it off as having nothing to do with starfleet. however, she didn't blow it up, they let her go anyway. which completely ruined the last 10 minutes.




Cmd. Riker: Computer, Arch.

she's clearly an alcoholic if thats the case

Maybe not the best Trek, but it is great.





She certainly is. It's fucking obnoxious.


Rich redeemed himself in my eyes when he gushed over and defended The Orville. By season 2 Mike will fall for the show too, Alara wills it!

its not surprising. this type of show design is meant to mimic the effects of drug use.

stay hype for the epic next episode! and the next! and finally lets wrap it up for some closure....OH WHAT THE HELL THE ENTERPRISE CANT WAIT!

>First black lead

>First gay kiss

How can the rest of Star Trek even compete?

She works from home and starts drinking everyday around 10 am. I believe at least half of the reason she rewatches is because she was too drunk to remember. She gets extra hammered on weekends for her marathoning of the show too.

I like it for sure but she acts like it should be the only trek aside from original (and MAYBE ds9)




CBS: Genius! It'll mean even more trial subscriptions!

i was acutally into the zany adventures of the last few episodes, but this last ep was a total ass pull

so when's the new season of the expanse coming?

>low standards

My type of woman.

She self identifies as an SJW, btw.

People predict season 3 will release around summer. I miss watching actual sci-fi kino.

it's a barren landscape out there. we have altered carbon i guess?

Jesus that final episode was absolute garbage.
Holy fucking shit. It's like they didn't know how to finish the plot so they just cobbled some bollocks together and playing it all out in the last 20 minutes.
That is seriously the best they could do?


I liked this show until the last episode; that's where the show seemed to buckle under its own weight. Like: How were the Klingons okay with humans just walking around their planet, given how xenophobic they're shown to be and the fact that there's a war of annihilation going on between them and the only human power in the galaxy? Michael just let Georgiou go after she tried to commit genocide? The female Klingon was able to take control of the empire by holding up a datapad?

I feel like the canon of this show is needlessly complicated by the fact that this takes place before the original Star Trek series and that Michael's a step-sister to Spock, even though he never speaks of her. Whatever discoveries and events happen in Discovery have to be wrapped up and contained so that they don't interfere with what's previously been established as canon.

Why didn't they set this series in the future to give the writers more creative freedom?

>Why didn't they set this series in the future to give the writers more creative freedom?
Because in the future everything can be solved in about 30 seconds by how powerful technology has become, then again instead of spore drive you could just say it's moving at Warp 10 like they did in "All Good Things..."

That season finale could've easily been a two-parter, the motivations just didn't make sense.

Still the worst Star Trek show

>dude we need to go to kronos!
>they get dressed up
>they're all just dressed in black leather crap and don't look klingon at all
>they land
>the first people we see aren't klingons
>the next people we see aren't klingons
>the third group of people we see aren't klingons
>when we finally see klingons they're all indoors, in a bar
so kronos is fully integrated. That's nice.

She's right to get drunk though...it's the only way I can tolerate the show. If she's hot, she can always come over to my place. I'll make sure my parents are out.

What about Dax and her former Lover?
What about Geordi and his 'girl'friend from season 6 or whatever?
What about Julian and Ezri?

There have been lots of gay kisses in Star Trek...

Most of the people we saw on Kronos are supposed to be Orions, but everything is so poorly-lit and blue-tinted that you can't actually see that they're not humans. Apparently there were some humans there, but I can't tell which ones are humans and which ones aren't. Maybe the Klingons also thought the STD crew were Orions because they couldn't see anything either.

>altered carbon

No, we don't. First few episodes are pretty good but shit gets retarded in the last couple of episodes.

Michael literally told her that the Federation okayed the changes in the plan and brought her the proof of her freedom. Were you not paying attention, friend?

Which is the critique that I honestly keep on thinking every fucking episode. Why is everything...EVERYTHING so fucking dark ALL THE DAMN TIME! The only thing that wasn't was the planet they went to where Saru goes apeshit. That was actually lovely...to land on a planet....to explore...to make first contact. It was Star Trek...for a moment.

DS9 Did first gay kiss and black lead. First woman though.
Oh fuck....

Don't forget

>Before going to Qonos we're going to make this suddenly a retelling so the story is really a story and not a follow up to the cliffhanger.

As far as I remember, that was one of the 4 planets they showed on this season, the others being Earth, Kronos, and the spore planet. You can't really count the planets Lorca briefly showed Burnham in the spore drive back in episode 3 (Romulus and a couple of moons, I think).
Even when they went to Kronos, all they did was go straight inside. Almost every scene in the entire show happened in cramped, dark corridors.

Remember you are starfleet; so long as you're bridge crew or for some reason a science officer turned medical. Unless you're a cyborg, then fuck you.

>Mia Kirshner
ywn have a Earthling mother

Not that Sarek though...he seemed like he was just another fool whenever he was around Michelle.

I miss the real Sarek. He always had gravitas without being rude, and he was always smarter than anyone else (which always made things more difficult for the heroes because they had to figure out ways to find an argument of equal value but from another point of view). I miss the real Sarek...

Good thing I've always loved Enterprise.

Fixing spoiler in Technically, they also showed a bit of Vulcan.

Am I the only one who would have liked wise and helpful Sarek as a father? Also Mia Kirshner as mommy.

It's a good thing you fixed the spoiler, I wouldn't have understood your post otherwise.

It was vitally important that the spoiler be fixed.

also u cant just rock up to Kronos brah, they had the spore technology to jump there.

There are many vaild criticisms of the plot line in disco, but this isn't one.

>the new Discovery captain is a solid actor
It's going to be Burnham, you know it.