3x3 thread. Plebs and patricians, come together and share your shit taste.
3x3 thread. Plebs and patricians, come together and share your shit taste
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm lazy so I'm not gonna make a picture
>Fellowship of the Ring
>The Shining
>Hot Fuzz
>Scott Pilgrim vs The World
>Alice in Wonderland (1951)
>Blues Brothers
>Inglorious Basterds
>Monty Python and the Holy Grail
I like fun movies, call me what you will.
Top tier taste, friend. Only ones I don't recognize are center and middle right. Top left is the Last Temptation of Christ, right? I'm probably wrong, its been years since I've seen it.
ah man thats fine, just try to watch some more films and add to your list of greats.
great now I need to remember literally each frame of every movie, sure thing bub
congrats on wasting who knows how much time making yours, but this is simply not efficient
It's The Passion of the Christ. Last Temptation is pretty good though. Center is Magnolia and middle right is BvS.
Fuck you faggot, all you have to do is ask what movie is what. It encourages discussion. I have a version of my 3x3 with the titles but I'm not going to post it because you're such a cunt.
What's top middle?
Wow, I'm pretty surprised I was that close. Christ films look like Christ films I suppose.
Mulholland Drive
come at me, my patrician taste is undeniable
Yeah I'm trying to watch things that are out of my comfort zone and if I'd make a longer list there would be more variety. It's just that my personal favourites will always end up being those I enjoy every moment of, so there's not much room for serious melancholic dramas or whatever even if I think they're great films too.
Eraserhead for example was a great film, but it's just so incredibly miserable and depressing that I won't want to watch it for another ten years. I can't consider something like that a favourite if I don't want to watch it again. Considering you did place Eraserhead as one of your favourites, what's your view on this?
it's a little reddit ngl
scooter brothers!
>it's a little redd- oh fuck off you goddamn pre-programmed contrarian faggot.
Fuck, finally a 3x3 and I'm not on my regular computer
>The Shining
>El Topo
>Frankenstein (1931)
>Mulholland Drive
>Being There
>Sunset Blvd
>Aguirre: Wrath of God
>Mutiny on the Bounty (1962)
>It's a Wonderful Life
come at me bros
>Dawn of the Dead
>Mulholland Drive
>The Big Lebowski
>El Topo
>Perfect Blue
>Synecdoche New York
>The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
>Naked Lunch
it's nice to see lynch get so much love on Sup Forums; it's good to know that not 100% retards pretending to be retards 24/7.
Oh man, TCM is just shy of my top 9 and Phantasm is a guilty pleasure, were we separated at birth?
>hating on the best western of this decade
>this year of our lord twenty hundred and eighteen
>defending a literal rapist and gynocidist
Maybe if Jamie Fox could act instead of read off a script through whole movie. Django and H8 were a mistake, Tarantino lost his touch after Basterds.
>best western of this decade
that's not a hard goal to hit
>best looking stool sample
maybe. you reminded me I need to watch Aguirre.
>look at how Sup Forums i am guise, haha
yeah, nah
>t. born after 1998
>The Dark Knight Rises x9
>defending shit film
>anime image
truly the most Sup Forums of us all, bravo
i'm probably older than you tbqhwy my absolutely desu non senpai.
fuckin mosaic maker shit balls ass cock
If Django is anywhere near your top 100 you don't even like the medium. Sorry.
I like your image choice for Lost Highway
interesting taste there user. i'm assuming bottom right is ed wood. what's the one above it?
pls no bully
Cool, very personal but Ex-Machina is garbage, truly. You must not have rewatched it yet.
nigga, Tarantino IS film. seriously, one day you'll grow up, drop the tryhard contrarian shitposting and stop posing on an anonymous hungarian nesting doll board, because that's just deeply sad no matter how you slice it.
thank you dear Sup Forums friend. it's very eye catching. i like what i'm seeing btw; excellent taste.
Wish Upon: when you watch a movie only for the girl but you still get angry at how bad it is
Masculin Feminin by Godard and yeah it's Ed Wood
this is probably a super accurate statement, but my honeymoon phase isn't over with it, yet
I'm not being contrarian, I love all his movies but Django and H8 are seriously shit. Get over it, he burned out after Basterds.
how could you get angry at one of the accidentally funniest comedy from the past ten years? it's so tone deaf and bizarrely earnest I was laffin the whole time.
No I get it, first time I saw it I ramped it up as the second coming of Christ but only when I made some friends watch it did I feel embarrassed. Third time around I just shut it off.
did you accidentally on purpose insert an actual family photo in top right?
>top right
kek, what the fuck is that
Nah, I'm with you on H8; it's a self indulgent mess and you can tell how badly the death of his editor has effect his work. There are some structural problems in Django that could have been fixed with better editing and some minor adjustments to the script but those issues aside, I think it's seriously his best work since Jackie Brown.
awesome. i'll have to check that out. looks intriguing.
