>gf recommends you a movie to watch
Gf recommends you a movie to watch
>the princess bride
>White chicks
>The Exorcist
>Handmade Tale
giv movie gf
>The Greatest Showman
>interested on a girl
>start talking to her and take advances
>asks her for a movie recommendation
>she recommends me a obscure dark movie that seems boring as fuck
>don't watch it and never talk to her again
happened at least three times already
>tfw had to watch mama mia like 10 fucking times
>tfw there's a sequel coming out
>gf always recommends some boring shit
>drop it on 20th minute and read a plot summary to discuss it with her later
>interested in girl
>she recommends 3 movies
>they are all pretty good
>mfw she starts dating a negro
Last movie my girl recommend was antiviral. It was kino.
Mine told me to watch Cloud Atlas. Didn't love it, but respected the choice
>this thread
I'm glad I don't have a gf, hahaha losers
>girl recommends me a movie
>"oh i've seen that"
>"did you like it?"
>"yeah, it was good i guess"
>it's actually a shit movie
happened atleast 5 times, i should stop talking with women about movies
ugh, girls had been recommending that movie to me for ages, I finally watched it and it was pretty average. Though some reason, insanely quotable, like an ear worm but a movie.
Probably one of the most overrated movies ever
look mom I posted again
>Don't meet women
>browse Sup Forums, they recommend kino
don't forget, you're here forever
>look mommy, I replied to everybody! teehee
>Mean Girls
>tfw gf showed me big trouble in little china
>mfw never had a movie recommendation from a girl
this, never would have seen bone tomahawk or repo man among others
GF thought i'd love Boondock Saints, lame ass movie when I finally saw it.
Give me yur gril
i like that flick, your gf is now mine, k? how embarrassing for her having a pleb bf
>sans soliel
Honestly, how can you guys do it? I dated this girl who could cook, was hot, swallowed and was wealthy, but she liked shit like Suicide Squad. I really miss her but dumped her cause I'd rather be alone than devote myself to a philistine.
Then I realized almost all women are philistines. Now I think I'll be alone forever.
real patricians realize the value of solitude
glad I'm not alone brother
My gf just recommended Orange County
It looks gay
>Fault in our stars
>Super 8
>Moonrise kingdom
>Every disney and animated movie ever
She was a self proclaimed film buff and film lover, we are no longer together
Your gf actually has good taste, hilarious movie
Super 8 is pretty lame
this is where i belong
>gf recommends nyphomaniac
>France's Ha
>omg you have to watch the lobster user! it's so good
>it wasn't good
my gf is a fucking pleb desu. her last rec was fucking Blade 2
Blade 2 is kino
you're just a fucking pleb redditor
GF recommended Prison Break, the first couple seasons were pretty cool but then it got kinda stale.
Another one she recommended is her favorite show Dexter but I haven't gotten around to it yet.
I was about to make posts like all of you. This chick I'm pursuing has absolutely fucking TRASH tastes in movies. Seriously, it's all the shit you guys mentioned and worse. She has a hard time liking most of the shit I recommend to her. It made me seriously consider not going any further with her.
But it made me realize that if you shallow losers have girlfriends and can put up with their childlike brainlet tastes so can I. Thanks guys.
Her black coworker told her to check out A Night at The Roxburry
what she says
>hey lets watch this movie
what i hear
>hey let's take this excuse to snuggle and you can play with my tits and finger me
who fucking cares what terrible garbage she wants to watch
>listening to the noises that your hole makes
shiggy diggy dooby
>implying we have gfs
>implying we're not just pretending and memeing
gf showed me Children of Men.
I've posted 3 times and they're all bullshit I made up
>my gf recommend lolita (modern ver.)