>not knowing Dear Zachary
the state of this board
that film fucked me up worse than any other. christ.
>that one obscure movie to distract them while I slide Fight Club, BR2049 and Trainspotting into my plebbed out 3x3
looks like I avoided a pile of shit then, carry on, m8
I bet you don't even smoke crack
yeah you're probably right
I guess I was angry to see Joey King, Ryan Philippe and Sherylin Fenn wasting their time in such boiling diarrhea
also I'm angry whenever I see Hollywood lubing their asshole up for China
i'm an ultranewfag to Sup Forums, what's a 3x3 and how do i make one
is it separated by subject or genre or is it just whatever you like most
Oh shit somebody who actually likes film, everybody hide!
>dear zachary
>Fight Club, BR2049 and Trainspotting
>bad films
the absolute STATE
>the long goodbye
>miller's crossing
kino taste, dear Sup Forums friend
>High Plains Drifter
>We're No Angels (Bogie)
>The Thin Man
>The Day of the Jackal
>I'm a Cyborg (But it's OK)
>Death Race 2000
>Kung Fu Hustle
>Dr No
replace top middle with kong skull island
Never sad bad but if Fight Club, Trainspotting and a movie that came out one month ago are in your top 9 you should reconsider your choices.
Raging Bull is patrician as fuck
>replace Sweeney Todd with Kong: Skull Island
surely this must be some kind of joke
Pick the most obscure and pretentious films you remember watching even if thought they were shit. If your films are after 1960 or not in black and white don't even bother.
>what's a 3x3 and how do i make one
>is it separated by subject or genre or is it just whatever you like most
it's accepted practice to post the most pretentious films possible or mong level bait.
I like to do my actual favorites, no need to impress these faggots here.
had me mid chin stroke, neck tilted back ready to nod forward in approval... and then I saw the Sandlot. Nice try
that's upsetting. i'll do my actual favorites so you niggers can call me a faggot. at least i'll enjoy myself making it
kek, these anons completely summarized 3x3 threads.
well i look forward to seeing your choices, dear Sup Forums friend.
nigga you crazy, but I fucks with you. I bet you're funny like that sad little robot in Hitchiker's Guide
>i'll do my actual favorites so you niggers can call me a faggot.
yeah, i tend to go for sincere as well but you will indeed attract tryhard contrarian faggots.
Already did
I liked Kong: Skull Island more, user. Still have the Sweeney Todd soundtrack in my car, though
looks mighty kino ther-
>El Topo
oh. user, i . . .
the sandlot is unironically one of my favorite films and is completely overlooked as a great picture because it stars children.
what’s middle right
we'll restore this boat my friend and I were not able to finish together, then sail it our of here!
>yeah but what about the wall in the way?
Oh yeah don't question that staggering feat of fucking engineering this audience is too fucking dumb we already got close ups of explosions and cgi chimp outs just fix the scrap boat lol
I can't help it. What's your beef with El Topo?
I rank it as a 10/10 in the genre of films like Lake Placid, Anaconda, Deep Blue Sea, etc. I like those dumb monster movies, sue me
Evil Dead II, actually my favorite movie of those 9.
your mind was tested and your heart answered truly. rise from this test, you are pure. hold your head up high, and bring the light to this eternally dank forest. have a cara
You're kidding?
i'm not sure if i hate you or want to smoke a bowl with you.
Wow, bear scene and radiator girl have and will always scare the piss out of me no matter my age. I like you.
>Neon Demon
Based. What are top center and middle left? They seem familiar but I cant put my finger on it.
very well, user, if that be thy wish continue to enjoy the film. however as fleeting diversions go, it is remarkably sub par and remember time is always ticking how much do you really have left?
here it is
>these are my actual favorite movies
we're all posting on Sup Forums user; i'd humbly submit that none of us are heavily interested in making the best use of our precious time upon this earth.
It was one of the best theater experiences I had right up there with Cloverfield. That helicopter scene was kino
Top middle is Chungking Express and middle left is The Tree of Life
>High Plains Drifter
my nigga
well before some faggot jumps up in feigned righteous fucking indignation, i think that's a mighty fine selection and that the thing is confirmed for being elder god tier on Sup Forums.
We'll you're definitely not a faggot but you will get razzed for Empire even though it truly is a fantastic film, maybe the best science fantasy ever made.
Dont listen to those faggots. 3x3 have always been your 9 favorite movies, anything else is just shitposting or memes. You've done nothing wrong.
I tend to have that effect on some people.
Maybe it's just me but I find the lady in the radiator to be the opposite of scary. Her scenes feel nice and warm in a weird way.
thanks lads
i always feel like i'm missing a few for my top ~15, but these are the ones that immediately spring to mind.
Ah jeez you're not supposed to actually say it
>every time one of these threads pop up notice that Sup Forums has pretty much the same taste as reddit, which is not inherently a negative thing.
>sensible chuckle every time some retard posts "kek, go back, muh sekret patrician club".