>gf has absolute kino taste in films
>has absolute trash taste in television shows
Could be a lot worse
>8 years ago
>pursuing a girl i like
>tells me to watch big bang theory and that its the funniest show ever
>i had never heard of it
>subject myself to two seasons over a few weeks before just calling it quits
>lie to her that i think its funny
>she dates someone else
Oh well
>tfw netflix and chill doesn't exist in my life because i never drop a movie, no matter how shit it is
how to spot a virgin and other survival tips
my gf keeps telling me we should watch some thing called mandingo
but i dont even get scared about bigfoot or forest monster flicks
that describes every popular movie with normal fags ever. most of them are still fairly decent filmmaking attempts if mildly dishonest
>gf makes you watch Twilight
>you actually enjoy it because Kristen Stewart is hot
I let you in a little secret. If you don't like The Exorcists, you are the one with shit taste in the relationship.
>Having sex with women
You were all asking for this desu
My GF made me watch "Age of Adeline".
It was lame as FUCK until they revealed that the guy was getting his dad's sloppy seconds. Fucking hilarious.
>being sad because no gf
dumb redditor
>gf recommeds me pic relate
>its actually KINO
>give her good dicking as reward while doing it i was thinking about tamako
>plot twist she probably did the same
>Harry Potter
>Breakfast Club
>Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Every single GF had the same basic taste...
w8 no im pretty sure my gf is the only one that likes harry potter
xD hello fellow nigger upvoted haha we r both in le same secret club hahh
what are some essential women-core?
>wes anderson
>luc besson
>ridley scott
>hayao miyazaki
what else?
>del toro
>tim burton
>shit based on YA fantasy books
Harry Potter are some of the comfiest movies ever. Truly enjoy laying around half watching these movies with my girlfriend, who loves them to death.
Just a couple days ago she accused me of only watching them because I think Emma Watson is hot. I mean I DO think she is one of the cutest girls on the planet, but it's not the reason I watch the movies.
Plus she's a fucking child in half of em anyway.
I fucking hate my girlfriend.
Villeneuve and Damien Chazelle
The only person that has ever spoken to me about Nymphomaniac was a suicidal Polak.
He broke up with his gf soon after and deleted facebook...i wonder if hes alive
But Mean Girls is good.
Since moving out of my parents and getting a job far away, i cut the cord of cable
I used to be able to sit in front of a TV all day, switching between commercial breaks of 1,2,3 movies at a time. It's what i was known for
>oh user's watching a movie, what other 2 movies are you watching as well?
and now that's gone, cause i'm a cheap fuck
I don't even do anything more progressive now, replaced TV with more internet shitholing & illegal streaming
I want to go back
>giv male gf
>dirty dancing
>she calls me baby
>is crazy and autistic
>maybe even retarded
>pump and dump.
>3.61 MB shitty quality image
Dude do you even compress?
t. reddit
>subject myself to two seasons over a few weeks before just calling it quits
Is this bait?
>tfw your gf likes the movies you like and you like the movies she likes
>no cute froggy picture
I'm no based giv poster, I just like boipussy,
Ok, carry on sir!
It would've been more believable if you reversed the roles.
my ex watched this and we used to binge watch The Parent Trap and Home Alone ...
>no gf since then... 4 years ago
Y-yeah haha same dude, I'm gonna spend Valentine's Day on Sup Forums making fun of all the Chads and Stacies having sex and stuff; it'll be fucking cool.
To be honest as far as chick flicks go, it's not that bad.
>tfw you'll never get a qt gf with a kino taste in movies and who you can just hold in your arms at night
>Vicky Cristina Barcelona
trannies don't count, good movie tho
>gf recommends Stardust
>it's pretty comfy
Could have been worse
Only did this once it was some shitty zombie movie with boy scouts
Life of Pi
Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Side Effects
40 y/o Virgin
the Royal Tenenbaums
suggestions are hit or miss
Both me and my wife want to revisit our previous favorite movie dates for Valentine's Day.
As well as some manic pixie dream girl films.
And we're gonna have a Hong Kong kino marathon for Chinese New Year.
kino sci fi
whenever my girlfriend recommends a movie we watch it cuddled up on the couch with my fingers tucked just underneath the waistband of her jeans cause we're going to have sex after